WAX MUSEUM – Biography Book Report 2015

Biography Book Report
Friday, April 17th (5- Casey and 5- Glawe)
Monday, April 20 (5- Bereiter and 5- Gavle)
Name _______________________________________________________________________________
Title of Biography __________________________________________________________________
1. Select and read a biography. Return the bottom slip to school by Friday, March 20th.
2. Make a paper doll “cut-out” of the person about whom you are reading, dressed in clothing that is
significant to his or her life. (For example, if you are reading a book about Alfonso Soriano, it would be very
appropriate to have him wearing his Cubs uniform. The paper doll will be placed on our classroom timeline at the date of this person’s birth.) We’ll give you the blank paper doll and you can decorate it. PAPER
DOLL DUE: Tuesday, April 7th. (Please put your name, your character’s name and his/her birth date on
back of paper doll).
3. Prepare a thirty second to one minute SPEECH that you can imagine your main character saying about the
important events in his or her life. Write your speech on an index card. Dress up like the person in your
biography. For instance, if you chose to read a book about Jon Lester, you could wear a baseball jersey
with his number on it. MEMORIZED SPEECH DUE: Monday, April 13th.
4. Design a button that has something to do with your main character – for John Lester; you could have a
button that looks like a baseball. Have a prop, for example a bat and ball. (Please do not buy anything,
instead, use things that we have at school or that you have at home.) Decorate a poster with your
character’s name on it and drawings or pictures that have to do with your character’s life – like Wrigley
Field, his place of birth, etc. When our visitors come to the Wax Museum, you will be standing perfectly
still as your wax character…until someone pushes the button at your display. Then your wax character will
come to life with you giving your presentation. POSTER AND BUTTON DUE: Wednesday, April 15th.
5. Have your parents sign and return the slip at the bottom of this page so I know they have seen this
assignment. SLIP DUE: Friday, March 20th.
WAX MUSEUM ON FRIDAY, APRIL 17TH FROM 1:30 – 3:00 for 5-Casey and 5-Glawe
WAX MUSEUM ON FRIDAY, APRIL 20TH FROM 1:30 – 3:00 for 5-Bereiter and 5-Gavle
I have read and discussed the Wax Museum assignment with my child. Please return this slip by Friday, March 20th.
Parent’s signature___________________________________________________________________________________