Rubric for Practicum in Diagnosing and Assessing Reading Part A - Notebook Description Table of Contents Introduction Notacceptable Not Sectioned off 0 pts. Has no introduction page 0 pt. Acceptable Distinguished Sectioned off with Table 1 pt. Includes a thorough introduction of tutee. Lacks explicit information 1 pt. Sectioned off with Table and page numbers – no plastic sleeves please – 2 pts. Includes a thorough introduction of tutee, ie. Name, grade, strengths, weaknesses and goals for instruction based on informal/formal diagnosis of student’s needs 2 pts. Signed by the supervisor and demonstrates twenty hours in a logical order – no more than 1 absence. Practiced professional dispositions. 4 pts. Time Sheet & Included, but Attendance/Professionalism not signed and/or demonstrated unacceptable professional dispositions 0 pts. Letters No letters, or letters have errors in spelling or grammar 0 pts. Final Reflection Paper Handwritten or no reflection paper included 0 pts. Is included and signed, not in a logical order- several absences, demonstrated questionable dispositions 2 pt. One letter to either teacher or student 1 pt. Typed with a reflection of both teacher and student strengths/weaknesses, shows some valueadded effect on student learning. Shows some measurement of progress or lack of progress toward goal and objectives. 10-15 pts. Typed with a reflection of both teacher/student strengths weaknesses. Includes explicit value-added (effect on student learning) data, either qualitatively or quantitatively demonstrated. Must demonstrate measurement of progress or lack of progress toward goal and objectives. 20 pts. Long-term Lesson Plans (40) Lesson plans are late. (Friday, 11:00 a.m. due).Lesson plans do not have reflections Lesson plans are submitted on a weekly basis with reflections. Plans follow proper format and reflect planning based on Lesson plans are not turned in on weekly Contains (2) professionally written letters to either teacher/Mrs. Ballato/Dr. McVey, and student. 2 pts. basis. .0 pts. each Resources/research aligned with IRA, INTASC, OES standards Praxis III of lesson. Lesson plans do not follow correct format. (Goal, Objective, Ohio Academic Content Standard, Procedure, Materials, Assessment, Reflection). Lesson plans do not reflect planning based on reflections of assessment results. Notebook lacks professional resources .2 pts. each Notebook contains partial (less than four) professional resources 0 pts. 5-8 pts. Evaluation not included 0 pts. Evaluation is included, but is handwritten. Does not provide candidate examples of criteria met. Does not provide a critical evaluation. 7 pts. reflections of assessment results. 2 hrs. per week x 10 weeks Select one student to keep plans on. Submit one plan for student tutored for at least 20-30 minutes. Plans = 4pts. each x 10 plans Total = 40 pts. Notebook contains four or more professional resources -ODE Website/Diagnostic Tools -ODE or State of your choice DOE critique Vocabulary/Comprehension/Oral Reading Informal Assessments -ESOL resources -Capstone Selection with Criteria (mandatory selection) -Standards (IRA)(mandatory selection) -Research Critique (topic of your choice) 20 pts. Evaluation included and is typed in a professional manner with examples of criteria met. Evaluation provides the candidate with a critical perspective, including positive criticism. 10 pts. Part B – Grading Summary Notebook - Tutor Introduction Table of Contents Time Sheet/Attendance & Professionalism Teacher/Tutee Ltrs. _____/2 _____/2 _____/4 _____/2 Final Reflection Paper ____/20 (with value-added/effect on student learning) Praxis III Evaluation ____/10 Plans/lessons Reflections ____/40 Resources/Capstone Selection Standards, etc. ____ /20 Total Score Comments: ____/100