Competency Framework - Equality and Human Rights Commission

EHRC Core Competency Framework
The Commission’s Competency Framework sets out the skills and behaviours that our
staff require to perform effectively in their jobs, and gives a clear indication of the skills
they will need to develop to progress throughout the organisation. It aims to provide a
transparent structure for career development, and it applies to all staff up to and including
Group Director Level.
The Competency Framework will be used:
In vacancy filling, as it enables managers to articulate consistently the essential
and desirable skills required for the post, and gives applicants a clear platform on
which they can demonstrate their competence around these skills;
As the basis for the development of a personal development plan, that will enable
jobholders and their managers to identify areas of development, and capture and
bring on talent;
In performance appraisal, by enabling jobholders and managers to be clear about
the skills and competencies required to achieve the agreed work objectives, and as
a basis for assessing performance;
By jobholders when considering their future within the Commission and
To formulate a clear link between what the job holder needs to do to support the
greater efficiency of the Commission;
To enable the provision of a skills base, and therefore to inform more effective
training needs analysis.
It has been designed with reference to the Commission’s values and Professional Skills
for Government, which is a competency framework used for jobs and careers in the Civil
Service, and which identifies leadership, core and professional skills for all Civil Servants
and staff in NDPBs.
This framework, when used in partnership with the Commission’s other performance
management tools, including performance appraisal and vacancy filling will ensure that:
Employees have a set of objectives to work towards and are clear about how they
are expected to perform their jobs, and what they need to achieve;
The appraisal and recruitment systems are clearer and more open;
Competencies are linked to the values of the Commission;
There is a link between organisational and personal objectives;
Processes are measurable and standardised across organisational and
geographical boundaries.
Any competency framework has to be a ‘living’ document, that can adapt to the
organisations’ needs as it moves forward, and the Commission’s Competency Framework
will be regularly reviewed to ensure that it continues going forward to meet the
Commission’s requirements.
Competency - is a cluster of behaviours, skills and knowledge which have been identified
as required to undertake a job and which are linked to effective performance.
Competency Descriptor - is the definition or descriptor statement explaining what the
core competency means. For example: Communicating with others is described as - the
way you communicate ideas and information ensuring your message is understood.
Competency Framework - is a collection of competencies or skills and values that are
linked together to describe what is important in a job or in groups of jobs at different
Competency Indicators - are examples that indicate how an individual could
demonstrate that competency. Competency indicators are designed to show specifically
what effective performance in a role looks like, it is not an exhaustive list. Competency
indicators also incorporate the Commission’s values, which describe how we should
respect each other in the organization, and also how the Commission will value it’s
people, stakeholders and the wider general public.
Bands – range from A - F and denote the progressive complexity or level of competence;
they equate as follows:
1 and 2
5 and 6
Group Director
Composition of the Framework
The Competency Framework has 10 overarching core competences, namely:
People Management
Strategic Thinking
Analysis and use of Evidence
Programme and Project Management
Using and Managing Resources
Knowledge and Information Management
Customer Service
Adaptability and Flexibility
Apart from Adaptability and Flexibility, these headings correspond with the core
competencies of the Professional Skills for Government generic framework.
Different competencies may be required dependant on the post - i.e. a ‘standalone’ post
requiring expertise in strategic thinking may not have management responsibility, and
therefore does not require skills in the people management competency. It is not expected
or appropriate that individuals be tested or be expected to develop competence in all
areas of the Framework, it entirely depends on the requirements for the post.
The difference in skills definitions within the bandings is determined by:
The scale on which the skill is being used;
The contribution that the individuals’ skill makes to the outcome;
The degree of autonomy that the individual has in using that level.
The bands allow managers to be clear and specific in determining what is required for a
given role or situation.
Please note:
The competencies are cumulative, i.e. someone required to demonstrate competency
at band C should also be demonstrating most of the criteria in bands A and B
The Competency Framework covers generic competencies required for most posts,
however most job types within the Commission also require specialist and professional
knowledge. Within the PSG structure, there are a number of professional frameworks,
which can be found on the Civil Service Website (,
under Professional Skills for Government Skills Identifier Tool. Post holders should
discuss with their manager whether use of any specialist framework would be
appropriate for their personal development.
The Commission’s 5 Values:
Fairness is at the heart of our work.
We believe in being transparent, inclusive and consistent with the public, our partners
and our colleagues to deliver results with integrity.
We are responsible and accountable to the public, our partners and our colleagues,
providing value to everyone.
We are focused on providing the evidence and vision to achieve our ambitious goals
and as thought leaders we provide creative approaches inspiring others to join us.
Our relationships are built on trust. Collaborating with and respecting our partners and
colleagues informs our work and amplifies our results.
