Broward Lesson Plan—Masterton Chemistry Sample Title Grade Level(s) Subject(s) Course(s) Standards Covalent Bonding and Lewis Structures 9-12 Chemistry Honors Chemistry Florida Sunshine State Standards, Science, Grades 9-12 Strand A: The Nature of Matter Standard 1 SC.A.1.4: The student understands that all matter has observable, measurable properties. Benchmark SC.A.1.4.1: The student knows that electron configuration in atoms determines how a substance reacts and how much energy is involved in its reactions. Benchmark SC.A.1.4.5: The student knows that connections (bonds) form between substances when outershell electrons are either transferred or shared between their atoms, changing the properties of substances. Strand H: The Nature of Science Standard 2 SC.H.2.4: The student understands that most natural events occur in comprehensible, consistent patterns. Benchmark SC.H.2.4.1: The student knows that scientists assume that the universe is a vast system in which basic rules exist that may range from very simple to extremely complex, but that scientists operate on the belief that the rules can be discovered by careful, systematic study. Standard 3 SC.H.3.4.4: The student knows that funds for science research come from federal government agencies, industry, and private foundations and that this funding often influences the areas of discovery. Duration/Length Description/Abstract of Lesson Objectives 1 class period (50-60 minutes) Molecules are introduced in the section entitled “Molecules” that begins on page 35. [put link to p. 35 here] Chapter 7 describes how to write Lewis structures of molecules on pages 163-173. Review structural formulas, Give description of energy of interaction between two hydrogen atoms as a function of distance, Explain that distribution of outer level (valence) electrons are joined by covalent bonds and are most simply defined by Lewis structures, Teacher Materials/Technology Connection Show, using Lewis structures, single, double and triple bonds, and Explain the octet rule. Chemistry Principles and Reactions, Fifth Edition (SE text) Instructor’s Manual, Chapter 7, Section 1 Multimedia Manager, Chapter 7 Student Materials/Technology Connection Chemistry Principles and Reactions, Fifth Edition (SE text) Student Solutions Manual, Chapter 7, Section 1 Study Guide and Workbook, Chapter 7, Section 1 General Chemistry Interactive CD, Disc 1: Chapter 7, screens 1–5 Essential Question/Vocabulary Essential Question: How are Lewis structures representative of covalent bonding? Vocabulary: Atomic orbital Covalent bond Double bond Electron-deficient molecule Expanded octet Formal charge Octet rule Single bond Skeletal structure Triple bond Unshared pair Valence electron VSEPR model [Can link each of the terms highlighted in red to the Glossary file on the web site & the definition will pop up.] In an earlier class, we identified a molecule as two or more atoms joined together or bonded. Lewis structures give us a visual picture of covalent bonds. Have students read pages 163-173 in the Student Edition to familiarize themselves with the topic. Explain the distribution of outer (valence) electrons. Outline and discuss the rules for writing Lewis structures for single, multiple, expanded octet and resonance forms Read pages 163 - 173 Give several formulas for molecules and have the students discuss how to write the Lewis structures. [Link to SE pages 164 & 165] Then give a list of additional molecules for students to draw independently to be discussed at the end of Lesson Lead In/Opening Steps to Deliver Lesson Guided Practice Independent Practice Differentiated Instruction Lesson Closure Assessment Associated Activities Resources the class. Make the Periodic Chart available to the students for reference.[Link to page 33 SE] Have students complete pages 133-139 in the Study Guide and Workbook for homework. [put link to this here] Action Research: Federal government agencies, industry, and private foundations can influence areas of discovery through the types and amounts of funding they make available for scientific research. Using the Internet, find the most current sources of funding for scientific research on covalent bonding and write a short report on your findings. Typing the phrase “covalent bonding research grant” into a search engine such as Google will direct students to many sites related to grants for research on covalent bonding. The students present their drawings of the molecules and discuss any questions they encountered completing the Lewis structures. Use the example that appears within the text on pages 164 and 165. Assign students questions 1–20 at the end of the chapter on page 190. General Chemistry Interactive CD-ROM Chapter 7; Covalent Bonding Tutorial: Drawing Lewis Structures Exercise: Drawing Lewis Structures Infotrac, Chapter 6, Atomic Theory [D:\Masterton PandR 5e Website\InfoTrac\ch06.html] General Chemistry Interactive CD-ROM, Chapter 7 Chemistry Multimedia Manager, Chapter 7 Figure 7.1 Electron density in H2