SOUTH EAST LONDON CANCER NETWORK Breast Referral Proforma Please tick the box of the hospital clinic you are referring to, tick the relevant symptoms to indicate the urgency of this referral and fax this form to the relevant Team within 24 hours. Guidelines to help determine urgency are on the reverse side. King’s College PRUH site Tel: 01689 866701/65790/65794 Fax: 01689 863 187 King’s College Fax: 020 3299 4798 Tel: 020 3299 3962 Guy’s & St Thomas’ Fax: 020 7188 0923 Tel: 020 7188 0902 Queen Elizabeth Fax: 020 8836 4035 Tel: 020 8836 5964/5 Lewisham Fax: 020 8333 3451 Tel: 020 8333 3450 Queen Mary’s Fax: 020 8308 9264 Tel: 020 8308 3253 SECTION 1 – PATIENT INFORMATION. PLEASE COMPLETE IN BLOCK CAPITALS. SURNAME Patient visited this hospital before? Y / N FIRST NAME NHS Hospital Number Number Patient aware the referral is urgent? Y / N Gender M / F D.O.B. Address First language Post Code Daytime Telephone Interpreter required? Y / N Transport required? Y / N Home Telephone (if different) / Mobile No. SECTION 2 – PRACTICE INFORMATION. USE PRACTICE STAMP IF AVAILABLE. Referring GP Date of Referral Practice Address Telephone Post Code Fax SECTION 3 – CLINICAL INFORMATION. PLEASE CIRCLE REFERRAL URGENCY, TICK THE RELEVANT SYMPTOMS / SCENARIOS AND MARK THE DIAGRAM. Yes / No I want to make an URGENT (2 WEEK) referral Suspected malignant lump Texture change (> 25 yrs) History of breast cancer Nipple ulceration / eczema Recent nipple distortion Erythema / Skin oedema Unilateral blood stained or serous nipple discharge Male, >50 yrs with unilateral subareolar lump Yes / No I want to make a NON-URGENT referral Lump Inverted nipple Skin infiltration/ Peau d’orange Mobile lump (< 25 yrs ) Breast pain Other (please specify) Male, <50 yrs with breast symptoms Medical & family history, including previous breast investigations / Additional information - continue on a separate sheet if required. Please attach patient computer record summary if available. SOUTH EAST LONDON CANCER NETWORK Information to support Breast referrals Refer urgently patients: Any age with a suspected malignant lump. Aged 25+ with a change in texture of the breast perceived by the woman. With a history of breast cancer who presents with a further lump or suspicious symptoms. With unilateral eczematous nipple change that does not respond to topical treatment. With nipple distortion of recent onset (not retractile nipple). With spontaneous unilateral blood stained or serous nipple discharge. With unexplained inflammatory changes (erythema and skin oedema). Who are male, aged 50 years and older with a unilateral subareolar mass with or without nipple distortion or associated skin changes. Use this proforma to refer urgently (2 Week Wait), ticking the relevant box Refer non-urgently: Women aged less than 25 years with a mobile lump. Patients with breast pain that is troublesome but with no palpable abnormality, when initial treatment in primary care fails. Use Choose & Book or this proforma (ticking the relevant box) to refer non-urgently Refer to family history clinic: Women with no breast symptoms/signs who have a significant maternal or paternal family history of breast/ovarian cancer: One 1st degree relative diagnosed before age 40 Two relatives (one 1st degree and one 2nd degree, or two 1st degree) diagnosed before an average age of 60 Three or more relatives (one must be 1st degree) diagnosed with breast cancer Families with both breast and ovarian cancer, or male breast cancer, should also be referred. In Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham phone “Cancer – a family affair?” on 020 7188 1385 In Bromley refer patients by letter to the Breast CNS at Princess Royal University Hospital In Greenwich refer patients by letter to the Breast CNS at Queen Elizabeth Hospital In Bexley refer patients by letter to the Breast CNS at Queen Mary’s Sidcup Investigations in Primary Care: In patients presenting with symptoms and / or signs requiring hospital referral, investigation prior to referral is not recommended. In particular it is not normally recommended to insert a needle into the breast, or to start treatment such as Tamoxifen. Patient information and support: Consider the information and support needs of patients and the people who care for them while they are waiting for the referral appointment. Resources for GPs to use are available from the Cancer Network on 020 7188 7090, or visit our website Approved by the South East London Cancer Network in July 2012 For comments or additional copies contact the Network on Tel 020 7188 7090 / Fax 020 7188 7120, or visit our website: