834 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE (2/02) 834.01 Description This work consists of cleaning and reconditioning culverts and other drainage structures. 834.02 Maintenance Requirements A. Clean drainage structures, inlet structures, culverts, catch basins, and outlet channels specified in the SPECIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS or shown on the Road Listing. Clean catch basins by removing the material within the area SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. Cleaning of culverts and catch basins will not be required when the culvert is completely covered with material at the inlet end, as SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. Stake uncleaned culvert location(s) using Government-furnished 10 mm (⅜ inch) x 38 mm (1½ inch) x 1.2 m (4 feet) stakes, and notify the Government in writing of the road number, and number of uncleaned culverts upon completion of work on each road in the Road Listing. Staking of uncleaned culverts will be incidental to Pay Items 834(1) and 834(2). B. Clean the transition from the ditch line to the catch basin a distance of 3 meters (10 feet) from the catch basin. Clean outlet channels and lead-off ditches a distance of 2 meters (6 feet) from the drainage structure. Remove and place debris and vegetation so as to not enter the channel or ditch, or obstruct traffic. Haul debris and vegetation, ordered to be hauled, to a designated disposal area in accordance with Section 832. C. Hydraulic flushing of drainage structures is not allowed unless provided for in SPECIAL PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS. D. Cleaning and reconditioning are limited to the first 1 meter (3 feet) of inlet and outlet, determined along the top of the structure. Report damaged culverts to the Government in writing upon completion of work on each road in the Road Listing. The Contractor will repair any damage caused by the Contractors activities. 834.03 Measurement A. Measurement will be the number of units of each culvert type, including cleaning of inlet and outlet ditches or channels and catch basins, completed and accepted. B. Reconditioning of drainage structures will be incidental to cleaning. C. Ordered haul of materials will be measured under Section 832. 834 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE (2/26/02) 1 834.04 Payment A. Quantities as determined above will be paid at the contract unit price. B. Payment will be made under: Pay Item 834(1) Clean Culverts 0.6-m (2 feet) Diameter and under 834(2) Clean Culverts Over 0.6- (2 feet) through 1.2-m (4 feet) Diameter 834(3) Clean Culverts Over 1.2-m (4 feet) Diameter 834 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURE MAINTENANCE (2/26/02) 2 Pay Unit Each Each Each