All of the values define the Commission’s ‘way’ and inform how colleagues behave and
hold one another to account. Some of them are particularly relevant for particular
The Commission’s Competency Framework can be summarised as follows:
Setting the pace and behaving with integrity
Your behaviour exemplifies our values
People Management
Providing direction and support to staff
Communicating information and ideas with
colleagues, stakeholders and the public in a way
that ensures understanding and facilitates debate
The way you think about, assess, view, and shape
the future both long and short term for yourself, your
colleagues your team, and the Commission
Collecting, analysing and using information and
evidence, assessing risks and taking decisions
Organising and managing the work to deliver quality
results at the right time
You provide a clear sense of purpose and direction
for others and people are motivated and enabled
to perform effectively
You ensure your message is clear and understood
and targeted at the right audience
Strategic thinking
Analysis and use of evidence
Programme and project
Using and Managing
Knowledge and Information
Customer Service
Adaptability and Flexibility
The way you think about, assess, view, and create
the future for yourself, your colleagues your team,
and the Commission
You use information and evidence to advise others
and make decisions
You agree clear objectives and work with others to
plan, overcome risk and ensure delivery of the
required outcomes to standard and to time
Uses resources to achieve value for money
You use resources effectively, and understand and
follow to the letter the Government and
Commission protocols
The knowledge, skills and expertise you need to
You have, maintain and develop further the
perform effectively
knowledge expertise needed to do your job
Develops and delivers exemplary service to all
You know that good customer relations are key to
Commission's partners/stakeholders and the general success and maintain a professional and
courteous approach at all times
Re-focus aims and priorities, and working flexibly to You endorse opportunities for positive change and
ensure the Commission best meets its key
actively look for better ways of working to improve
what you do both personally and to support the
Commission’s objectives
Band A
Has responsibility for the delivery of a
personal workload, and contributing to the
team/s outputs.
People Management
Is responsible for managing own priorities,
time and delivery.
Dealing with colleagues in the Commission,
junior level external contact, and routine
enquiries from the public. Written work may
include routine straightforward
correspondence, messages, simple
instructions and notes.
Strategic Thinking
Understands basic goals and strategies
Takes personal responsibility for valuing and promoting equality and diversity in all aspects
of working life
Meets commitments professionally and with pride, with timely delivery and by
communicating effectively
Is open to learning, using that learning to improve own performance and that of the
Commission, and captures that learning for future use
Is committed to and loyal to the team, Directorate, Commission and its' values
Takes responsibility and is willing to be held to account for the quality of work produced
Acts promptly and positively to challenge inappropriate behaviour and treats people as they
would wish to be treated themselves
Takes responsibility for own personal and professional development
Works positively and proactively with manager to identify and agree measurable objectives
for role
Knows how and when to seek advice and does so
Takes personal responsibility for making things happen, using creative and innovative
approaches to find workable original solutions
Reviews on a regular basis how time at work is used and identifies possible improvements
Treats colleagues and customers with respect, openly valuing their unique contributions
Listens actively to others, questions areas of uncertainty and is willing to accept different
Uses email appropriately, recognising the possibility of misunderstandings and taking
account of statutory requirements and legislation;
Uses non discriminatory language, and doesn’t use jargon;
Conveys information or opinion clearly and concisely in an appropriate format, and checks
Makes relevant contributions to discussions and meetings making points rationally and
objectively and sticking to the point.
Understands and believes in the importance of the Commission's strategic objectives and
how own role and that of the team contributes to them
developed by others and aligns own work
Analysis and Use of Evidence
Handles straightforward factual information
and data, takes action to resolve day to day
problems affecting own work.
Programme and Project Management
Responsible for the planning, management
and delivery of own personal work load.
Using and Managing Resources
Responsible for limited resources, mainly
own time.
Takes routine, timely and defensible decisions, which are supported through reference to
appropriate policies and procedures
Is able to prioritise work with confidence in alignment with agreed objectives
Is rigorous and thorough in obtaining information and answers to questions/issues in own
work area;
Knows when and where to seek advice on adhering to relevant data protection and
freedom of information policies;
Keeps relevant data and evidence in line with Commission’s guidelines and processes;
Presents information clearly and accurately;
Refers issues and decisions up the line when necessary and appropriate, and always tries
to think of potential and defensible solutions.
Plans and prioritises own work effectively to ensure agreed deadlines are met
Identifies potential problems/barriers to delivery and alerts colleagues accordingly
Pro-actively seeks to tackle issues and problems rather than taking no action, but knows
when to seek advice;
Sees allocated tasks through to completion, as understands interdependencies of own work
on delivery of wider goals;
Takes responsibility for allocated project tasks and delivers these efficiently and to the best
standard possible.
Understands and applies the correct IPOS procedures;
Understands the importance of value for money and manages own time, money and other
resources effectively;
Understands the technology required in the role, can select the most appropriate tool for a
task and can use it in a competent manner;
Has a basic understanding and grasp of ICT tools available, and knows when to seek
help/further coaching or development;
Seeks advice and liaises with others when appropriate;
Follows health and safety and security procedures in the use of office space and equipment
Use the appropriate technology effectively and efficiently to identify, manage, locate, store
and provide information
Demonstrates an understanding of value for money considerations and accordingly uses
time, money and other resources appropriately;
Knowledge and Information Management 
Applies specialist skills effectively in day to
day work.
