8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SURVEY METHODS IN TRANSPORT: ANNECY, FRANCE, MAY 25-31, 2008 Resource paper for Workshop A4: CAPTURING TRAVEL BEHAVIOR DURING EXCEPTIONAL EVENTS Earl J. Baker, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA INTRODUCTION For more than half a century survey methods have been applied to study how people respond to warnings of potential disasters. For some types of threats, responses include evacuation behavior: whether people evacuate, how promptly they depart, where they go, and how they get there. Many of the studies have been undertaken specifically to provide inputs to transportation modeling aimed at calculating time required to complete a successful evacuation. Other studies have been motivated by the need to understand how to manage evacuations by increasing or decreasing the number of people leaving, for example. Although the latter group of studies hasn’t been aimed specifically at transportation applications, many of them have implications for transportation. A variety of data collection methods have been employed and applied to a range of hazards. This review traces the beginnings and evolution of survey research applications to disaster evacuations, summarizes the behaviors addressed in the studies, lists methods that have been employed, discusses challenges posed to data collection efforts, and recommends a number of topics for research. Most examples cited in the review deal with hurricanes in the United States. That is the author’s own field of expertise, and more studies have been conducted about evacuation behavior in hurricanes than in other hazards. 1 HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF EVACUATION SURVEYS During the 1950’s federal civil defense officials in the U.S. were concerned about how American citizens and emergency organizations would respond in the event of a nuclear attack. The closest analogy was response to disasters, so a research program was undertaken to document how the public and emergency groups behaved when faced with warnings of a potential disaster and how they functioned during and after the event (Barton, 1969). Of particular concern was whether people would take warnings seriously and take appropriate self-protective actions. A related issue dealt with how people would respond to a second or third warning for the same kind of hazard, after earlier warnings had not been followed by occurrence of the event. This was called the “cry-wolf” syndrome and continues to be a policy concern today. Officials worry that people will become complacent and fail to take warnings seriously after a number of “false alarms.” Fewer people evacuating would result in fewer trips being generated, from a transportation standpoint. Surveys were conducted with the public following both false alarms and actual disasters to document how people responded. Other focuses of the research centered on the warning process: credibility of the warning source, how the warning was worded, how the warning was disseminated, and characteristics of recipients of the warning. Early studies followed floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and chemical accidents. Most of the early surveys concentrated on the warning process and whether people took protective action. One exception was a survey following hurricane Carla, in which respondents were also asked whether they left their community when they evacuated (Moore et al., 1963). The next phase of evacuation survey studies was motivated by learning about how people responded to threats of floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes for the sake of better preparing for future floods, tornadoes and hurricanes. The U.S. National Weather Service was a principal user of the information and funded at least a couple of studies themselves. Much of the emphasis of studies conducted in the 1960’s and 1970’s was how to maximize response rate – that is, the number of people responding to warnings. In the case of hurricanes and floods it meant getting everyone told to evacuate to evacuate. But it was also during this period that behaviors were included in surveys that dealt with a greater range of evacuation variables. Specifically surveys began asking about when evacuees departed, where they went, and the transportation they used (Wilkinson and Ross, 1970). It was also during the 1960’s and 1970’s that academic social science researchers began studying warning response and evacuation as research specialties, beyond a response to the need for policy applications. Sociologists saw disaster research as a special case of how individuals and organizations behave and interact under stress. In geography, hazards research became a stand-alone field of study, either as a subset of how societies interact with the natural and built environments or as a type of spatial behavior. Much of the research focused on aspects of warnings and the warning process, and with 2 experience, demographics, and personality attributes of the warned populace (Drabek, 1986). In 1979 an evacuation occurred at the Three Mile Island (TMI) nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania. There were no plans for evacuating people living around nuclear power plants in the U.S. at the time. Decision making by public officials was uncoordinated and uncertain, there were no inventories of numbers of people living within various distances of TMI, and when evacuation recommendations were issued, many people not told to evacuate did so on their own initiative. The spontaneous evacuation of people living beyond the areas told to evacuate was labeled shadow evacuation, and it persists as an evacuation concern today, both for nuclear power plants and other hazards. Several surveys were