“Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map Grade Level or Course: Chinese I (LSM) Timeframe September-October Unit(s) Resources: Integrated Chinese Introduction ! (Pinyin and radical) Unit I (Greeting and introduction) Content: The students learn to identify radical and pinyin that are the basics of Chinese learning tools, identify basic greeting and classroom Chinese Students will also identify tones of Chinese language. Skills: Identify pronunciation of pinyin, say and understand basic greeting and classroom Chinese, count from 1-100. Introducing themselves and others. The student will identify: the verb 姓(xing) pronunciation of pinyin, say and understand basic greeting and classroom Chinese, Count from 1-100. Introducing themselves and others. Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 1 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map Culture highlight: Chinese names October-November Resources: Integrated Chinese Unit 2 (Family) Content: Looking at family photo Asking about someone’s family Skills: Basic kinship terms, name definite describe a family photo, ask about someone’s profession, and say someone’s profession. The student will identify: The particle 的(de); Measure words; Question pronounce;The verb 有 (you);The usage of 二 (er)and 两 (liang); And the adverb of 都(dou) Culture highlights: Chinese kinship terms Chinese education system Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 2 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map Resources: November-December Integrated Chinese Unit 3 (Dates and Time 3) Content: Taking someone out to eat on his/her birthday Invite someone to Dinner Skills: Tell and speak about time and dates Talk about someone’s age and birthday Invite someone to dinner Arrange a dinner date The students will identify : Dates and time; pronouns as modifiers and the usage of the particle 的(de); the sentence structure of 我请你吃饭 (wo qing ni chi fan); alternative questions; affirmative + negative ( A-not A) question; and the adverb of 还(hai) Culture highlights: Chinese calendar Chinese manner of counting age January-February Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut Resource: Integrated Chinese 3 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map February-March Unit 4 (Hobbies) Content: Talk about hobbies What kind of sports do you like Invite someone to play a sport with Skills: The student will identify: Word order in Chinese; the conjunction 那么(na me ); 去+ action; questions with 好吗(haoma); and verb + object as a detachable compound Culture highlights: Chinese way of splitting the check Chinese past time April-May Resource: Unit 5 Integrated Chinese (Visiting a friend) Content: Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 4 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map Visiting a friend’s home Chat at a friend’s home Skills: Welcome a visitor; introduce one person to another; compliment someone on his/her house; ask for beverages as guest at someone else’s place. The student will identify: 一下 (yixia), 一会儿 (yihuier)moderating the tone of the voice: adjectives as predicates; the preposition of 在(zai); the particle 吧 (ba);the adverb 才 (cai); and particle 了 (le). Culture highlights: Chinese civilities on meeting the first time May- June Resource: Unit 6 、 Integrated Chinese (Making appointment) Content: Calling one’s teacher or someone else Calling a friend for help and dating Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 5 A Shift from Teaching to Learning “Through the Eyes of the Learner” Regional School District #10 Curriculum Pacing Map Skills: Answer a phone call and initiate a phoe conversation Set up an appointment with someone on the phone Ask for a favor And ask someone to return your call The student will identify : The preposition 给(gei); the modal verb of 要(yao); the adverb 别(bie); time expressions; the modal verb 得(de);and directional complements. Culture highlights: Chinese phone etiquette Chinese phone numbers Chinese name for the Chinese language Burlington/Harwinton, Connecticut 6 A Shift from Teaching to Learning