CHSA Health Institute handout - California Head Start Association

CHSA Health Institute
Stages of Change and Effective Communication Skills:
Strategies to Increase Parent’s Responsiveness to their Child’s Health
May 21, 2013
Presented by: Tracy Tomasky, Ed.D
(916) 304-5511
CHSA Health Institute:
Change and Effective Communication Skills
Understanding Change
 Definition
 Identify where you are in the 20-60-20 equation
 Two Models of Change
 Individual Reflection
Foundation of Effective Communication
 Sender-Receiver: Verbal and Non-verbal cues
 Root Issues
i. What are they?
ii. What are your root issues that impact communication?
Listening Intents
i. How to prepare the appropriate listening intent
Motivational Interviewing
 Definition
Role of Resistance
 When parents don’t follow through with their requirements:
i. Are they resisting change?
Is it a root issue - Are they resisting authority?
Are they over-whelmed or unorganized?
Are they unclear with what is expected of them?
ii. Response strategies
Putting it all together – Change/Communication/MI
Models of Change
Kurt Lewin: Unfreezing--------Moving--------Refreezing
Unfreezing: brings up emotions, equated as bad morale
Moving: new point of view, cognitive restructuring, seeing that change is possible
Refreezing: integrating and anchoring the new view
William Bridges: Endings--------The Neutral Zone--------Beginning
Endings: what are you leaving behind
The Neutral Zone: reorientation, redefinition
Beginning: starting with the new view
Reflect on a time when something in your life changed. Focus on the emotions associated with
the process.
Experimenting with New Behaviors
Take a different route to work tomorrow.
Spend your lunch hour in a totally new way.
Force yourself to pause for a count of three the next time someone asks you a question,
and reply differently from what you’d customarily say.
Plan to do something this week-end you’ve never done before.
Every day this week force yourself to say “no” to at least one request.
Volunteer to something you normally wouldn’t agree to.
Ask somebody that question you’ve always wanted to ask him or her.
Next time you’re in a restaurant, order something you’ve never had before.
Take a three-minute break every hour (or five minutes every two hours) today.
Every day this week, find at least one occasion when someone is talking about how things
have to be a certain way and ask why?
Every day this week, look for a chance to say why not? to someone who says that
something can’t be done.
Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, William Bridges 1991
Communication Basics:
Words – 7%
Tonality – 38%
Physiology – 55%
I know you believe you understand
what you think I said, but I am not
sure you realize that what you heard
is not what I meant.
Root Issues:
My root issues that impact communication:
Listening Intent
To win - flight/fight
argue & debate
question to probe for weakness
use active listening to promote your win
use the force of words & debate to win your point of view at any cost & minimal
concern for the relationship
To persuade - reactive
discuss to sell or win over
question to probe for concerns, for opportunity for closure
use active listening to understand objections & to guide discussion
use of words to negotiate a compromise while maintaining the relationship
To learn – mindfulness/intuitive/creative
dialogue to learn & understand
questions for inquiry, clarification & insight
use active listening for support, engagement & understanding
build new ideas & options through a synergistic interaction that strengthen the
To be present - mindfulness
give & take interaction to be with each other
questions to build rapport, connection & understanding
use active listening to connect & support
builds the relationship with little importance placed on outcomes
Listening with the appropriate intent:
Resistance and Response Strategies
When parents don’t follow through with their requirements:
Are they resisting change?
Is it a root issue - Are they resisting authority?
Are they over-whelmed or unorganized?
Are they unclear with what is expected of them?
Additional Notes: