Hurricane Joaquin Flash Flood Warning Severe Weather Alert From: Meg Carroll, Community Manager Let us plan for the worst and pray that it does not come to pass, but in the event it does we will be prepared. If you want someone to check on you, please register with the Georgetown South office by calling 703-3614500, email at or come by the office at 9444 Taney Rd. I will personally check on each one of you that requests this. Name Address Phone #1 Phone #2 Email Address At this point we are expecting high winds, heavy rain and flooding this weekend, specifically Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Our most serious threat will be from flooding. If your home starts to flood get to higher ground immediately; go up to the highest floor of your house. Do you have the following items in your home now? Flashlight Books Weather Radio Batteries Lighter Playing Cards Bottled water Food for a week Board Games Candles Cash Insurance Information Matches Phone Charger Fan(s) If you are missing anything from this list, you still have time to prepare. To prepare you should do the following immediately: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Put away or secure any items that may be carried by heavy winds. Make sure all of your drains and gutters are clear. Check your sump pump to ensure it is functioning. Gather all important documents and ensure they are protected. Withdraw cash in the event we lose power and the ATMs and cash registers are not functioning. Purchase enough food to get you through the weekend plus three days. Purchase bottled water by the case and by the gallon. Purchase candles, matches, a lighter, flashlights, and batteries. Charge your cell phone. If you have pets you must bring them in during the weather event. Purchase enough pet food to see them through the weekend plus three days. If you have infant children purchase sufficient formula/milk for the weekend plus three days. Write down important phone numbers in the event you lose cell service. Have your insurance carrier information readily available. Fill your car with gas. Like “Georgetown South” on Facebook and remember that 10/24/15 is the day we hold our largest ever event to benefit Reyna Torres’ children; plan to participate and attend. 17. Make note of my cell phone #; it is 571-264-3386. You may call me anytime and if I can help, I will. Together we will face the storm taking care of each other. A Community that Cares for Its Own 2/8/2016