conducted with people living around TMI to document their warning response and to explain the reasons for their actions (Lindell et al., 1985). Predictably, all the nuclear power plants in the U.S. soon were required to develop evacuation plans, and the plans involved transportation modeling to calculate the times required for populations at risk to reach safety. The modeling required assumptions about the number of people evacuating, how quickly they would leave, where they would go, and how they would get there. For a few nuclear plants, surveys were conducted with residents to gauge their evacuation intentions (Lindell et al., 1985). At nearly the same time two U.S. agencies, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) embarked on a series of collaborative studies to provide technical data that state and local emergency management officials could use to develop better evacuation plans for hurricanes. The effort is usually referred to as the Hurricane Evacuation Study (HES) program. The HES is a comprehensive endeavor that provides computer simulation of hurricanes to identify the areas in coastal communities that would need to evacuate (hazard analysis), inventories the number of households and other facilities that would need to evacuate (population analysis), estimates the demand for public shelters and identifies facilities that could be used to house evacuees before and during the storm (shelter analysis), and calculates the time required to clear the road network of evacuating vehicles (transportation analysis). Both the shelter and transportation analyses require assumptions about how the threatened population will respond, and in most HES projects, the local population is surveyed to gather information that will help predict those behaviors (behavioral analysis). The HES program has also conducted post-storm assessments, in which local officials are interviewed and the public are surveyed, in part to assess the accuracy and utility of HES products previously provided and in part to gather information that will help refine the HES products. A great deal of the survey work conducted about evacuation behavior has been a result of the HES program which continues (Baker, 2000). Today survey research about evacuation behavior is a well-developed field of study with both academic and applied motives. Studies exist not only for hurricanes, floods, and nuclear power plants, but wildfires, hazardous material accidents, and dam failures. Sample sizes have gotten larger and the range of behaviors addressed has expanded. In 3 1999 hurricane Floyd prompted the largest evacuation in U.S. history and resulted in lengthy, problematic “commute times” for many evacuees from south Florida through North Carolina. One response to Floyd was an increased interest among transportation researchers outside the social sciences in modeling evacuation events and created an increased demand for evacuation behavioral data. The broadened community of researchers has brought a healthy new perspective to analyses of behavioral surveys dealing with evacuations. BEHAVIORS ADDRESSED IN EVACUATION SURVEYS It isn’t feasible to list all the topics and behaviors addressed in evacuation surveys, but there are certain behaviors that are typically included and certain issues that recur. The main behaviors about which people are asked in surveys are evacuation participation rate, evacuation timing, type of refuge, location of refuge, and vehicle use. The inclusion of these behaviors is driven partly by the demand for this information in transportation and shelter analyses. Participation rate refers to the percentage of a population that evacuates. Evacuation means leaving one’s residence or lodging to go someplace safer. Sometimes this behavior is referred to as trip generation, but at least in the HES context it is a multiplier used as an input into trip generation. Participation rates vary as a function of actions taken by public officials, location vulnerability within a community, severity of the threatening agent, and certain demographic, socioeconomic, and psychological factors. A persistent finding is that too few people evacuate from the most vulnerable locations and too many evacuate from relatively safe locations. In planning for evacuations and calculating the time required for an evacuation, analysts often ignore the most probable participation rates and assume that 100% of the population being told to evacuate will do so. They reason that the plan should provide sufficient time and shelter capacity in case everyone at risk does evacuate. Even in that case shadow evacuation (people leaving from areas not told to evacuate) must be accounted for. Consequently, “predicted” evacuation clearance times and shelter use usually exceed observed values. Evacuation timing refers to when evacuees depart their residences or other origins. From the emergency management perspective, it isn’t sufficient to convince people to evacuate, because if too many wait too long to depart, there will be insufficient time for at least a portion of the population to reach safety. This is usually displayed as a cumulative response curve, showing the cumulative percentage of eventual evacuees who have left by a particular time. The curve is compared to the timing of other events such as the issuance of evacuation notices and the onset of dangerous conditions. In most evacuations few people evacuate before evacuation notices are issued, then they leave as quickly as they believe they need to leave. If an evacuation notice is issued days before anticipated onset of dangerous conditions, and there is no urgency of immediate departure communicated by officials, evacuees will take the entire two-day period to evacuate. Some of the later evacuees