Grade 6 Social Studies

Grade 6 Social Studies
A Profile of Stone Age Life
You are to find out as much as you can about one of the
following topics:
a. Paleolithic Era: Life in an ancient Hunter-Gatherer Society
b. Mesolithic/Neolithic Era: Life in the “First” City. The first city cultures
developed in what are today Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran and Israel.
a. Old Stone Age:
1. Encyclopedia under such entries as Stone Age, Old Stone Age,
Paleolithic, caves, cave art, cave dweller, Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon
2. Library subject catalog for similar entries.
3. National Geographic under similar entries
b. New Stone Age: Life in the first cities:
1. Encyclopedia under such entries as New Stone Age, Neolithic,
agriculture, domestication, Fertile Crescent, cities, city states, civilization, Jericho
2. Library subject catalog for similar entries.
3. National Geographic under similar entries
In-text Source Citation: A minimum of 4. See MLA Style and Guide
After finding out as much about your topic as you can, you will now create a
booklet entitled, “A Day in the life of Stone Age People,” or “A Day in the life of
the First City Dwellers.”
Your booklet must include:
a. 600-750 words .
1) At least 600 words to earn an A
2) 500-599 words to earn a B
3) 400-499 words to earn a C
4) less than 400 words earns an F (50%)
b. a student illustrated cover (all books have a cover)
c. a title page ( all books have a title page)
d. Reference List
1) using correct format
2) At least 2 sources
3) one source must be a book. The other can be from an encyclopedia or
e. Atl least 3 pictures or student illustrations, and 1 map, chart or diagram.
f. Staple report. Do not put into any type of cover
g. Final copy must b e word processed and double spaced
1) Font must be Ariel or Times New Roman
2) Font size must be 12
3) margins: 1 inch
Remember—Minimum work earns a minimum grade!
Research Techniques.
You need to have questions to answer to begin a research project. The first
thing you must do is draw up a list of questions that can start you on your quest.
You must have at least 10 questions. Once you have done this, you may now
begin to look for data that will answer your questions. The easiest way to do this
is to write the notes you take on index cards. Once this is done you may now
organize your cards into interesting text.
Dates to Remember
Questions: Due on 9 October.
Note Cards: Due on 20 November.
Rough Draft: Due on 5 December
Booklet : Due 13 December.
**This assignment is a major grade for the second marking period**
Report will be graded as follows
Following Directions (65 points):
a. A total of 20 points for meeting deadlines
1) questions/sources turned in on time (5 pts)
2) note cards turned in on time (5 pts)
3) rough draft turned in on time (5 pts)
4) final copy turned in on time (5 pts)
You must come to school with a printed project
You will lose an additional 5 points for each day an item is late
b. 12 points for Reference list. Must have correct reference and be in the
correct format.
c. 8 points for In-Text Source Citations. Minimum of 4.
b. 25 points for following correct format. A loss of 5 points for most format
Content (20 points): Is it your best work? Is it interesting to read? Is it relevant
to the topic?
Mechanics and Grammar (15 points):
a. 4 points for organization.
b. 4 points for vocabulary
c. 4 points for language use.
d. 3 points for mechanics.
Following Directions (65 points):
a._____20 points for turning report in on time.
1) questions/sources turned in on time (4 pts)
2) note cards turned in on time (4 pts)
3) rough draft turned in on time (4 pts)
4) final copy turned in on time (4 pts)
5) Hard copy or on google docs (4 pts)
You will lose an additional 5 points for each day an item is late
b._____12 points for Reference list. Must have correct reference and be in
the correct format.
c._____8 points for In-Text Source Citations. Minimum of 4.
b._____25 points for following correct format. A loss of 5 points for most
format infraction.
Content (20 points):
_____Is it your best work? Is it interesting to read? Is it relevant to the
Mechanics and Grammar (15 points):
a._____4 points for organization.
b._____4 points for vocabulary
c._____4 points for language use.
d._____3 points for mechanics.
*If paper is 600 words: Full Grade
If paper is 500-599: 11 points subtracted—highest possible grade is 89
If paper is 400-499: 21 points subtracted—highest possible grade is 79
If paper is less than 400 words: 50 points subtracted—highest possible grade is 50