SUMMARY REPORT ON MINERAL EXPLORATION Division of Minerals and Energy Resources Exploration Licence No: For Six Months Ending: (Separate form for each licence) Operator / Manager: / / Prepared By: Date: Principal mineral sought during reporting period: / / Telephone Number: Eg. Cu, CuAu, Au, PbZn ,Iron, U, Fax Number: HMS etc. (nominate ONE only) E-Mail contact: SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 1. 2. 3. Summarise the type of exploration activities undertaken, including no. and type of samples; line km and type of surveys; no. of holes drilled and total metres (provide drilling details in table below); rehabilitation completed etc.) Provide an itemised statement of exploration expenditure incurred during the period (allowable expenditure items are detailed in PIRSA’s M5 Information Sheet under the heading of “Expenditure requirements”) If field activities are undertaken attach an A4 size map showing location and type of activities within the tenement area. DRILLING STATISTICS Cored No. of holes Open (RC) Total metres No. of holes EXPENDITURE Expenditure for Period (Add detailed statement) Total Expenditure for Current Licence $ $ Total metres Open (other) No. of holes Total metres