wait to see if evacuation will actually prove to be necessary, because the threat might not materialize. When prompt evacuation is urgent 4 and officials communicate that necessity successfully, evacuees leave much more quickly, resulting in a much steeper response curve (Baker, 2000; Sorensen, Vogt, and Mileti, 1987). Evacuation plans usually focus on the minimum amount of time necessary to complete a successful evacuation, given the size of the evacuating population, the roadway network, and other factors. Therefore clearance time modeling does not usually incorporate the longer-duration response curves if they reflect earlier-than-necessary, precautionary timing of evacuation notices. In most evacuations the majority of evacuees go to the homes of friends and relatives, followed by hotels and motels, and then public shelters operated by government and disaster organizations (Drabek, 1986). This variable is usually called type of refuge. In one sense it is of greater interest to public safety officials than to transportation analysts. Government has a responsibility for public safety and attempts to ensure that enough public shelter space is provided to accommodate the demand. Once demand is projected, organizations strive to identify and manage safe, suitable facilities. However, the locations of types of refuge will affect trip assignments. In some communities one or more categories of refuge can be provided locally, but in other communities evacuees will need to leave the local area to reach the refuge. Location of refuge indicates the geographical location where evacuees will seek refuge. In most evacuations a mixture of local and out-of-town destinations are used. Trip assignments in transportation analyses need to identify the distribution of trips to specific local places or areas as well as ascertaining the out-of-town locations to which evacuees will travel. It is common, at least in hurricanes, for many evacuees to travel distances that are much greater than necessary to reach safety, but in some locations people must travel long distances to reach places that offer both safety and refuge. A related behavior is the evacuation routes used by evacuees. It is asked about in some surveys, but many transportation analysts infer routes from origins and destinations. Route choice can also be managed by public officials by closing some routes, using contraflow, or giving rightof-way to designated streets and roads (Dow and Cutter, 2002). Transportation analysts need to know the number of vehicles on roads, not the number of people, so surveys typically measure vehicle usage. This can be expressed as an average number of vehicles per household (e.g., 1.5) or as a percentage of the vehicles available to the household (e.g., 70%). Sometimes surveys also identify how many evacuating households pull trailers or take motorhomes to account for vehicles that might have an unusual impact on traffic flow or lane volume or vulnerability (e.g, instability in strong winds). For hurricanes, in the great majority of evacuations, between 65% and 75% of the available vehicles are used by evacuees. Some people don’t have transportation of their own, and some of those individuals will need assistance from public agencies or organizations. Surveys usually identify the extent of those needs (Baker, 2000). The bulk of survey instruments are made up of questions about variables that will refine, explain, or predict variations in the behaviors enumerated in the previous discussion. The specific variables that are included depend on the application of the data, the user of the information, and the perspective of the researcher. For example, local public safety 5 officials might be interested in how they can educate the public to change unwanted behaviors, how they can word and disseminate evacuation notices to achieve desired results, how they need to manage traffic to overcome behavioral tendencies, and what sorts of special accommodations they might need to make for evacuees needing medical care or who will bring pets. A few examples of specific issues addressed in surveys include effect of probability information on evacuation, the relationship between home safety and evacuation, effect of pet ownership on evacuation, implications of evacuation fatigue following multiple evacuations, evidence of the cry-wolf syndrome, evacuation expenditures, preference for and effect of refuges of last resort. APPROACHES TO DATA COLLECTION Surveys about evacuation behavior are conducted both before and after evacuations using a variety of techniques. The following discussion describes several approaches and lists some of their advantages and disadvantages. The earliest evacuation surveys were conducted almost exclusively with door-to-door interviews. Questionnaires (i.e., interview schedules) were structured, with both open and closed-ended questions. It isn’t clear how individuals were selected for interviewing, although addresses could have been chosen at random. It’s more likely that a spatially systematic scheme was employed (e.g., every third house). Response rates (i.e., people agreeing to participate in the survey) were generally good. The face-to-face nature of the interviewing sometimes fostered interaction between interviewer and respondent that facilitated follow-up questions and in-depth explanations and elaborations. Door-to-door interviewing is still practiced occasionally, but less and less over time because of concerns over cost, time requirements, and safety of interviewers. If no one is home the first time an interview is attempted at a residence, interviewers should go to the same address on a different day of the week and different time of day, up to perhaps four times, before replacing it with another