2014-2015 READING Instructional Curriculum Plan Time Allowed: Sept. 8 – 25 & May 18 -29 Grade: K-5 Unit 2- Speaking and Listening UNIT OVERVIEW Supports http://accesstofls.weebly.com/elaresources.html Http://www.connected.mcgraw-hill.com Students will practice listening to gather information. They will use the information gathered to give a presentation. Within the presentation the students will adjust their language based on the audience. Text Text Task http://www.freetech4teachers.com/2014/01/activit Choose a book from the above text list. You may choose more ies-for-practicing-listeningthan one if you are working in small groups. Then select a task and.html#.U8VRB6LwBug from the above list to have student’s complete when you are finished teaching the text. http://www.k3teacherresources.com/speaking_and_listening.html #.U8VQ-KLwBug Published Product Blueprint Assessment Published Product 2 Essential Understanding: (Concrete) http://www.brainpop.com/educators/community/b Students will be able to build grade-appropriate vocabulary using strategies including p-jr-topic/listening-and-speaking/ context clues and study of word parts. http://www.tes.co.uk/teaching-resource/SpeakingStudents will be able to use communication to have a conversation in varying and-listening-cards-thinking-cards-3002521/ situations. Essential Understanding (Representation) Students will be able to give a presentation based on specific material. Students will be able to adjust language based on audience. Students will be able to listen to gather information. STANDARDS Suggested Instructional Strategies Essential Questions Vocabulary *Listening drawing cards *Books on tape *Oral presentation *Simon says Why is it important to know the audience you are writing or talking to? Tone: The way you say something. How do we know who our audience is? Audience: Who you are reading, writing or talking to. Why do we need to listen carefully to what people say? Rate: The speed at which something is done. How can we use our communication to start a conversation? HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS