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Working Capital Requirements (WCR) & BFR Calculation

capital requirements
Working capital requirements (WCR) (in English working money
requirements, or WCR) is the financial measure of the financial result
of changes in cash flows other than the costs and revenues of the
service. The need for capital is usually the so-called "resource capital".
principle of justice
They can be paid in advance (deposit) or with delay the goods or
services that are sold to them. You pay by hand in advance (deposit)
or the term of services you purchase. These terms are specific to
derivatives and financial derivatives.
Significance depends on the length of the operating cycle, the value
fair account
Simplifying the expression from BFR is the following:
Working capital = current assets (inventory + accounts receivable) current liabilities (trade payables + tax assignment + debts + other
non-financial debts).
More generally, we can consider that the BFR defines the difference
between assets and liabilities starting to consider in the broad sense:
Working Capital = Inventories + Realization - Tombstone
We can distinguish between operating a BFR (BFRE, or BFE on
"operating financing need") non-operating working capital (BFRHE)
because some elements of the above equation do not directly apply to
operations (including taxes on profits or debts including fixed assets) .
Given BFRE and BFRHE, you can use the following calculation:
Knowing that BFRE = Inventories + Trade Receivables - Trade
Payables Operating Credits Taxes and Social Security which
On BFRHE = Other Receivables + Marketable Securities (VMP - if not
put into cash) - Non-operating miscellaneous debts[1]
Don't do anything on business days: simply distribute the pata pata
from the company and multiply it by 365 (or 360 LVM by convention).
The level of need for working capital is fair
In some activities, the BFR is negative: this means that the activity
generates cash; This is especially the case for companies in
distribution, which are paid after delivery (often 60 days or more),
while customers pay in cash. output from the operation process.
Three most common cases exist:
Capital that leads to growth: run a financial business, run a financial
business, medium and mature, medium and adult, middle money,
build clauses,
BFR: Functions of the company's operations are equal to operation
resources; The Jordanian Hashemite Foundation
BFR is negative: the operation of the business function is less than
the operating resources: the company does not need operating since
the primary operating finance trading liabilities; Average Long Term
(Capital) Average Medium
BFR coverage edit
During the establishment of the company during the stages of
growth, growth chart, money chart, beginnings, holidays, vacations,
FR = BFR + Cash.
Thus, working capital shortage occurred before the shortage
Considering commercial representation to financing during factoring,
the discount or assignment (daily). More anecdotal, it is possible to
use inverse factoring that is to develop a cooperative solution that is
paid by a third party financier, that is then paid to maturity. Thus,
style is influenced by style.
And this is what happened. What do I do, what do I do, take pride in
their work and their vitality. This improvement is the task of
management, in connection with the functions of purchasing,
production and financial services.
This is the email box in the customer shelter