address. That can be prohibitively expensive. American society is different today than it was in the 1950’s, 60’s, and even 70’s. Residents are more cautious about strangers knocking on their doors, and interviewers face greater risks in certain neighborhoods. Still, some populations might be accessible only by going to their residences, and certain types of questionnaires (e.g., involving graphics) require the respondent to view objects before responding. Occasionally people are interviewed in high-traffic volume venues of convenience, hence the name convenience samples. Interviewers have approached patrons in parking lots of “big box” department stores, for example. The motivation is usually cost, and the technique is usually justified by the argument that the clientele of the establishment represents a “cross section” of the community. Socioeconomic information can be gathered about respondents so the sample can be compared to the general population, and the sample might be weighted to make it more representative. Other examples of convenience samples are interviewing tourists on boardwalks and interviewing attendees of an event such as a “hurricane expo” where vendors exhibit products of interest to residents of hurricane-prone communities. 6 One of the first surveys conducted specifically to provide data for hurricane planning was a newspaper survey (Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council, 1983). Questions were printed about whether people would evacuate, where they would go, and when they would leave. Readers were asked to cut out the survey, complete it, and mail it to an address. The technical data report for the HES acknowledged the non-random nature of the newspaper survey, but employed the results for planning anyway. One seldom sees newspaper surveys in printed media today. Mail surveys are probably the second most commonly employed data gathering technique for evacuation surveys today. Researchers employing the mail surveys are confident that they provide reliable results and yield larger samples than telephone surveys, at the same cost. A certain level of education is required, which might exclude the less educated from the survey, although demographics of respondents can be compared to the general population. The length of the questionnaire must be limited, and branching questions (e.g., “if…go to”) are difficult to include. One of the greatest concerns about mail surveys is that they require a high level of motivation to respond. There are follow-up methods that can eventually get a completion rate that might be comparable to telephone surveys, but it is still possible that the survey participants are people whose views and behaviors are atypical with respect to the survey topic. People who evacuated, for example, might be more likely than others to participate in the survey, possibly because they are interested in sharing their opinions and experiences during the evacuation or simply because the same characteristics that led them to evacuate are more likely to motivate them to talk to an interviewer about evacuation. Demographics are not generally good predictors of most evacuation behaviors, so there is no way to use demographics to correct the bias. The great majority of surveys conducted about evacuations today are done by telephone. There are many firms and centers in the business of conducting telephone surveys on a daily basis about political and consumer issues, and their resources can be applied to evacuation subjects. In many cases random-digit dialing can be employed, but in other instances sampling is allocated spatially, to reflect vulnerability to the hazard in question. Although vulnerability levels can be assigned after data collection is finished if address information is gathered, there might be too few responses in certain locations. Many interviewing organizations employ Computer Aided Telephone Interview (CATI) systems that reduce interviewer error on branching questions and create the database as the interview is finished. Although it is possible to conduct interactive, open-ended interviews by phone, in which responses are categorized for analysis after the fact, most telephone surveys are extremely structured and provide little opportunity for probing and free-form explanations. Nonresponse rate is an increasing problem for telephone surveys. Even though interest and cooperation is typically greater for evacuation surveys than for consumer and political surveys, nonresponse overall is still a concern. In some locations twelve phone numbers are needed for every completed interview (Downs, 2008). Some numbers are simply out of date or incorrect, but many people don’t answer at all, letting their answering machines screen their calls. After someone answers the call, the completion rate is roughly 34%. As with mail surveys, one worries that the people 7 agreeing to answer questions about evacuation are atypical of the general population with respect to how they evacuate. Internet surveys are uncommon in the evacuation field, but will probably gain in popularity in the future. They contain sampling biases which are generally acknowledged. They’re confined to people who at least have access to the internet, and most likely include people who use it routinely. Solicitations to participate can be sent to email lists but can also be distributed by website postings, mailings, newspaper advertisements, and even telephone calls. On top of the sample bias, there is still the nonresponse problem that also plagues other data collection methods. At least two internet surveys concerning hurricane evacuation are being planned that will employ some of the same questions used in a telephone survey of the general population. Comparison of results should provide