Summer and After School Class Offerings, 2010

Summer and After School Class Offerings, 2010-11
Leonardo’s Basement provides extraordinary art, engineering and technology classes
for girls and boys ages 6-16. Classes begin with a theme – based upon a concept or use
of certain materials – that encourages students to explore creativity and problem solving
while learning valuable technical skills as they design and build one-of-a-kind projects to
take home.
Individual class sessions are two hours long with some classes requiring more than one
class. Because students have a wide range of existing skills and experiences, and
because Leonardo’s Basement uses an assortment of tools and building materials, we
maintain a small teacher/student ratio. If planning for multiple sites we prefer teaching
the same class on the same day at different locations.
Art classes focus upon arts and crafts with some theatre arts and very little fine art.
Engineering classes focus upon projects using diverse materials and tools to help
students embrace innovation and learn that making mistakes is good. Technology
classes include projects covered by the original definition of the word – devices that
assist humans – and information technology, including stop motion animation.
While a class may have an initial organizing theme, students are encouraged to take the
introductory outline or a model project and explore their own ideas. There are no
building “kits.” Therefore, participants design and build very different projects.
All classes include design and build components. Exploring curiosity and creativity are
integral. Process is emphasized and that process is similar in art, engineering and
technology. Sample class ideas, and suggested age groups, are attached.
Leonardo’s Basement relishes working with clients (especially children) to design
classes and projects that meet particular needs. Do not hesitate to contact us if you or
your patrons have an idea for a class. We can also facilitate the construction of more
sophisticated projects designed and built teams of students.
Cost. Each two-hour class session for a maximum 10 students, one instructor, supplies
and building materials is $175.
Two-hour classes for a maximum of 15 students, including all of the above plus a
teaching assistant costs $240.
For more information please contact Steve Jevning at 612-220-3171 or
Leonardo’s Basement / 4301 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis MN / 612.824.4394 /
Wild wings
Are you really Amelia Earhart or Charles Lindbergh at heart? Then, take flight with the
life-sized wings you create: bat wings, faerie wings, dragonfly wings, the wings of an
eagle, or how about beautiful, colorful butterfly wings? Don't forget your beak, fangs, or
segmented sensory appendages (antennas)! Ages 6-10.
What do you get when you apply scissors to T-shirts? T-wrecks! Cut off the sleeves,
then slash, snip, flip, gather, knot, twist, braid, pin, weave, tie, fringe, cinch and roll your
creations 'til you get 'em just right. Make tank tops, tube tops and halters, even T-skirts,
leg warmers or a backpack. Totally transform T-shirts! Ages 12 -16. [Requires two
class sessions.]
Duck, duck, duct tape
Once your learn how to tear the stuff, duct tape is a fabulous material for designing oneof-a-kind accessories like hats, wallets, shoes, flowers, book bags, belts or whatever
else you can dream up. We’ll provide lots of great colors! Ages 9+. [Requires two class
Art of invention
Use a huge assortment of interesting materials from our shop to express your ideas of
design and invention. Anything is possible in this class – from fantasy animals to time
machines to wacky sculptures. What will you build? Ages 6-10.
Make your own suit of armor
Using sources from history and fantasy construct and design our own suits of armor
with working joints and links using cardboard and masking tape. Perhaps you’ll want to
leave room in the taces for a suit of bicycle armor, or a hidden compartment in your
gauntlets for poison. Ages 8-12. [Requires two class sessions.]
Re-deux, do
Does a creative approach to recycled plastic, aluminum, bottle caps and T- shirts
interest you? Build, weave and braid. Give a soda can wings to fly. Make bottle caps do
the Cha Cha Rumba. Braid old tee shirts in to crazy rugs. It only sounds complicated if
you haven't had a chance to try it yet. Ages 9-14.
Re-imagined toys
We provide familiar and not-so-familiar toys for you to reverse engineer (take apart) and
redesign into incredible new creations. Barbie dolls become monsters, Slinkys might
turn into skyscrapers or lunchboxes could facilitate time travel. Bring your twisted sense
of humor and mischievous ideas. Ages 8-12.
Leonardo’s Basement / 4301 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis MN / 612.824.4394 /
Beginning Sculpture
You will make what is technically called "found object sculpture." That means you will
dig though boxes and boxes of recycled material to find the pieces you need to make
your very own, very cool, junk (I mean, found object) sculpture! Ages 6-10.