Customer Services
Understands responsibility to deliver a good
Adaptability and Flexibility
Understands the need for change, and
supports the change process.
Operates within financial rules and procedures using financial systems and tools effectively
Takes personal responsibility for keeping information required in own role up to date
Takes a proactive approach towards developing and improving the skills and knowledge
required for the role;
Demonstrates through own actions a clear understanding of the value of information, and
appropriate ways of protecting it;
Knows where to seek advice, who to consult and how to go about it;
Understands and promotes the use of corporate knowledge and information management
guidance and good practice.
Provides a good customer service within the scope of role's authority;
Recognises and deals with customer queries, requests and problems professionally and
Manages customer's expectations courteously for delivery.
Willing to learn new things and adapts ways of working to build on effective contribution
to the team and the Commission's objectives;
Willingly helps colleagues, whilst ensuring that own deadlines don’t suffer. Understands
limits of own experience/knowledge;
Shares knowledge and understanding to find workable solutions within the team/project
Takes responsibility for resolving internal or external customer problems within the scope of
Band B
Responsible for reinforcing good teamwork
and work performance in the team by own
People Management
Is team focussed and supports other
colleagues in critical delivery issues
Dealings with a range of contacts mostly
within the Commission, general discussion
about deliverables in own area, general
correspondence, drafting reports
Strategic Thinking
Prioritises own work and those of team in
line with organisational goals and strategies
Understands the importance of and how they contribute towards achieving the
Commission’s vision
Encourages colleagues to present ideas and to lead, and is willing to follow that lead
Successfully resolves difficulties and challenges within scope of own role in a creative but
compliant way
Provides support and advice to colleagues, and through professional delivery wins their
trust and support.
Supports team members and shares knowledge to improve performance and develop skills;
Remains focused when under reasonable pressure or faced with risk to delivery, and seeks
help constructively to deal with excessive work pressures;
Promotes equality of opportunity and diversity;
Commits to learning and development to benefit self and the organisation.
Communicates clearly and succinctly, using a variety of basic communication tools, with
individuals or groups in ways that promote understanding and take account of accessibility
Listens to and addresses positively and with respect others concerns and objections when
presenting a case;
Use technical terms and language appropriately according to the audience, always
explaining meaning clearly to avoid confusion;
Communicates logically, clearly and concisely, with well thought out conclusions or
Knows when to consult with communication experts prior to proceeding with task;
Checks that information being communicated by self and the team is current, accurate and
Ensures that feedback from information communicated is captured and used in an
encouraging way to acknowledge good performance, or as 'lessons learned' for the future.
Understands that strategic visions and objectives are subject to change and supports
others in adjusting plans accordingly
Analysis and Use of Evidence
Handles more complex information and
data, takes routine decisions
Programme and Project Management
Responsible for delivering own work to time
and standard’ manages routine risks
Using and Managing Resources
Responsible for management of own time,
and may have some responsibility for
Displays sound knowledge of appropriate policies, procedures and practices which support
own requirements and outputs
Together with reporting manager, identifies and prioritises personal objectives that are
consistent with the strategic vision of the Commission;
Within own area of work can identify and report potential risks in relation to the
achievement of the team's strategic objectives, suggesting options for mitigation
Engages courteously and creatively with stakeholders to identify information needs, and
knows where to get it;
Identifies quickly and accurately key issues and principles in a piece of information and
proposes solutions based on soundly evaluated evidence and analysis;
Can present information in a clear and effective format using a range of ICT tools;
Produces timely information and evidence which is fit for purpose, increases understanding,
and does not over-analyse;
Is able to make an assessment of and report on the reliability of sources of information;
Can present information using simple descriptive statistics; arithmetic mean (average),
percentages, appropriate tables and graphs;
Knows when, with whom and the most effective methods by which to share information that
is appropriate;
Know when to refer tasks to colleagues with greater expertise.
Continually reviews priorities and resources;
Is flexible to ensure both urgent and emerging priorities as well as planned activities are
Identifies risks and potential problems and plans how to mitigate and manage them;
Seeks and implements improvements to existing processes and procedure;
Ensures that colleagues and stakeholders are kept informed of the progress of own task
linking to the specific project and that strong relationships are developed and maintained;
Knows where and when to engage with appropriate sources of PPM expertise;
Contributes productively to the team's planning process and provide required information or
resources in a timely manner.
