English Department Lynn Hofmann Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Eng 11 – pd 1 Obj: explore elements of fiction Method: students will discuss ch 7&8 using react 3 wksh. Assess: discussion will measure understanding and reasoning skills. Assign: Read chpt 9-12. Quiz on Friday. Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 February 23, 2009 7th Grade – pd 2 Speech – pd 3 8th Grade – pd 5 Obj: students will enhanced literary skills. Method: students use class time to create a book report. Assess: use rubric Assign: begin book report presentations Thursday. Obj: students will enhance understanding of using effective language. Method: students complete worksheets applying economy of language simile (11), metaphor (13), Irony (16), avoiding sexist language (20). Assign: worksheets due Tuesday. Assess: wksh answers will measure understanding of usage of effective language and types of usage. Obj: students will develop an understanding of the plot Method: discuss chapter 1-10 Assess: responses measure understanding of plot Assign: react 5 Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Obj: students will present book information reinforcing knowledge of elements of fiction Method: give book report. Assess: use rubric and scores will measure understanding of main idea/spt details and elements of fiction. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Obj: students will explore career possibilities. Students will develop an understanding of informative speaking. Method: students identify 3 careers of interest so teacher can try to find a primary source. Orally begin to identify specifics about ch 13. Obj: students will illustrate presentation proficiency. Students will identify the main idea of nonfiction and provide supporting details. Students determine primary/secondary sources. Method: give 1920’s ppt presentation. Assess: use rubric Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.2 Obj: students will quiz understanding of book. Method: take written quiz. Assess: students scores will measure understanding of plot and if reading. Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Obj: students will present book information reinforcing knowledge of elements of fiction Method: give book report. Assess: use rubric and scores will measure understanding of main idea/spt details and elements of fiction. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Obj: students will conclude exploration of informative speaking. Method: Orally teacher will finish discussing important concepts Obj: students will illustrate presentation proficiency. Students will identify the main idea of nonfiction and provide supporting details. Students determine primary/secondary sources. Method: give 1920’s ppt presentation. Assess: use rubric Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.2 Obj: students will enhance reading skills Method: use class time to read Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Obj: students will enhance inductive reasoning skills Method: students do wksh React 4 in coop groups over ch 9-10 uding inductive reasoning. Assess: students responses measure skill and comprehension of the plot. Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Writing Sample of 6 Traits: Obj: students will enhance understanding of 1920’s. Method: In groups of 2 students will research era of 1920’s: famous people, music, inventions, political issues, world happenings, fashions/fads. Assess: use rubric of ppt presentation. Assign: presentations are due Thursday and Friday Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhanced literary Obj: students will enhance Obj: students will enhance skills. understanding of effective language. understanding of 1920’s. Method: students use class time to Students will review concepts of Method: In groups of 2 students create a book report. chapter 11. will research era of 1920’s: Assess: use rubric Method: On own, students will do famous people, music, inventions, Assign: begin book report review worksheets. political issues, world happenings, presentations Thursday. Assign: Quiz on Wednesday. fashions/fads. Assess: use rubric of ppt presentation. Assign: presentations are due Thursday and Friday Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhanced literary Obj: students will quiz understanding Obj: students will enhance skills. of using effective language. understanding of 1920’s. Method: students use class time to Method: take written quiz. Method: In groups of 2 students create a book report. Assess: quiz scores will measure will research era of 1920’s: Assess: use rubric understanding. famous people, music, inventions, Assign: begin book report Assign: chapter 13 – informative political issues, world happenings, presentations Thursday. speaking – recalling the facts fashions/fads. Standard : 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Standard: 12.3.2 Assess: use rubric of ppt presentation. Assign: presentations are due Thursday and Friday Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.1 English Department Lynn Hofmann Monday Obj: students will enhanced literary skills. Method: students use class time to create a book report. Assess: use rubric Assign: begin book report presentations Friday. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Friday Thursday Wednesday Obj: students will enhanced literary skills. Method: students use class time to create a book report. Assess: use rubric Assign: begin book report presentations Friday. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Tuesday 7th Grade – pd 7 Obj: students will enhanced literary skills. Method: students use class time to create a book report. Assess: use rubric Assign: begin book report presentations Friday. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 February 23, 2009 11th Eng – pd 8 8th Grade – pd 9 Obj: explore elements of fiction Method: students will discuss ch 7&8 using react 3 wksh. Assess: discussion will measure understanding and reasoning skills. Assign: Read chpt 9-12. Quiz on Friday. Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Obj: students will enhance understanding of 1920’s. Method: In groups of 2 students will research era of 1920’s: famous people, music, inventions, political issues, world happenings, fashions/fads. Assess: use rubric of ppt presentation. Assign: presentations are due Thursday and Friday Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhance reading Obj: students will enhance skills understanding of 1920’s. Method: use class time to read Method: In groups of 2 students will Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 research era of 1920’s: famous people, music, inventions, political issues, world happenings, fashions/fads. Assess: use rubric of ppt presentation. Assign: presentations are due Thursday and Friday Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhance Obj: students will enhance inductive reasoning skills understanding of 1920’s. Method: students do wksh React 4 Method: In groups of 2 students will in coop groups over ch 9-10 uding research era of 1920’s: famous inductive reasoning. people, music, inventions, political Assess: students responses measure issues, world happenings, skill and comprehension of the fashions/fads. plot. Assess: use rubric of ppt Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 presentation. Assign: presentations are due Thursday and Friday Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.1 Obj: students will enhanced literary skills. Method: students use class time to create a book report. Assess: use rubric Assign: begin book report presentations Friday. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Obj: students will develop an understanding of the plot Method: discuss chapter 1-10 Assess: responses measure understanding of plot Assign: react 5 Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Obj: students will illustrate presentation proficiency. Students will identify the main idea of nonfiction and provide supporting details. Students determine primary/secondary sources. Method: give 1920’s ppt presentation. Assess: use rubric Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.2 Obj: students will present book information reinforcing knowledge of elements of fiction Method: give book report. Assess: use rubric and scores will measure understanding of main idea/spt details and elements of fiction. Standard: 7.1.1, 8.1.4 Obj: students will quiz understanding of book. Method: take written quiz. Assess: students scores will measure understanding of plot and if reading. Standard: 12.1.1, 12.1.5 Obj: students will illustrate presentation proficiency. Students will identify the main idea of nonfiction and provide supporting details. Students determine primary/secondary sources. Method: give 1920’s ppt presentation. Assess: use rubric Standard: 8.3.2, 8.1.2 Multicultural Activities: Instructional Strategy of Graphic Organizer: Writing Sample of 6 Traits: Class: