HORIZONTAL Factsheet BFR version: 2/13/2016 SUBJECT Determination of BFR HORIZONTAL number 27 Matrices Soil, sludge, waste, ….. Existing standards used as basis .......................................... CEN/TC 292, CEN/TC 308, CEN/TC 345, ISO/TC 190, …… 5 Organic parameters Standardisation Committees Work package STREP FP6 HORIZONTAL-ORG Dr. Damià Barceló, Dr Ethel Eljarrat and Dr Goran Marsh Project Expert Organisation CSIC Country Spain Email Status dbcqam@cid.csic.es Desk study First Comments Phase I Final version Phase II Ruggedness October 2004 January 2005 …….. www.ecn.nl/horizontal Completion due 31-03-05 Second consultation Completion due 30-06-05 Validation Completion due 30-04-06 Transfer to BT/TF151 Foreseen 31-07-06 Summary of BFR procedure The solid matrices are freeze dried. Lyophilized samples are ground and homogenized by sieving through a stainless steel 0.2-mm sieve, and stored in sealed containers at -20ºC until analysis. One gram dry weight of samples, are spiked with PCB-209. Extraction is preformed on a pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) instrument. A 22 mL extraction cell is loaded by inserting two cellulose filters into the cell outlet, followed by 6 g of alumina. Spiked samples were ground with alumina and cooper (1:2:2). Mixtures were loaded into the extraction cell on top of alumina. The dead volume was filled with Hydromatrix. The mixtures are extracted (2 × 10 min) with hexane:CH2Cl2, 1:1 (tot. ca. 35 mL) at a temperature of 100ºC and a pressure at 1500 psi. Extracts were finally concentrated to incipient dryness and re-dissolved with 250 µL of CH2Cl2 prior to the analysis by GC-NCI-MS. GC-NCI-MS analysis of mono- to heptaBDEs is performed on a non-polar “DB-5 type” of GC capillary column, containing 5% phenyl methyl (30 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 µm film thickness). Injections are made in the splitless mode with a ion source temperature at 250ºC. Ammonia is used as the chemical ionization moderating gas at an ion source pressure of 1.9 10-4 torr. For the determination of BDE-209, a non-polar “DB-5 type” of GC capillary column, 15 m × 0.25 mm i.d., 0.25 µm film thickness, containing 5% phenyl methyl siloxane capillary column is used with helium as the carrier gas at 10 psi. Both experiments are carried out monitoring the two most abundant isotope peaks from the mass spectra corresponding to m/z = 79 and 81 ([Br]-). Confirmation criteria for the detection and quantification of PBDEs include the following: (a) all m/z monitored for a given analyte should maximize simultaneously 1s, with signal to noise ratio 3 for each; (b) the ratio between the two monitored ions should be within 15% of the theoretical. Quantification of mono- to hepta- HORIZONTAL Factsheet BFR version: 2/13/2016 BDEs is carried out by internal standard procedure with the PCB-209 as internal standard, whereas BDE-209 was quantified using the external standard method. Recoveries from 47 to 82% were obtained for spiked tri- to heptaBDEs with relative standard deviations ranging from 1-14%. Detection limits for tri- to heptaBDEs were between 1 and 46 pg/g dry weight and between 30-110 pg/g dry weight for BDE-209. Placement of BFR method in overall structure HORIZONTAL SLUDGE, SOIL, TREATED BIOWASTE AND RELATED WASTES SAMPLING IN-SITU ,TRANSPORT, STORAGE SAMPLE PRETREATMENT - INORG INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES SAMPLE PRETREATMENT - ORG & BIOL LEACHING ORGANIC PARAMETERS BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS SAMPLE PRETREATMENT - HYG HYGIENIC PARAMETERS PAH pH Bulk density Characterisation leaching tests Impurities (e.g glass, plastic) E. Coli Stability (bio) Salmonella Germinating weed seeds Clostridium Phytotoxicity Enterococci AOX Electrical conductivity Dry matter Compliance leaching tests PCB Organic matter* Solidity LAS, NP,NPE Nutrients N, P, K* Thixotropic behaviour DEPH, DBP Trace elements solid * Trace elements determination* Piling behaviour Helminth ova BFR Flowability Rapid methods PCCD/PCDF Soluble P Pharmaceuticals Virusses and bacteriophages Plant Pathogens Position of BFR method in the sequence of steps from sampling to reporting Sampling Taking of plan sample Transport & Preparation storage of test portion Extraction/ Leaching Pre-treatment Detection & Summary Quantification, reports Enumeration 1)Sample conservation, storage and transport are issues that generally are covered in as the final step in sampling standards 2) Preparation of the test portion from a laboratory sample is sometimes part of the next step (digestion or analysis preparation) or can be covered in a separate standard 3) Summary of test results is a concise summary of the relevant data for the end-user, which can be merged in an overall test report covering all aspects relevant for the given situation. 4) After defining sampling strategy based on the question to be answered either one of the sampling standards will generally apply. All the following steps will be the same for either route. 5) It is at present not clear where extraction of organic parameters begins and pre-treatment ends. It seems that pre-treatment now includes the extraction step. HORIZONTAL Factsheet BFR version: 2/13/2016 Major issues of discussion Regarding extraction, at this stage we do not know if we are going to choose Soxhlet or PLE or both in the standard. The described BFR procedure is working on PBDE analysis of sediment and soil samples. However, the procedure needs to be validated for sewage sludge and biowaste samples.