Handles numbers confidently, collate information and keep accurate and reliable records to
help with the monitoring and reviewing of resources;
Understands and applies the principles and practices of sustainability of resource in the
financial monitoring
Knowledge and Information Management 
Has some specialist expertise in own work
area and understanding of related fields
Customer Services
Works to push the boundaries of good
customer service with colleagues and
Adaptability and Flexibility
May challenge constructively the need or
plan for change, and will accept constructive
rationale, and support the change process
Manages allocated resources effectively, delivering business performance and value for
Is aware of the costs of activities and services and offers suggestions for more costeffective ways of working;
Provides accurate and timely commentary/feedback to senior managers on routine financial
Works confidently with financial data, making decisions using appropriate financial
information, interpreting trends and accounting for risk;
Understands how to engage with finance experts and procurement specialists and when
and in what manner to provide them with routine or exceptional information;
Develops sufficient knowledge of emerging technology solutions to understand, how these
can be applied to relevant role and the roles of others within the team.
Engages with stakeholders to identify information needs and obtains that information in a
timely and thorough way;
Willingly ensures the transfer of knowledge, skills and benefits of own experience to staff in
a respectful and supportive way;
Recognises when specialist knowledge out with own skill set is involved in an issue and
knows how to obtain it's able to commission and use tools and technology appropriate to
meet the Commission's needs and to identify, manage, protect, locate, store and share
Ensure that high standards set for customer service are used to improve service delivery,
taking into account differing needs;
Ensure that customer service issues are monitored and effectively resolved;
Works with colleagues and partners to establish and then deliver excellent and effective
customer service.
Supports colleagues in understanding change;
Takes personal responsibility to ensure that change is successfully implemented;
Responds flexibly to changing environment and/or project requirements;
Adapts ways of working proactively and positively according to the circumstances;
Anticipates and rapidly adapts to change, and seizes the opportunities it brings;
Provides ideas and contributes to the change process.
Band C
Required to take account of the future and
the big picture in current activities
People Management
Manages a group of staff and takes active
steps to build the team
Deals with internal contacts potentially at
senior levels, and external contacts.
Discussions are more technical and needs
of the audience should be addressed in a
more sophisticated way
Sets out clear objectives and purpose, positively communicating this to colleagues and
stakeholders to encourage a culture of continuous improvement;
Motivates and supports colleagues to achieve their work objectives and recognises and
acknowledges when they have done this
Successfully resolves difficulties and challenges in a calm and focused way, providing
support and advice to colleagues and through own performance wins trust and support
Ensures that colleagues can see how the vision, supporting objectives and operational
plans link to the vision and objectives of the Commission
Establishes and maintains a mutually supportive culture within own area of responsibility
that encourages creativity and innovation
Takes personal responsibility for the performance of the team, empowering them to achieve
their objectives through creating a positive and empathetic working environment;
Agrees clear objectives with team members with obvious links to the Commission’s strategic
plan, ensuring each member of staff has the appropriate tools to enable delivery;
Operates to an ethos of ‘lessons learned’, ensuring that identified improvements are
implemented in an encouraging and constructive 'no blame' way;
Motivates and mentors individuals to achieve their best;
Acknowledges good performance and tackles poor performance promptly and in
accordance with agreed policy.
Has a communication strategy for self and team that ensures that staff and stakeholders are
kept informed as soon as possible about issues that may affect them;
As part of business as usual working activity, thinks about what needs to be communicated
to whom, and when and how best to do that;
Works with communications and marketing specialists to ensure the most effective delivery
methods are used to share relevant information;
Always considers the needs of the audience/recipient and communicates only the essential
information to avoid 'overload';
Effectively represents the Commission externally to help promote its work, and ensure its
Strategic Thinking
Anticipates future trends and the potential
impact on own work and that of the team
Analysis and Use of Evidence
Takes the lead in dealing with complex
issues which require input from and cooperation of others, takes decision which
include resolutions of conflicts of interest
Programme and Project Management
Takes responsibility for a project and the
work of a small team to deliver key parts of
the project or programme
work reaches all it needs to;
Articulates and summarises complex issues clearly, concisely and accurately, explaining
persuasively why selected data was used in preference to evidence from other sources.
Ensures team has personal objectives that are consistent with the strategic vision of the
Considers the wider implications of own and team’s activities (including legal, political and
environmental), recognising and tracking impact beyond own area of responsibility
Is able to influence and input positively into team's strategy and priorities
Uses structured creative thinking techniques to encourage strategic thinking within the team,
e.g. ‘what if …’, mind-mapping, scenario exercises
Proactively develops measures and methods for monitoring and evaluating own and team's
performance and deliverables against the strategic plan
Anticipates, deals with and where possible reports potential risks in relation to the
achievement of strategic objectives
Is always looking for and identifying examples of good practice and areas for improvement
in strategic objectives and communicates these to colleagues and key stakeholders
Assimilates accurately complex or conflicting data and different perspectives, and can use
said data to draw informed and justifiable conclusions;
Identifies patterns and trends that may impact on complex decisions and proposes well
articulated conclusions that outline the risks and any assumptions made;
Provides information that increases understanding, explains possible consequences, and
supports colleagues in making decisions;
Evaluates all work based on factual evidence;
Understands and can effectively demonstrate the validity, relevance and limitations of
different sources of evidence;
Generates and evaluates alternative creative and innovative yet workable solutions;
Knows how to use and effectively interpret the most commonly used methods for
summarising data.
