Frequent Citations and Performance Requirements Student: _______________________________________ Rev 5/6/11 MARSS # ___________________________ Area 1: IEP/IIIP/IFSP Documentation Process and Implementation Citation Requirements Development, Timelines: Annual IEP Review review, and IEP/IFSP Standards: Review and Revision of an IEP for Students in Public School revision of IEP Address any lack of expected progress (34 CRF § Address results of any re-evaluation 300.324) Include information provided by the parents Prior notice by public agency; content of notice (34 CRF § 300.503) Definition of individualized education program (34 CFR § 300.320) CIMP Notification: Notice of Evaluation and Contents of Prior Written Notice for IEP/IIIP Use PWN on I-Plan Address all areas See training materials IEP/IFSP Standards: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Includes a generic statement of intent regarding what the student will miss in the mainstream to receive sped (e.g. non-core academic classes, reading, electives, specials, science) Present Levels of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance (PLAAFP) How disability affects involvement /progress in the gen ed curriculum Baseline performance Parent input Expected proficiency on standards Secondary Transition Describes instructional services and interagency links needed to address transition from secondary services to: ° post secondary education/training ° employment ° community participation ° recreation/leisure ° home living Short & Long Term Goals & Objectives ° Address each need ° Objectives can be achieved in a year ° Designed to measure progress in the general education curriculum (MN Standards) Accommodations °Address “supplementary aids & services” (including AT & PSA) presentation response setting timing / scheduling °Address modifications, if any Parent permission must precede the anticipated start date. Progress Reporting Frequency and Method documented on the IEP and followed Report includes all objectives Measured as stated in the objective __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Frequent Citations and Performance Requirements Rev 5/6/11 Area 2: Eligibility / Exit / Entrance / Evaluation Documentation Citation Requirements Conduct before Timelines: Evaluation Timelines (for children 3 and over) – 30 days evaluation NOTE: Adding assessment tools / procedures does not extend the (Minn. R. evaluation due date. 3525.2550) Reevaluations (34 CFR § 300.303) Evaluations and reevaluations (Minn. R. 3525.2710) Determination of eligibility (34 CFR § 300.306) Timelines: Frequency of Reevaluation – every 3 years or as conditions warrant. Evaluation Standards: Evaluation Report Summary Comprehensive Evaluation Summary includes: all elements of the evaluation. IEP/IFSP Standards: Evaluation Summary Reports address all areas of eligibility, using either the eligibility checklists or a narrative summary. Area 3: Educational Outcomes Citation Requirements Free Longitudinal File Review appropriate Internal Consistency public ° Issues identified in the ESR are reflected in the IEP education (34 ° Significant concerns identified in the PLAAFP are reflected in needs CFR § 300.17) ° Identified needs are addressed in goals / objectives Conferred Benefit ° IEP goals / objectives are not the same from year to year ° IEP goals / objectives are modified as a result of progress review and / or annual IEP review __ __ __ __ __ Area 4: Transition Documentation Process and Implementation Citation Requirements Transfer of Timelines: Transfer of Rights parental rights Before the student is 17, parents and students are notified of the rights and responsibilities at age of which transfer to the student at age 18. majority (34 CFR § 300.520) Transition and behavioral intervention planning (Minn. R. 3525.2900) Timelines: Secondary Transition Evaluations ° Two transition assessments are systematically administered to students in grades 7-12 as part of their reevaluation ° Transition assessments address all 5 areas of transition Comments: File Reviewed By: _____________________________ Date: __ __