2CE268P3_Rezipe_Output 4.2.5. Pilot Action Summary_PP07

Pilot Action Summary
Output no. 4.2.5. of the REZIPE project
Date of preparation of this document: November 2012
Project Coordinator:
Author of this document:
Municipal Authority of the
provincial capital Klagenfurt
Environment Department of Upper Austria
Mr. Wolfgang Hafner
Tel. +43 463 537 4885
Ms. Anisa Neretljak
Tel. +43 463 537 4284
Start date of the project:
End date of the project:
Author’s name(s)
Andreas Drack
email: andreas.drack@ooe.gv.at
phone: Tel. +43 732 7720 13623
Project website: http://www.rezipe.eu
Subsidy Contract 2CE268P3 in the Central Europe Programme
Pilot Installation Upper Austria (Output No. 4.2.5.)
Key facts:
Project Name: REZIPE (Renewable Energies for Zero Emission Transport in Europe)
Project Partner 7: Environment department of the Upper Austria Region; Linz/AUSTRIA
Pilot action (Investment no. 4.4): 4 plugs and one Solar charging station
Location of pilot action: Upper Austria, Vocational School Attnang-Puchheim; AUSTRIA
Implementation of pilot installation: November 2010
Monitoring of pilot installation: November 2010 – März 2013
Related costs: 21.872,40 Euro
Technical data: 3 kWp Photovoltaic Power Station (14 x Sanyo HIP-215NKHE5 215W);
DC/AC converter Fronius IG TL 3.0 300W; Power station Mehler EZ1-6024; 4 plugs
REZIPE project in Upper Austria
In REZIPE Upper Austria has bundled the major part of its strategy to boost e-mobility
linked with renewable energy sources. The aim was to start with new public relation and
dissemination activities by organizing "Solarrallys" in 2010, 2011 and 2012 and to force
the erection of further photovoltaic charging points by building a demonstration installation
at a public (vocational) school in Attnang-Puchheim. This demonstration installation
contributes to the objectives of work package 4 of the REZIPE project: Pilot
Implementations Targeting Renewable and Clean Energy Supply (Test recharging
spots/filling stations for zero emission vehicles/secure renewable energy sources).
Pilot Installation in Upper Austria: Photovoltaic charging station at a vocational
In November 2010 Upper Austria implemented a 3 kWp Photovoltaic Charging Station
with four plugs at the vocational school Attnang-Puchheim. It was the first future oriented
mobility system on a local scale based on renewable energy sources realized at a public
building in Upper Austria.
The major goals of the implementation were to demonstrate good environmental
practice – the public sector as frontrunner for internal (pupils and employees) and external
target groups and to be a point for linked activities, especially to be a hot spot during the
Solar Rally 2011.
Pilot Action Summary
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Results and target groups reached by Pilot Installation
From November 2010 till November 2012 approximately 5.671 kWh electricity was
produced, in line with the calculation of 3.000 kWh per year. This amount is enough to
provide green energy for:
operating three e-bikes located in Linz and Attnang, which can be tested by
employees of the Upper Austrian authority (including all vocational schools) for
allowing the employees of the Upper Austrian authority (including all vocational
schools) to load up the batteries for free if they commute by private e-vehicles
all e-vehicles which participated at the three Solar Rallys in Upper Austria.
The pilot installation was used as a central point for several new activities. Five players
launched a special cooperation: The Environment Department of Upper Austria, Climate
Alliance Upper Austria, Regional Energy Association, the City of Attnang-Puchheim and
the Vocational School Attnang-Puchheim. Concrete actions were:
The PV charging station in Attnang-Puchheim was part of the Solar Rally course in
2011. (The "Upper Austrian Solar Rally" was an annually organized event, which
provided the opportunity for vehicle owners to participate with e-bikes, e-cars or emotorcycles and for interested people to test vehicles and to get information about
zero emission mobility.)
Inclusion of the installation and climate change issues in general in the curriculum
at the school
Additional purchase of an e-bike for the school which can be used by the staff
during the official time but as test vehicle in leisure time too.
Transnational added value
Upper Austria was the first partner who erected the PV-installation and the experience
was shared with the other partners during the steering committee meetings.
How sustainability of the investment is ensured
The PV charging station has been installed as a permanent facility at the vocational
school in Attnang-Puchheim. Photovoltaic installations need very little to no maintenance,
so the investment is secured for the technical life time. The pilot installation will be a main
reference for further solar charging spots in Upper Austria. By the activities within the
framework of this project and the numerous contacts of people within the Solar Rallys the
topic e-mobility has been able to be sustainably positioned. The PV charging station and
climate change issues in general have been permanently included in the curriculum at the
vocational school.
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