March 4, 2010 - The Women`s Center

46 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Helpline (617) 354-8807 ● Business (617)354-6394
Intern Job Title: Coordinator for Art Collectives with Homeless and Low-Income Women
Organization: Cambridge Women’s Center
Contact Name: Liz Powers
Phone: 781-424-2854
Goals & Objectives:
Goals and Objectives of the Internship Position
What is your general vision for this position? What goals and objectives do you want the Intern to strive for?
The goal of the internship is to provide free art resources for homeless and low-income women
in Cambridge. In 2010, art groups were formed at On the Rise, a local day shelter and safe haven for
homeless women, and at the Cambridge Women’s Center. The intern will continue to run a two-hour
group at On the Rise and three two-hour art groups at the Cambridge Women’s Center. Currently, the
Women’s Center has a beading group, painting group, and sewing group. The intern will be
responsible for organizing the various groups offered at the Women’s Center and On the Rise. There
will be a great deal of flexibility in regards to which arts are used and how the groups are run. The
main goal of the position is to empower homeless and low income women by providing a safe space
for them to be creative. The schedule is flexible, but currently the schedule is:
1. Mondays: 10 AM- 12 noon, Beading at the Women’s Center
2. Tuesdays: 10 AM- 12 noon, Painting at the Women’s Center
3. Wednesdays: 10 AM- 12 noon, Sewing at the Women’s Center
4. Wednesdays: 1:30-3, Beading/painting at On the Rise
Description of Duties:
Please make a list of duties that the Intern will be responsible for such as developing curricula, teaching,
supervising teachers, scheduling, maintaining paperwork, coordinating and scheduling meetings, promoting the
program through website development, blogs, etc., developing funding such as grant writing and other
The intern will be responsible for scheduling the various art groups, conducting outreach to
local agencies to advertise the art groups, and acting as the coordinator for the various groups. Please
note that the intern does not need to be a teacher in the groups. For example, the intern can run the
painting group as an “open studio” and be responsible for making sure that there is enough paper,
paints, and brushes.
The program has received funding from a Cambridge Arts Council Grant, so the intern does not
need to find funding sources.
Is your organization accessible by the T? Is there parking? What travel might be involved?
Yes, the Cambridge Women’s Center (46 Pleasant St.) is just a few blocks away from the Central Square T stop.
There is also a large amount of metered parking in the area.
46 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Helpline (617) 354-8807 ● Business (617)354-6394
Additional Information:
Will the Intern need training? Will the Internship be paid or unpaid?
The intern will receive a brief training and introduction to the groups that have previously been held at
the Cambridge Women’s Center and On the Rise. No formal training is required. The internship will
be unpaid.
Skills Desired:
List skills desired such as: organizational skills, enthusiasm, ability to work with staff members, artists, diverse
groups, ability to motivate and encourage others, interest in the arts and/or, previous experience in the nonprofit sector.
Organizational skills
Ability to motivate and encourage others
Interest in a variety of arts (such as painting, drawing, sewing, beading, etc.)
Personal Qualities:
The intern will need to be organized and enthusiastic about a variety of art forms. The intern needs to
have strong interpersonal skills and feel comfortable working with a diverse group of women. The
intern must also be flexible and willing to experiment with different art forms.