
Diirreecctt IInnssttrruuccttiioonn
Name Christina Marotta
Standard: Kindergarten- Visual Arts: 2.0 Creative Expression and 4.0 Aesthetic Valuing
Objective: Through the theme of “feelings/emotions” students will be introduced to abstract thought
and will create a poster.
Syntax of the Model of
Description of the Lesson
For the second day of lessons involving
“feelings”, I am going to wear another mask to
grab the students’ attention. This mask is going
to be a sad face. The repetition of the faces lets
the students know what we are going to do next,
while grabbing their attention. I also will show
the students the cover of the book I am going to
read them which has a silly picture of a girl on it.
Input of Information
(how and why, what mode and with
what kind of aides)
To review the different emotions I will read the
book, “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain. As I read
the book I will review the different emotions that
we talked about in the last lesson. This book is
useful because it shows how to use the emotions
in complete sentences. I will put the emotions on
the board to reinforce the written language as
well. This is helpful for language learners
because the book has colorful illustrations that
describe the emotions they are talking about.
Checking Comprehension
For a fun comprehension check I will call out the
different emotions and have the students make
the facial expressions associated with each
feeling. This will engage the students while
checking their comprehension on what each
emotion means.
(did they understand, do you need
to input in a new way?)
Structured Practice
(in a structured way to insure
Guided Practice
(in a more difficult way to really
show you they are grasping the
OCT. 2002
I will provide sound clips of various sounds and
ask students what emotion they associate it with.
There is no right or wrong answer to this. It is
intended to have the students think deeper about
their feelings by relating emotions to unrelated
sounds and it introduces concepts of abstract
thought. This is also useful for language
learners because the sounds are universal, you
do not need to understand English to understand
To further extend the practice of having the
students express their emotions through different
outlets, they will be assigned an art project.
Students will pick a colored piece of construction
paper that represents the emotion they want to
express. This is building off of the previous
lesson plan relating emotion to color. Then I will
Garage Band; Various sound clips, such
as dogs, ocean, carnival, baby crying,
glass breaking, and a siren.
See attachment- Sounds2
give the students magazines and scissors to cut
out pictures of people or objects that represent
the emotion that they are trying to express. The
lesson is intended to improve the students’ fine
motor skills and cognitive skills. Cutting out
pictures of different objects that symbolize their
emotion rather than objects that directly show the
emotion involves a more critical thinking than
simple concrete thought.
( how do you bring to a close and
sum up what learning was to take
(how do know the student learned
what you hoped to teach)
The students will share their posters and the
other students will try to guess by the pictures
and the colored paper what emotion they were
trying to express. Then the students will explain
what they illustrated. I will remind the students
that there are different emotions and different
ways to express them, and it is fine to feel any
way they want to.
Observations during lesson, monitoring while the
students are making the posters, the final poster.
Independent Practice (reflection of degree some students reached the objective.)
Provide students with a worksheet with the words “Happy” “Sad” “Angry” and “Scared”. First, they have to trace the
words. Below the pictures will be various pictures that the students have to match the words to. This assignment
reinforces relating the illustrations to emotion while introducing the written words which will be used in the next lesson.
OCT. 2002