Own input is vital to the project planning process and uses appropriate programme and
project management techniques to support project delivery
Ensures that own team have the relevant skills to and follow appropriate project processes
Ensures that project resources are used in an efficient and effective manner to deliver key
Using and Managing Resources
May manage a delegated budget; leads on
some procurement activities
Knowledge and Information Management 
Can advise and coach others in own
Customer Services
Liaises directly with the wider external
audience and exemplifies professionalism in
dealings with them
Adaptability and Flexibility
Sets realistic standards and service levels and measures performance objectively against
Engages with relevant experts e.g. PPM experts, lawyers, finance staff
Follows the correct procedures and guidelines when undertaking procurement exercises
Ensures that self and colleagues have the appropriate technology available to support
delivery of business objectives and have been trained to use technology effectively to
complete required tasks
Plans, forecasts and monitors expenditure against budget, investigates variances, and takes
timely action to address significant deviations
Applies appraisal and risk management principles and tools in making decisions about
Understands the importance of good information management and protection in the role and
to the organisation's objectives, including understanding and compliance with legislative and
public accountability, e.g. data protection, FOI and information governance
Chooses or initiates appropriate methods of storing, retrieving and dissemination of
information or data, including a strong awareness of appropriate protection levels for
storage and transmission of personal or sensitive data held on departmental systems and
mobile device
Networks with own and other disciplines to keep up-to-date and to improve how
stakeholders and wider audiences’ requirements are met
Understands the importance of customer service and develop a customer led team;
Maintains a professional approach and presents a positive image to internal and external
customers when representing self, team and the Commission;
Makes every effort to ensure the experience stakeholders and the general public have of the
Commission is positive and productive;
Ensures follow up to evaluate customer satisfaction; measures customer satisfaction
effectively; and acting on any feedback;
Commits to exceeding customer expectations;
Works with tenacity to build and develop the Commissions’ understanding of all its
customers and their needs.
Communicates effectively within own work area to help make change happen;
Is instrumental in delivering the message for 
change, and deals with issues or barriers
constructively and positively
Has an understanding of how change can be planned and implemented, and can identify
potential risks or issues
Recognises when change may have to be radical to achieve improvement, and accepts
positively the change process
Encourages team members to embrace and contribute to change, whilst listening to
ideas and addressing potential concerns and issues
Presents the business need for change and can focus others on the positive aspects
Through own delivery and positive action enables others to implement change;
Recognises and deals with risks to change programme
Band D
Responsible for setting and modelling
standards of behaviour and communicating
a vision for staff and others to follow
People Management
Leads a team and generates a sense a
purpose and commitment to achieve
Commission’s goals
Communicates with a wide range of senior
level contacts within the Commission and
externally written work may include complex
policy issues
Takes account of corporate issues and the big picture in planning, prioritising and taking
Actively works to promote an inclusive and sincere culture within the team and across the
wider Commission through encouraging and valuing contributions;
Sets the strategic direction and vision, establishing clearly what needs to be achieved
within realistic timescales;
Creates and maintains a culture within own area of responsibility that encourages high
performance and innovation;
Both encourages feedback on own performance, and gives feedback in a constructive,
considered way;
Looks for opportunities to work in a ‘joined up’ or ‘matrix’ way to enhance the available
capacity across the Commission;
Contributes to identifying the overarching aims and objectives for the Commission.
Understands and communicates the Commission's priorities, and quality assures people’s
objectives to ensure alignment;
Through good communication identifies peaks and troughs of capacity in the team, and
adjusts workloads accordingly;
Manages multi disciplined teams across one or more sites through positively fostering an
inclusive culture and creative and robust communication strategy;
Recognises people’s potential and actively supports them to help them develop broader
Establishes clear and realistic boundaries of role and responsibilities;
Delegates appropriately and effectively, using agreed performance development plans as a
Chairs meetings positively and with tenacity to ensure agendas are completed and
defensible yet innovative decisions are reached;
Takes a pro-active approach to communications planning, involving appropriate experts
where necessary;
Delivers effective presentations which clarify the key points and influence the audience
Strategic Thinking
Helps to build the vision of the Commission,
and the building blocks to get it where it
needs to go.
Analysis and Use of Evidence
Handles complex and multi-faceted issues
where the causes and consequences may
extend beyond own immediate area of work. 
Promotes the Commission positively and with pride to build a good reputation;
Knows how to negotiate effectively and persuasively with relevant parties to reconcile
competing priorities;
Initiates discussions with key influencers and decision makers and through a professional
and open;
style gains their confidence and trust;
Uses communications and marketing to put stakeholders at the heart of policy development
and operations;
Presents difficult ideas and problems in ways that promote understanding and engenders
'buy in';
Defines key messages and communications and marketing strategies, which reflect
different audiences.
