HORIZONTAL Factsheet Pharmaceuticals version: 2/12/2016 SUBJECT Determination of PHARMACEUTICALS HORIZONTAL number 26 Matrices Soil, sludge, waste….. Existing standards used as basis Work package .......................................... CEN/TC 292, CEN/TC 308, CEN/TC 345, ISO/TC 190 5 Organic parameters Project STREP FP6 HORIZONTAL-ORG Expert Dr. Johanne Beausse Organisation Anjou Recherche Country France Email johanne.beausse@generale-des-eaux.net Standardisation Committees Status Desk study First Comments Phase I Final version Ruggedness Phase II Second consultation July 2004 December 2004 ……… www.ecn.nl/horizontal Completion due 30-09-05 Completion due 31-12-05 Validation Transfer to BT/TF151 Foreseen 31-12-05 Summary of PHARMACEUTICALS procedure max 1/2 page........................................................ Regarding the differences in physical and chemical properties of the studied compounds, three analytical methods are developed : antibiotics, others pharmaceuticals and steroids hormones. The development for steroids is finished. The sample preparation and the analytical parameters were optimised. The steroid hormones were analysed using LC-MS/MS. The sample preparation consists on one extraction step using soxtec and two purification steps on SPE cartridges (C18 and Florisil). The performances of the method have been studied in term of limits of quantification and repeatability. Steroids can be analysed from 0.5 ng/g or 1 ng/g depending of the compounds. Concerning the antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, methods are still being developed. The analytical parameters were optimised and currently the sample preparation is being developed. Different extraction techniques and extraction solvents have been tested. Due to the degradation of some compounds during the extraction, the soxtec technique is not retained for the extraction. For the optimisation of the extraction, the next step will concern the evaluation of ASE and sonication with the selected extraction solvent. One purification step on SPE cartridge (SAX/HLB) was optimised. Concerning the development of the method for the analysis of antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals, the next steps will concern - the choice of the extraction technique - the evaluation of the performances of the method. HORIZONTAL Factsheet Pharmaceuticals version: 2/12/2016 Placement of PHARMACEUTICALS method in overall structure HORIZONTAL SLUDGE, SOIL, TREATED BIOWASTE AND RELATED WASTES SAMPLING IN-SITU ,TRANSPORT, STORAGE SAMPLE PRETREATMENT - INORG INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES SAMPLE PRETREATMENT - ORG & BIOL LEACHING ORGANIC PARAMETERS BIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS SAMPLE PRETREATMENT - HYG HYGIENIC PARAMETERS PAH pH Bulk density Characterisation leaching tests Impurities (e.g glass, plastic) E. Coli Stability (bio) Salmonella Germinating weed seeds Clostridium Phytotoxicity Enterococci AOX Electrical conductivity Dry matter Compliance leaching tests PCB Organic matter* Solidity LAS, NP,NPE Nutrients N, P, K* Thixotropic behaviour DEPH, DBP Trace elements solid * Trace elements determination* Piling behaviour Helminth ova BFR Flowability Rapid methods PCCD/PCDF Soluble P Pharmaceuticals Virusses and bacteriophages Plant Pathogens Position of PHARMACEUTICALS method in the sequence of steps from sampling to reporting Sampling plan Taking of sample Transport & storage Preparation of test portion Extraction/ Leaching Pre-treatment Detection & Quantification, Enumeration Summary reports 1)Sample conservation, storage and transport are issues that generally are covered in as the final step in sampling standards 2) Preparation of the test portion from a laboratory sample is sometimes part of the next step (digestion or analysis preparation) or can be covered in a separate standard 3) Summary of test results is a concise summary of the relevant data for the end-user, which can be merged in an overall test report covering all aspects relevant for the given situation. 4) After defining sampling strategy based on the question to be answered either one of the sampling standards will generally apply. All the following steps will be the same for either route. 5) It is at present not clear where extraction of organic parameters begins and pre-treatment ends. It seems that pre-treatment now includes the extraction step. Major issues of discussion .................................... HORIZONTAL Factsheet Pharmaceuticals version: 2/12/2016