some insights into differences yielded by the two approaches. Sometimes respondents are contacted a second time or even more frequently to compare their responses over time and from one evacuation event to another (Dow and Cutter, 1998). The respondents are often called panels, but sometimes the response sets are simply called longitudinal data. It is certainly valuable to know what the same person did in more than one evacuation. However, that can frequently be accomplished in a single interview if more than one evacuation preceded the interview. The panel approach offers certain advantages, but it raises certain concerns as well. One survey might ask respondents what they would do in an evacuation, for example, and if an evacuation ensued, contacting the same person again would permit comparison of the intended and actual responses. Panels also provide data about responses in multiple evacuations that had not occurred at the time of the initial data collection. However, one worry is that respondents become atypical after being interviewed even once, and almost certainly twice. If they are told that they will be contacted again in the future, they might become even more atypical. Part of the apprehension is similar to the “Hawthorne effect” in which experimental subjects behave differently when aware that they are participating in an experiment. Another worry is that the very act of talking with a respondent for 10 to 20 minutes about evacuation causes the person to become sensitive to issues they were unaware of before the interview. Their subsequent evacuation behavior could change as a result. One hurricane researcher reported that her panel was becoming more “hurricane savvy” with repeated evacuations. Other observers worried that the panelists might be becoming more “survey savvy” as a result of repeated interviews. Many evacuation surveys ask people what they would do rather than what they actually did. This is necessary in locations that haven’t experienced an evacuation and might be relevant in places that have. Most of the social science literature calls this survey information “intended response” data but in the transportation field it is sometimes called “stated preference” data. It can be collected using any of the methods described above but a distinction is made here simply to differentiate between surveys that ask about intended as opposed to actual behavior. From the earliest days of intended-response surveys on all subjects, there have been questions about the correspondence between what people say and what they do. Although there have been reports of close agreement in some pre-event 8 and post-event evacuation surveys (Kang, Lindell, and Prater, in press), most of the evidence suggests significant disagreement. In hurricane surveys, for example, people overstate the likelihood that they will evacuate in low-threat scenarios, without evacuation notices being issued. They also overstate the likelihood that they will use public shelters. On the other hand intended vehicle use matches well with actual vehicle use (Baker 2000). A persistent policy issue is whether the sort of shadow evacuation that occurred around TMI will occur in other nuclear power plant evacuations. Stated preference surveys suggest that it will, but there is the possibility that it might be suppressed with effective public information (Lindell et al., 1985). A nuclear power plant in New York was constructed but never operated, in part because of concerns about shadow evacuation. Some of the earliest HES efforts took intended-response survey data at face value and used it without modification as inputs into the transportation and shelter analyses. More recent attempts to derive planning assumptions for those analyses employ a mix of actual response data, modified intended response data, and statistical models that capture general relationships between behaviors and certain predictor variables. Another valuable source of data about evacuations comes from mechanical observation, not surveying. Traffic counters are used to record traffic volume over time at numerous roadway locations during evacuations. A couple of decades ago, traffic count data was relatively sparse and unreliable. Counters sometimes relied on electricity which occasionally was disrupted before the evacuation was complete or the data wasn’t stored due to electrical failure. In some instances software automatically discarded traffic count data during an evacuation because it was out of the range of values considered reliable. Today traffic counts are monitored during evacuations, revealing traffic volumes, average speeds, and trends in departures. In Florida real-time traffic count data is compared to results of HES products to monitor whether evacuations are proceeding as anticipated. CHALLENGES TO CONDUCTING EFFECTIVE EVACUATION SURVEYS Many challenges facing data collection for evacuation surveys are the same facing other sorts of surveys. Other challenges are more specific to the topics and issues that need to be addressed in evacuation surveys. Nonresponse bias continues to cast doubt about the representativeness of evacuation survey data. Because demographic variables are not well correlated with evacuation behaviors, adjustments to results can’t be made confidently on that basis. All forms of data collection suffer from nonresponse bias, and nonresponse is getting worse with the profusion of telemarketing and political polling. People who participate in evacuation surveys are likely to be people who are most interested in the subject, the most informed, and people who have given the topic the most thought. There are subgroups of populations that are more difficult to reach than others. Many poor individuals don’t have telephones and