Ms. Day/ AP Biology Formal Lab Writeup Rubric (100 points TOTAL) Group #_______ Lab # ________ I. Lab Group Names: ________________________________________________________ Due Date ____________ Title Page: 2 points i. _______ Includes the title of the AP Lab and the number (ex: AP Lab #1: Osmosis and Diffusion) ii. _______The names of you and your lab group members are listed in the bottom right hand corner iii. _______Date, Period and Ms. Day are listed under the lab group names II. Table of Contents: 2 points i. _______ Table of contents are in the correct order and labeled. Sections are bolded for clarity. (ex: Hypothesis……… ii. _______ There are page numbers THROUGHOUT your formal lab report and they correlate correctly to your table of contents III. Purpose: 2 points i. _______ Full sentence(s) is/are used. ii. _______ The purpose is correct, concise and to the point. IV. Introduction: 15 points i. _______ Describes: the background information of the experiment any vocabulary words/ideas/concepts needed to understand the purpose of the lab. Explains important facts about the subject being investigated in the lab experiment(s) ii. _______ Explains the specimens/organisms used in lab and their habitat/niche (if applicable) as well as WHY or HOW we are using these organisms. iii. _______ Explain controls and variables used in the lab iv. _______References are cited THROUGHOUT the introduction using APA format (Ex: (Gaynor, B, 2001) or (Gaynor, B. & Lanfair, J., 2004). See APA Format Guide. V. Hypothesis(es): 10 points i. ________ Hypothesis follows the “If….then…because…” format. VI. Materials: 5 points i. ________ List ALL materials that YOU and YOUR LAB GROUP used (they may differ from original procedure) ii. ________List form is used (no paragraphs) iii. ________ Quantities are used when necessary (ex: 500 mL of water). If you need approximate value, state this (ex: approximately 500mL water) VII. VIII. Procedure (a.k.a.-Methods): 5 points i. _______ Precise LIST of steps of procedure. This is EXACTLY what you did in lab. Another person, who is doing this lab for the first time, needs to be able to follow/complete this procedure. ii. ________Steps should be action statement NOT in the first or third person (no “I” or “You”). iii. ________Enumerate the steps. THIS IS NOT IN PAPRAGRAH FORM!!!! You do not need any “filler” words, such as “first you do this”, “Next, do this,” Finally, do this. For example: **DO NOT DIRECTLY CUT AND PASTE/COPY FROM THE ORIGINAL LAB REPORT!!! BE CAREFUL-IF YOUR CHANGED THE PROCEDURE (even slightly), YOU NEED TO REFLECT THE CHANGED PROCEDURE IN YOUR FORMAL LAB REPORT. Results: 25 pts a. ________2 sections are present labeled. 1st section is labeled “Qualitative Data” and the 2nd one is labeled “Quantitative Data.” 1 pt Results: 25 pts (continued) b. QUALITATIVE DATA: 10 pts i. ________ Sketches, pictures, descriptions etc. are included under qualitative data for ALL parts of the experiment. ii. ________ All sketches, pictures, etc. are properly labeled and clear. iii. ________ Sketches, pictures, etc. that are NOT your own are cited using APA format (Author(s), Year of Publication) c. QUANTITATIVE DATA: 14 pts i. ________ Data Tables are included for ALL parts of the lab ii. ________ Graphs and tables are NOT cut off onto separate pages. iii. ________ Line graphs are made for each part of the lab. Graphs axes are correctly labeled with description AND units in ( ). Title is present including Figure _?_. Figure should be used as a reference guide to the reader in the conclusion. Correct scientific metric units are used. NO ENGLISH SCALE (inches, pounds, ounces, cups, etc.) Key is present iv. OPTIONAL: supplemental graphs (pie, bar, etc.) are present to further help understand data IX. Conclusion: 15 pts i. _______ Restate hypothesis(es) and state whether or not it (they) are REJECTED or ACCPETED. This paragraph should begin like… “It was hypothesized that…If __???_ then _???_ because _???_. This hypothesis was (rejected/accepted) because….” _______ SUPPORT the above rejection or acceptation with your QUANTITATIVE (numerical) DATA!!! CITE YOUR DATA and EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN, EXPLAIN why it rejects or accepts your hypothesis(es)!!! Refer to your Figures (graphs) from your RESULTS section. ii. _______ Interpret the results (what do the data mean) iii. _______ State at least 2 possible experimental errors. Think of human and NON-human errors that could have skewed your results. iv. ______ EXPLAIN (analyze) why the above possible errors would have caused a deviation in your recorded data. v. ______ Application of this investigation in the real world. Why would this be important and informative to people in the “real” world? X. References (Bibliography): 6 pts i. _______ There is a minimum of 3 sources used. ii. _______ Correct APA format is used Hanging indentations are used Authors are alphabetized NO UNDERLINED websites or use of BLUE ink! XI. 5 pts i. _______ The formal lab report was turned in ON TIME through ii. _______ A complete paper copy of the formal lab report and assessment questions were turned in iii. _______ The post lab assessment questions were turned in ON TIME through NOTE: If plagiarism occurs (shown via, ZERO credit may be given! Please be careful to write in YOUR OWN WORDS! XII. Miscellaneous : 8 pts i. _______ Grammar and spelling are correct ii. _______ Lab report is typed using 12” font, 1” margins and double spaced. iii. ______ Times New Roman (or another “normal,” easy to read font) is used iv. ______ The report is cohesive (same font).