Art of the five-minute puppet show
Explore one of the oldest forms of entertainment around the world. Use Punch and Judy
and Guignol-style hand puppets as models for our own ridiculous five-minute
production. You will scheme small stage designs, characters, scripts and additional
hand puppets before we have at it! Ages 9-13. [Requires two class sessions.]
Monster toes and four leaf clovers
If a rabbit's foot gives its owner good luck, just think what a monster’s toe or a Cyclops
eyeball could do for you. Go beyond your comfort zone and pick a different charm or
talisman to symbolize luck, protection or general well being. Ages 6-10.
Printmaking: the pressure is on!
Let's make crazy prints! Sure, we can carve linoleum if you want to, but what about
printing with a fish or a flower to create wild, unique, designs that would look really good
on your jeans, notebook, bedspread or car? Ages 8-12.
Sound Smiths
Collaborate on instruments of creation. Your tools: rubber bands, boxes, buckets, PVC,
wood, bottle caps. Your job: create objects that make sound. We will listen to world
music for inspiration. Ride the waves of vibration! Ages 8-11.
M2 (Marvelous mobiles)
Mobiles can be huge or tiny, simple or crazily complex. Maybe your baby sister has one
hanging on her crib! In this class we will tinker with balance, challenge gravity, and
wave hello to Calder as we play, experimenting with a ton of different materials. Ages
Engineering & Science
My Very Excellent Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas! *
We are here to investigate space (*including the planets + Pluto). Explore gravity and
freeze dried food. Make a suit for space. Invent a planet and your own aliens. Moon
boots and goggles strongly encouraged. Ages 6-10.
Water Bottle Rockets
Have a blast of water-bottle-rocket-building fun! You'll build your rocket by attaching fins
and a nosecone to an (empty!) water bottle. After construction you can launch the
rockets – indoors using a bicycle pump – or outdoors – using the same pump but
adding a bit of water. After viewing the results head back into your workshop to make
modifications and launch again! Ages 7-10.
Leonardo’s Basement / 4301 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis MN / 612.824.4394 /
Raiders of the lost junkyard
Old machines are full of really cool, shiny, twirly, boing-y, and magnetic parts. Indulge in
your curiosity and take things apart (no hammers!!), then create a whiz-bang robot or
something else from the pieces! Ages 8-11.
Larvae Love
Exoskeletons and entomology...a fascination with biology, you say. Make your own
insect and study some small, fantastic, shiny, weird creatures. Look at life cycles and
make a bug viewer. Build habitats and explore nature. Bug bubbles and slime - how
divine! Ages 6-10.
Stop-Motion Monsters
You've got ideas for monsters, right? Maybe in the back of your head, hmm? We'll make
that monster/creature/animal out of clay and bring it to life - frame by frame - using
simple software and a webcam. Learn basic stop-motion techniques and post your
video animations on YouTube. Ages 11-14. [Requires at least three class sessions.]
The Animated You
Did you know that you can crawl smoothly like a snake, levitate above the ground, or
change clothes at the snap of a finger? You can with the help of an animation technique
called Pixilation! Using just a digital camera, a tripod, and our able bodies (and maybe a
few props), make a movie of your animated-superpower-self. Ages 11-16. [Requires at
least three class sessions.]
Flying Things
What do Leonardo da Vinci, Ben Franklin and Alexander Graham Bell have in common?
A fascination with flying! Learn about air currents and updrafts as you design your own
flying contraptions. Power them with rubber bands, your throwing arm, or the wind!
Make drawings and then build 3D models. Ages 7-11.
Robot Clocks That Rock!
We'll put all sorts of stuff together to build crazy robot clock sculptures ... pop cans, pop
tops, forks, spooks, tin boxes, wooden knobs, dominos - you name it! The only part of
this robot that may not be recycled is the clock itself. Make them as big or small as you
want. Ages 9-11.
Things that spin
Whirly, twirly, spinning things... We will make foxtails, poi, helicopter toys, homemade
Frisbees, and whirly gigs as we move, create, play and investigate all the design
possibilities. Ages 9-12.
Leonardo’s Basement / 4301 Nicollet Ave, Minneapolis MN / 612.824.4394 /