Referral for Breast Symptoms Patient Details: Name Address <Patient name> (<Gender>) <Patient address> Email <Patient contact details> Referrer Details: Referring Clinician GP Practice Address <Sender name> <Sender details> <Sender address> NHS No. Date of Birth Home Telephone Work Telephone Mobile Telephone <NHS number> <Date of birth> <Patient contact details> <Patient contact details> <Patient contact details> Date of Referral Dates Not Available Telephone Fax <Todays date> <Diagnoses> <Sender details> <Sender details> Referral Type: Referral Suspected Cancer Symptomatic Referral The purpose of differentiation between symptomatic and suspected cancer is to aid the consultation and for tracking purposes. It does not effect waiting time and all patients will be seen within 2 weeks. If patient is unable to attend in the next 2 weeks please consider re-referral. Signs and Symptoms: Left Right <30yrs + Discrete lump >30yrs + Discrete lump that persist after next period (if premenopausal) Definite signs of malignancy (ulceration, skin nodules, skin distortion) Asymmetrical nodularity Nipple retraction, distortion or eczema Nipple discharge – unilateral, bloody + spontaneous Nipple discharge – not unilateral or bloody Severe mastalgia or persistent unilateral mastalgia in post-menopausal woman Past history of breast cancer + new signs or symptoms Breast infection or abscess (contact SAU if emergency admission for IV antibiotics is required) Suspicious axillary lymphadenopathy Family history of breast cancer Other Details: Has the patient had a mammogram in the last 12 months? If yes, Date: : Location: Yes No Additional Information: <Event Details> Medical Problems: <Diagnoses> Allergies: <Allergies & Sensitivities> Page 1 of 2 Ver 4.0 Medication: Acutes <Medication> Repeats <Repeat templates> Yours sincerely, <Sender name> Sent electronically, no signature required Email to: Page 2 of 2 <Patient name> <NHS number> <Date of birth>