Identifies the potential longer term impacts of present day activities on the future, and builds
into team plans;
Knows about and understands wider policy, environment and stakeholder constraints;
Understands the impact of decision making on external parties, and considers this before
Knows how to identify, understand and take account of key strategic drivers affecting the
delivery system, including the potential impact of ICT;
Understands and deploys effectively a range of strategic analysis tools, e.g. SWOT,
Works in productive partnership with internal and external strategy experts to achieve
organisations goals;
Understands the constraints within which the Commission has to operate, and can take
account of and mitigate against those constraints in a constructive and innovative way to
ensure delivery is not affected.
Openly encourages team members to review own analysis and provides constructive
Uses tangible evidence to evaluate policies, projects and programmes;
Is able to take defensible decisions based on accurate analysis of complex evidence in new
or uncertain circumstances where there are no precedents, or when the decision may
produce unpleasant consequences;
Programme and Project Management
Responsible for and leads the work of a
project with cross Directorate team
members; may be working in new and/or
uncertain circumstance or in the face of
significant obstacles.
Using and Managing Resources
Plays a significant part in ensuring that the
team/directorate business plan is driven
forward with appropriate controls and sets a
climate of aiming to achieve value for
Knowledge and Information Management 
Has broader expertise extending beyond
own work area. Links in to other specialist
areas, contributing to multi-disciplinary
teams and projects.
Knows how to identify and use various sources of evidence and feedback to support,
modify or reject project specific outputs;
Engages with relevant experts to gather and evaluate evidence.
Is open with colleagues, stakeholders and the wider audience about what the Commission
can and cannot deliver;
Considers alternative ways to achieve results within programme and project management
framework - taking steps to manage and record risks appropriately;
Understands and contributes to definition and delivery of programme benefits and business
case development;
Maintains a clear focus on results whilst ensuring professional and quality standards are
Takes difficult decisions and measured risks to make things happen;
Defines and communicates the longer term benefits of decisions and plans in a way that is
easily understood;
Ensures that lessons learned from projects are captured constructively and shared across
the Directorate and Commission wide if necessary;
Plans and delivers strong and productive relationships with stakeholders, ensuring that the
Commission is a respected customer and provider;
Engages with PPM experts, and, in acquisition projects, procurement/commercial experts.
Follows the correct procedures and guidelines when undertaking procurement exercises;
Ensures that self and colleagues have the appropriate technology available to support
delivery of business objectives and have been trained to use technology effectively to
complete required tasks;
Plans, forecasts and monitors expenditure against budget, investigates variances, and
takes timely action to address significant deviations;
Applies appraisal and risk management principles and tools in making decisions about
Achieves an appropriate balance between time spent on input of own professional
expertise and attention given to leading the team;
Can commission and use technology appropriate to meet Commission's needs and to
identify, manage, locate store and share information;
Looks ahead to identify the changes needed to respond to best practice developments in
Customer Services
Is a recognised effective persuader and
influencer of senior stakeholders and staff.
Adaptability and Flexibility
Supports Directors and SMT in driving
forward change across the Commission,
obtaining ‘buy in’ from staff, to work flexibly
to achieve the required outcomes.
Knowledge and Information Management (K & IM) in the wider environment;
Inspires knowledge sharing and capture to enable continuous learning and knowledge
Identifies, develops and articulates K & IM strategies that will add value to the Commission.
Always works closely with stakeholders, developing an independent view of their needs and
acting in their long-term interest;
Moves stakeholder thinking forward, helping them understand issues beyond the obvious,
and builds interest in new developments;
Agrees challenging but realistic expectations with measured outcome;
Understands the practical constraints on customer service and manages customer
expectation accordingly;
Sets customer standards based on identified needs.
Involves people constructively in planning and implementing change, and acknowledges
contributions and ideas positively, even if they are not used;
Delivers change projects to successful and measurable outcomes which are sustainable;
Ensure staff have appropriate support, both practical and resilience, during periods of
radical change;
Evaluates the impact of change on the business and captures knowledge and ‘lessons
Generates tests and implements a range of innovative approaches to move a situation
on, getting 'buy in' for the new ways of working. Understanding the broader trends in
improvement and service delivery;
Acknowledges innovative thinking and encourages creativity and experimentation in
Uses change and project management techniques to develop and deliver change
initiatives across area of responsibility;
Identifies resistance to change early and uses persuading and influencing skills to
manage possible conflict and tension;
Proactively produces diagnosis of performance issues in own business area and a resulting
action plan for change.
Band E
Works at the heart of the organisation
People Management
Is responsible for Directorate capability and
capacity to ensure delivery in line with
business plan and organisational vision
Communicating with large numbers of staff
and stakeholders at very senior levels. Will
deliver key note speeches to conferences
on specialist areas, and will represent the
Commission in the media
Strategic Thinking
Has input into the development of the
Commission's strategic vision, and in
Is instrumental in supporting SMT to provide overarching direction for the Commission, to
enable it to achieve deliverables agreed with governing bodies;
Works with colleagues to develop the capability of the Commission to address current and
future challenges;
Gets the best from people: motivating and developing people to achieve high performance;
Constantly Learns and improving: drawing on experience and new ideas to improve results;
Demonstrates a sense of commitment to Fairness, Accountability, Integrity, Collaboration
and Innovation in undertaking the leadership role;
Makes a personal impact: leading by example.
Can develop Directorate capability in line with business plan and the Commission’s
deliverables, based on evidence, experience and good judgment, incorporating short and
long term strategies;
Ensures that the Commission's values are intrinsic in all decision making;
Is skilled in coaching and developing individuals and teams for high performance, and
believes and fosters the management of talent;
Effectively shares the vision and progress against strategy to all employees in the
Champions Equality and Diversity and promotes best practice.
Represents the Commission’s view effectively in a variety of high level situations;
Aligns policy and delivery with clear communications objectives and measure criteria
Demonstrates excellent presentation skills and has the confidence, belief and ability to
represent the Commission on the radio and TV
Understands how to use customer/stakeholder segmentation through user need and
perception, and advises on how to use these tools to shape policy accordingly
Ensures that all projects, policy and programmes are effectively aligned with clear
communications objectives and measured criteria
Knows how to influence departments strategy and priorities;
Knows how to identify, understand and take account of key strategic drivers affecting the
delivering across the Directorate
Analysis and Use of Evidence
Ensures the evidence base for the
strategy and work of the Commission
will withstand critical challenge
Programme and Project Management
Takes responsibility for the delivery of
Commission outputs; a significant degree of
delivery system, including potential impact of ICT;
Understands and can articulate in a way that engenders understanding the projected
direction of government and how potential changes might impact on the Directorate or wider
Identifies strategic partners who are key to achieve organisation’s goals, builds productive
relationships and engages creatively with them;
Knows about and understands government priorities, wider policy environment and
institutional constraints, and how to translate these into overall strategic direction of
department and government as a whole into effective delivery of own work area.
Communicates and promotes across the Directorate and Commission, the requirement for
and advantages of evidence-based working
Champions’ use of a variety of tools in collecting and analysing evidence, balancing needs
and concerns of users and suppliers
Predicts and secures sustainable evidence as a basis for well informed decisions, including
testing for deliverability, and preparing for evaluation
Links evidence with specific outputs to constructively challenge decision-making, and
identifies ways to improve its quality and use
Encourages innovative use of a variety of tools in collecting and analysing evidence,
balancing the needs and concerns of colleagues and stakeholders
Works in partnership with a wide range of analytical experts to achieve the Commission's
agreed deliverables
Can demonstrate extensive programme and project management and complex project
implementation knowledge
Understands and demonstrates how to oversee projects in ways which make the best use of
relevant experts
Can demonstrate objectively how programme and project management techniques should
be applied in an environment of ambiguity and uncertainty, where goalposts keep changing
Takes responsibility for the definition and successful delivery of programme benefits through
cost effective measurement processes, including the development and delivery of a viable
business case
Anticipates, manages and monitors high level programme/project risks, including by using
market knowledge and networks;
Works in partnership with PPM experts to achieve the organizations goals
Using and Managing Resources
Develops and owns business plans for the
Directorate, and contributes
Knowledge and Information Management 
Represents Commission as an expert in
own field
Customer Services
Sets the tone for professional customer
service, delivered with integrity and delivers
by example
Adaptability and Flexibility
Advocates 'matrix' working to meet
conflicting priorities and steers the change
process accordingly
Influences the Commission's business plan and is adept at communicating it to internal and
external audiences
Can demonstrate how own Directorate contributes to the financial requirements within the
Commission’s business plan
Can demonstrate compliance with the highest standards of internal controls and public
sector governance within own Directorate through sound business practice
Influences the business model and is adept at communicating it to internal and external
Provides assurance to the board on the achievement of the highest standards of internal
controls and public sector governance
Works in partnership with finance experts to achieve the Commission’s goals
Ensures that the Directorate and the Commission as a whole has sufficient professional
capacity to manage information risks
Understands how K & IM policies, procedures and services must evolve and adapt to reflect
the changing business environment and legislation
Is regarded as a proven and respected expert in area of expertise by groups and
Has proven capability against PSG professional standards for role
Is in tune with customer requirements at all levels and ensures the delivery of services that
are responsive to diverse customer needs
Understands and demonstrates the connection between forging good and productive
relationships and business performance
Strives to be an exemplar of flexibility in response to changing environment and/or project
Has theoretical awareness of the process of change management, and can demonstrate
successful implementations of change programmes;
Anticipates change, and capitalises on the opportunities it brings to transform ways of
Successfully designs and implements change programmes to address organisational
Manages large scale change effectively and honestly, identifying resistance, and through
encouragement building engagement and involvement.
