, PARISH OF MOTHER OF UNFAILING HELP Cathedral Church of St Anne Church of the Holy Rosary Cookridge Street, Leeds LS2 8BE Chapeltown Road, Leeds LS7 4BZ Postal address for all communications: Cathedral House, Great George Street, Leeds LS2 8BE Phone: (0113) 2454545 Website: www.leedscathedral.org.uk E-mail: cathedral@dioceseofleeds.org.uk Parish & Cathedral Staff Priests Rev Mgr Philip Moger Rev Fr Matthew Habron Also in residence: Rev Mgr Michael McQuinn VG (0113) 245 6339 Music Department Director of Music Secretary E-mail Website (0113) 244 8634 Benjamin Saunders Mrs Peyee Chen office@dioceseofleedsmusic.org.uk www.dioceseofleedsmusic.org.uk Wheeler Hall Administrator E-mail (0113) 243 6871 Mrs Geraldine Manfredonia cathedralhall@btinternet.com Secretary Mrs Geraldine Manfredonia Deacons Rev John Lythe, Rev Dr Michael Mkpadi, Rev Dr Joseph Cortis Sisters Sr Chibuakum Osuagwu DMMM, Sr Valentia Chikwendu DMMM, Sr Cecilia Njoku DMMM Convent Holy Rosary Presbytery, 3 Cross Francis Street, Leeds LS7 4BZ. Tel (0113) 262 2466 Eritrean (Ge’ez Rite) Chaplain: Rev Fr Ghebreyesus Ghebrezghi: 07506 994513/ (0113) 232 8101 e-mail: frgygw2013@gmail.com Primary School Holy Rosary & St Anne, Leopold St, Leeds LS7 4AW. Headteacher: Mrs E McDonagh-Smith & Nursery Tel. 0113 336 8433; Fax. 0113 262 3305; e-mail secretary@st-annes.leeds.sch.uk Services marked HR take place at the Holy Rosary Church; all others take place at the Cathedral SS Trinity Sunday – Sunday 31st May 2015 Liturgy times Day Sun 31st Vigil Mass - Trinity Sunday Italian Mass Mon 1st J Tue 2nd St. Justin, Martyr Wed 3rd Funeral Mass of Maria Hughes Ss Charles Lwanga & Comp’s, Martyrs Thur 4th Fri 5th Sat 6th St. Boniface, Bishop & Martyr Sunday Vigil Mass of Corpus Christi 6.00pm 9.30am 10.30amHR 11.00am 2.00pm 6.00pm 12.30pm 5.30pm 9.15amHR 12.30pm 5.30pm 9.00am 12.30pm 5.30pm 12.30pm 5.30pm 9.15amHR 12.30pm 5.30pm 12noon 6.00pm Mass intention Confessions Monday – Friday People of the Parish Tommy McKinley Frank Reacroft RIP Eileen Hurley Ints Private Intention Patrick McGeeney Sylvia Gough anniv Carmencita Ellis Special Int Barney McGeever anniv C & H Armitage anniv Joan Clifford RIP Maria Hughes Tom Kennedy RIP Adam Senior KSC RIP Dudley Kane anniv Peggy Smalley anniv Dora Amartey RIP November Dead List Sr Chilota Ogu DMMM RIP Brian & Linda Gilbride (wed) Ints of J & T Talbot 11.00am - 12.15pm 4.30pm – 5.00pm Saturday 10.30am – 11.45am 4.30pm – 5.30pm Sunday 10.00 – 10.15am HR Morning Prayer Tues & Fri 8.55am HR Vespers Mon – Fri @ 5.10pm (sung Tues & Wed in choir term time) Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday 3.00pm – 5.00pm Rosary Mon – Fri 12noon Your offerings last week £2,761.80 (including standing orders) Received with thanks PLEASE REMEMBER THE PARISH IN YOUR WILL LIFE – Pregnant? Need to talk? LIFE will PLEASE PRAY FOR John Ball, Kevin help. Call 0755 400 3000. Chambers, Malcolm Smith, Donal Hanley, Joan CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETING at Holy Rosary Robinson, and for all who are sick; for Thomas each Sunday from 5.00pm until 7.00pm. All are O’Reilly, and all who have died recently; for those cordially invited. For more information, contact whose anniversaries occur at this time. COFFEE IS SERVED each Sunday after the 10.30am Mass (Holy Rosary Community Room), 11.00am Mass (Cathedral - in Wheeler Hall) and on Thursdays after 12.30pm Mass. CHILDREN’S LITURGY OF THE WORD each Sunday at 10.30am Mass at Holy Rosary Jones Bediako on 07983 776337 or Paddy Spiller on 01274 566332; www.ccrleeds.org.uk LES LECTURES DE LA MESSE sont disponsibles en Français. LAS LECTURAS DE LA MISA están disponibles en Español. AS LEITURAS DA MISSA estȃo disponiveís em Português. MUSIC AT THE CATHEDRAL 9.30am: Cantor Hymns: Entrance: 468 Communion: 315 11.00am: Adults Credo III (for words & music see Hymn 503) Hymns: Introit sung by the choir Communion: 468 Missa quinti toni, Lassus Exultate Deo, Palestrina Tebye poyem, Rachmaninov Organ: Praeludium in F sharp minor, Buxtehude MASS INTENTIONS RECEIVED: Dead: Joe Rousse, Holy Souls, J Donough, Melanio Canbel; Anniversaries: Doming Kam Fai Sun, Molly & Samuel Hughes, Josephine M Topps, Mary & Philip Gavin, Patrick delli Colli, Margarita & Bernard Walsh, Patsy Kearney; Intentions: Glenn Johnson, Neil Ferris, Gemma Clarke (Special Int), The Catholic faith in England, Jan Dankowski (2), Brian & Linda Gilbride (wedding), Rels & Friends of P Iun; Healing: Lollit, Ann Eastell, Denise Nadin, Barbara Powell. WE WELCOME INTO THE CHURCH Jayden