Student Learning Outcomes


Student Learning Outcomes

Multimedia, M.A.


Student will be proficient in digital imaging, interactive production, audio production.


Passing Grade of B or above in Principles of Digital Media and Introduction to Project


Advancement to Candidacy

Outcome :

Students should be familiar with current trends in multimedia.

Indicator :

Passing Grade of B or above in Multimedia Forum.

Outcome :

Student will understand the relationship between Interactive design and learning theories.

Indicator :

Passing grade of B or above in Content Development.

Outcome :

Student will have an understanding of meaning and media: the evolution of information across a variety of media types.

Indicator :

Passing grade of B or above in Mind and Media Seminar.

Outcome :

Students will understand how to draft a business plan.

Indicator :

Passing Grade of B or above in Management of Multimedia Business.

Outcome :

Students will have a base knowledge of business practices as they apply to Multimedia.

Indicator :

Passing Grade of B or above in Management of Multimedia Business.

Outcome :

Students will have the ability to produce work in a team-based environment.

Indicator :

Passing grade of B or above in Introduction to Project Development.

Passing of second year team assessment.

Outcome :

Students will produce an interactive thesis project that demonstrates a novel and/or creative use of a single or combination of interactive technologies within a team.

Indicator :

Passing Grade of B or above in Multimedia Development I, Multimedia Development II and Project.

Passing acceptance of finished thesis project at Thesis defense by Multimedia


Outcome :

Students will create a written documentation of the Thesis Project and process that conforms to the guidelines of the department.

Indicator : Presentation of documentation at end of thesis production.

Measurement Points

Entrance: Assessment of applicant portfolio. Applicants to the program are required to submit a portfolio of their relevant creative work (digital art, traditional art, computer program, etc.) as part of their admissions application.

Exit: Assessment of final team project. Students are required to submit a team-based interactive digital media project (MM 6899 Project). This project is evaluated by the entire Multimedia faculty.