Band F
Is instrumental in setting the Direction for
the Commission as a whole, and driving
through delivery
People Management
Is responsible for organisational success,
leveraged by forward planning and full
utilisation and development of staff
Able to lead a communications function,
along with the ability to demonstrate
understanding of all communication
channels and strategy development
Strategic Thinking
Questions ‘business as usual’ at a strategic level and is open to new ideas, challenging
others to adopt new ways of thinking in a continuous quest for improvement
Demonstrates an understanding that collective, collaborative and corporate leadership
across functional and organisational boundaries will be necessary to successfully deliver
outcomes, and ensures leadership style reflects same
Is able to foster an organisational culture that is positive about change and committed to
the delivery of the strategic vision
Gives purpose and direction: creating and communicating a vision of the future
Thinks strategically: harnessing ideas and opportunities to achieve goals, focus on delivery
and achieve value for money and results
Can align decision making with the culture and strategy of the organisation
Demonstrates the ability to develop organisational resilience in particular through creating a
'legacy' through resource and succession planning
Able to act as a passionate and inspiring advocate for change presents a compelling vision
for change
Has a key role in shaping the organisation's beliefs and values;
builds improved organisational capacity, resilience, reputation and impact through best
practice people management
Aligns functions and resources, and deploys people and skills optimally to achieve strategic
Able to create a culture of high performance and people management that is intolerant of
poor performance
Creates and drives forward a culture that demands active two way engagement with all
stakeholders, including the people within the organisation
Creates and drives forward a culture that ensures close working between communication
and policy delivery
Uses communications and marketing to achieve strategic goals and lead the organisation
Able to shape and set the long-term vision and direction for the department, taking into
Is instrumental in defining the vision of the
Commission, and strategy development
Analysis and Use of Evidence
Inspires the confidence of the Board and
stakeholders in the strength and quality of
the Commission's analytical research
outputs , including the public
Programme and Project Management
Have full responsibility for dealing with and
making decisions on PPM issues with
serious policy or resource implications
Using and Managing Resources
Supports and inputs into the strategic
development of the Commission, ensuring
resources are used expediently and cost
account sponsor Department and Commission priorities and delivery systems
Champions the role of strategic thinking in the organisation, working effectively with
relevant internal experts
Knows how to identify tensions, set priorities and make trade-offs between different policy
areas and over different timescales (short, medium and long term).
Ensures the evidence base for the strategy and work of the Commission is open to critical
challenge and inspires the confidence of the stakeholders, especially the public;
Ensures that the collection, analysis and use of evidence in the Commission complements
that of the wider government, through demonstrating an understanding of the potential for
synergy and cost effectiveness;
Sets demanding standards for the use of evidence in line with organisational and
government requirements and proprieties, and ensures that they are met;
Communicates and promotes through personal example the need and requirement for
evidence-based working, and acknowledges the need to keep evidence current.
Operates PPM techniques effectively in an environment of ambiguity and uncertainty;
Works collaboratively across Directorates to ensure PPM techniques are applied
effectively, with appropriate trade-offs between programmes, as shifting priorities dictate;
Contributes to department decisions on programme and portfolio management to ensure
alignment with Commission's /s goals.
Champions the role of PPM in the Commission and maintains an effective relationship with
relevant experts and stakeholders.
Has an intimate understanding of and guides the long term development of the
organisation's business model;
Interprets a wide range of financial information effectively and fluently (including corporate
financial reports) to make management decisions;
With SMT colleagues can set and monitor challenging business plan goals, targeting
continuous improvement in the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organisations
Understands the recent financial performance of the Commission, why key trends have
occurred and helps put strategies in place to improve future performance;
Is a compelling communicator of strategies, trends and risks, ensuring an understanding of
key financial plans, goals, issues and risks;
Knowledge and Information Management 
Takes responsibility for ensuring the
Commission has a robust and sustainable
'legacy' to share and retain information
Customer Services
Leads by example in ensuring that
professional customer service encapsulates
adherence to the Commission's values
Adaptability and Flexibility
Plays an essential part in constructing the
business process for change, and can see
what will or won’t work in the Commission
Understands and abides by the key features of the Operating and Financial Reviews.
Ensures that K & IM strategies are embedded within the Commission's strategy and key
business processes;
Champions collaborate working and develops a motivational approach to K & IM;
Fosters a knowledge and information rich culture across own Directorate and Commission
wide and ensures that K & IM competencies are recognised as vital to the Commission in
order to develop individual and organisational capability;
Proactively identifies and develops new relationships that reflect emerging opportunities to
enhance the Directorate and the Commission's service reputation;
Understands and actively promotes the value of cross-functional team working to improve
service delivery;
Actively seeks to develop close relationships across the Commission with a view to
improving service.
Initiates attitudinal and cultural change across the organisation; and acts as a passionate
and inspiring advocate of change process;
Is aware of and exemplifies a clear, timely and honest communication process for
stakeholders and staff during periods of change;
Understands the importance of and leads by example when consulting prior to change
Is aware of the need to develop ‘best practice' models for change, and can transfer good
practice across the Commission's Directorates;
Takes a pro-active approach to diagnosing organisational capability or capacity issues and
produces recommendations to address