don’t possess the educational skills to respond to mail questionnaires. Language is often a barrier, especially in certain neighborhoods of major cities (Lindell and Perry, 2004). Any single hard-to-reach subgroup of the 9 population might not constitute a large enough percentage of the total population to significantly affect overall clearance times and shelter demand, but collectively, they might. Moreover, public officials have responsibilities for the safety of each pocket of the population. Sample sizes have gotten larger and larger in evacuation surveys, as users have insisted on more and more disaggregation of the data. Whereas this isn’t a challenge in and of itself, it results in higher costs. A recent telephone survey in Florida dealing with evacuation cost $29 per completed interview, not including survey design or report preparation (Downs, 2008). Each coastal county had 400 completed interviews, and each non-coastal county had 150. The survey cost for data collection alone was $545,000 (US). The client required “statistically valid” data in each county. Cell phones have created a challenge for certain types of telephone surveys as well as for telephone-based emergency notification of evacuations. Evacuations for many events are based on spatial variations in vulnerability to the events. Hurricane evacuations and riverine flood evacuations are ordered primarily for areas that would flood dangerously, and some flood-prone areas would flood more dangerously than others. Nuclear power plant evacuations would be called for within certain distances of the facility, referred to as Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs). Many evacuation surveys are designed to meet quotas of responses from predetermined evacuation zones. To do that by phone, telephone numbers within the target zones are identified prior to calling. This has traditionally been accomplished by using reverse telephone directories, in which an address can be entered, and the directory will display a phone number for the address. More recently Geographical Information System (GIS) overlays of evacuation zone boundaries have been used in conjunction with address and phone databases to yield phone numbers in certain zones. However, cell phone numbers don’t usually match a physical address like land lines do. As more and more people rely on cell phones exclusively, they will be excluded from spatially-targeted evacuation surveys by phone. Tourists and other transient populations pose particular problems for data collection. They can be interviewed prior to an event, but it is extremely difficult to contact them after an evacuation. They don’t have local residences where the evacuation occurred, and tourists have returned home by the time an evacuation survey can be mounted. At least one study identified tourists who were present during an evacuation by inspecting registrations at public attractions and then attempted to contact them by mail (Drabek, 1996). Attempts to obtain contact information from accommodations have been largely unsuccessful due to concerns about privacy. A secondary sort of challenge associated with evacuation surveys is the use to which the data will be put. Social science research on evacuation was initially concerned with identifying factors associated with evacuation behavior and warning response, with the aim of discovering ways to enhance the level of appropriate responses. The application to clearance time calculations and projections of shelter demand have led to the need for prediction of very precise numerical values. In some jurisdictions such as North Carolina and Florida in the U.S., regulations governing whether new residential developments will 10 be allowed to occur are tied to hurricane evacuation clearance times and shelter demand. Thus the quality of data upon which predictions are made must be legally defensible. RESEARCH NEEDS As with most topics, there is no shortage of candidate ideas for “further research.” The list compiled by one person might vary greatly from that of another, based on the experiences, perspectives, and disciplinary blinders of each. Moreover, even from a single perspective, no list will be exhaustive. The following list is offered with those caveats. The collection of real-time survey data, during an evacuation, is almost totally absent. Traffic counters do provide real-time data, but for a limited range of variables and for only certain locations. Surveys following evacuations often ask respondents to explain certain behaviors -- why they did or didn’t evacuate, for example. The surveys are often conducted months or even years following the event, and interviewee responses are subject not only to memory failure but to “reconstructions” of their own experiences and decisions, based on discussions with others and media accounts of the event. Real-time data collection would permit accounts of behaviors and decision processes as they occur. Real-time data collection would also yield more complete and accurate measures of information that people are receiving during the threatening event. This includes media broadcasts, but also official pronouncements by public officials, which can be used to help explain variations in certain evacuation behaviors. Finally, real-time survey data could provide information useful to public officials managing the evacuation. This might provide information about certain subgroups of the population that are not responding as officials believe they need to respond and why. Survey techniques employed for most evacuation surveys today are designed to achieve large sample sizes at minimal cost. They rely greatly on closed-ended questions that yield themselves to ready data entry suitable for statistical analysis. The methods seldom allow for in-depth, interactive follow-up questions and probing for insights not anticipated prior to the survey instrument being designed. “Qualitative” research is probably an abused term, used to legitimize anecdotal data, but good qualitative methods are underutilized in evacuation research. When coupled with large-sample, structured survey data, the addition of focus group data and unstructured interview data might provide insights to patterns in survey data that otherwise go undetected. At least one study used ethnographic survey methods to construct a decision tree for evacuation decisions (Gladwin, Gladwin, and Peacock, 2001). Both intended response and actual response surveys about evacuation behavior are common, and there have been a few comparisons between results obtained by the two methods. Some of the better-established generalizations were cited previously. One behavior that merits more comparative work as well as explanatory modeling work is 11 destination choice. Many surveys ask people where they would go or ask people where they went with respect to geographical destinations, particularly the distribution of local trips vs. out of town trips, and the percentage of out of town trips to various cities or counties. A better, more systematic comparison of the two data sets is needed to indicate the extent to which the stated preference data can be utilized to make trip assignments. If the intended response data doesn’t predict well or if it is absent, more statistical modeling of actual destination distributions is needed to assess the ability to make trip assignments with predictor variables. The main reason people do or don’t evacuate is that they do or don’t believe they would be unsafe staying in place. Misconceptions about vulnerability contribute to shadow evacuation but they also contribute to under-evacuation from high-risk locations. Surprisingly little is known about why people believe they would be safe or not, beyond having confidence in the relevant forecast information. Belief that one’s home would or would not be safe in a hurricane, for example, is a strong predictor of evacuation, but many people have misconceptions about the safety of their homes (Baker, 2002), and researchers can’t explain why. A better understanding of this belief could help reduce shadow evacuation and enhance evacuation from high-risk areas. A related issue is the failure to hear evacuation notices from public officials. Authorities vary with respect to being able to compel evacuation (i.e., mandatory evacuation orders), but people who say they heard from officials that they should or must evacuate are much more likely than others to leave. Many residents in areas told to evacuate, however, say they did not hear that they were supposed to go. In some instances the failure to hear evacuation notices or to comprehend to whom they applied is understandable. But in other cases it seems incomprehensible that residents did not hear, either directly or indirectly, that they were being told to leave. This too is a strong predictor of evacuation participation rate (Baker, 2002), and research has not explained why so many people fail to hear evacuation notices. Experimental methods, even “pencil-and-paper” experiments are uncommon in evacuation research. There have been experimental survey designs to assess the effect of hurricane probability forecasts on evacuation response (Baker, 1995) and to assess the effect of colorized satellite imagery on response (Sherman-Morris, 2005). In general, though, few studies have attempted to present sets of experimentally controlled attributes when eliciting intended-response survey data. These methods have the potential to replicate the sorts of decisions and tradeoffs that people have to make in evacuation situations. In such cases they should provide insights into the effect of those attribute variables on evacuation decisions and facilitate better predictions from intended-response data. More creative methods or combinations of data collection methods need to be employed. Wilmot (2004) has proposed a variety of approaches used to study transportation behaviors other than evacuation and described how they could be used for evacuation research. All of the proposals have a great deal of merit. If combined with more traditional methods, they could broaden both the scope and depth of understandings about 12 evacuation behavior, while being benchmarked against measures whose reliability is already known. Finally is a strong appeal for collaborative research. Social scientists and transportation engineers and other transportation specialists often have different but complementary perspectives and tool sets for conducting evacuation research. The state of knowledge can only improve as a result of interdisciplinary collaboration and fresh looks at old problems. REFERENCES Baker, E. J. (1995). Public Response to Hurricane Probability Forecasts. The Professional Geographer, 47, 137-147. Baker, E. J. (2000). Hurricane Evacuation in the United States, Storms: Volume 1, (eds.) Pielke, R. Jr. and R. Pielke, Sr., Chap. 16, Routledge. Baker, E. J. (2002). Social Impacts of Tropical Cyclone Forecasts and Warnings. World Meteorological Bulletin, 51, 229-235. Barton, A. H. (1969). Communities in Disaster: a Sociological Analysis of Collective Stress Situations, Doubleday. Dow, K. and S. L. Cutter (1998). Crying Wolf: Repeat Responses to Hurricane Evacuation Orders. Coastal Management, 26, 237-252. Dow, K. and S. L. Cutter (2002). Emerging Hurricane Evacuation Issues: Hurricane Floyd and South Carolina. Natural Hazards Review, 3, 12-18. Downs, P. (2008). Personal communication, Tallahassee, Florida, Kerr & Downs Research, Inc. 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