Stanislaw Nsikan Nkanang Oluwadunmininu and Noelle Jonas Michael, who will be baptised at the Cathedral this Sunday. THERE WILL BE A RETIRING COLLECTION at the 9.30am & 11.00am Masses today, to support the Cathedral Music. The fund has reached £1,935.81 (target this financial year is £12,250) Last week’s collections were £127.23. (The Organ Fund stands at £129,859.73 (Target 700,000€). Many thanks. CATHEDRAL OPENING TIMES Due to staff holidays and sickness, the Cathedral will open Monday-Friday, next week, (8th – 12th June at 8.00am (not 7.00am) CONGRATULATIONS to Kevin Cooney and Lisa Jenkins who were married in the Cathedral at the weekend. LEEDS CATHOLIC DEAF GROUP Next Saturday’s 6.00pm Vigil Mass 13th June will be signed. Please sit at the front of the south (right-hand side) of the nave if you wish to participate in this way. THE 2015 SEASON OF CATHEDRAL ORGAN RECITALS continues on Monday 1st June at 1.10pm with a recital by Mr. Ben Saunders, Director of Music, Leeds Cathedral. THE ORGAN APPEAL stands at £129,859.73 (The total cost is €700,000). Pipes may still be sponsored; all donations gratefully received. POSITIVE ACTION FOR REFUGEES & ASYLUM SEEKERS (Holy Rosary) needs tinned & dry food. Also chocolate bars, long-life milk, fruit juices, biscuits, nuts, dried fruit; toiletries. Cash gifts may be placed in the box on the paper counter. BAPTISM PREPARATION COURSE for those who wish to have their child baptised in the Parish. Forms for the next course (May 2015) are available from the Sacristy. THE CATHEDRAL 20 - 35 GROUP meets regularly for spiritual, social and charitable activities. If you would like to join, search for ‘Leeds Cathedral 20-35 Group’ on Facebook. Phone 07414 491623 or email: leedscathedralgroup@gmail.com NEXT SUNDAY 7th JUNE, THE SOLEMNITY OF CORPUS CHRISTI we shall re-commission our Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at whichever Mass they attend. ANNUAL NATIONAL AFRICAN & CARIBBEAN PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM on Sunday, 28th June. Booking Forms with details available at the back of the Church. For further information please contact: Rev Dr Michael Mkpadi on 07884197261 or mcmkpadi@yahoo.co.uk . THE SVP meets next on Tuesday, 9th June 2015 at 6.30pm in Wheeler Hall. New members always welcome. For further info: tel. 0793 374 8716. To donate old clothes or furniture, please phone (0113) 245 0800 EVENTS IN JUNE Corpus Christi - Sunday 7th June 5.00pm Exposition, Vespers & Benediction Mass for Priest Jubilarians at 11.30am on Friday 12thJune No morning Confessions or 12.30pm Mass this day First Communions at Holy Rosary at 11.00am on Saturday 13th June, Annual Novena to Our Lady of Unfailing Help from Friday 19th – Saturday 27th June 6.15pm Mon – Fri; 5.00pm Sat & Sun Confirmations At 12noon on Saturday 27th June THE KNITTING GROUP meets at Holy Rosary next Saturday, 6th June 2015, from 11.30 am - 1.30 pm. No experience necessary, beginners welcome THE LEGION OF MARY meets next at 11.45am (after the 10.30am Mass) TODAY, Sunday 31st May at Holy Rosary. Please note new time & venue. All welcome. PARISH 100 CLUB Forms must be handed this week, please THE SCRIPTURE DISCUSSION GROUP meets next on Monday 1st June at 7.00pm, in Wheeler Hall. CHOIR CONCERTS ON SUNDAYS IN JUNE 7th 3.30pm Holy Rosary & St Anne Primary School 21st 2.30pm Boys’ Choirs Festival 28th 2.30pm Girls’ Choirs’ Festival THE NEXT MEETING FOR CONFIRMATION CANDIDATES is on Tuesday, 9th June from 7.00pm - 8.30pm at Holy Rosary BRAVE OF HEART: A WEEKEND JOURNEY FOR MEN 19th - 21st June 2015 Cor et Lumen Christi, St Cuthbert's The Old Convent, Wigton CA7 9HU. Come and find all that God has prepared for your masculine heart: life changing talks, extended times of praise and worship, fellowship and sharing with other Christian men, time in the Lake District, Holy Mass, opportunity for Confession, Prayer ministry. Donation only after £10 registration fee. Includes meals. www.coretlumenchristi.org stcuthberts@coretl umenchristi.org 016973 45623 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION (both groups) The next meeting for both groups is on Wednesday 10th June at Holy Rosary, at 4.15pm. Please pray for the children, their families and catechists. More items on the Cathedral website BELL TOWER If you would like to join our small and friendly team to ring the bells on Sundays, please contact Barrie Dove on 07952 026608 to find out more. MYDDELTON GRANGE is urgently seeking the last member of its team for 2015-16. This Gap-Year role involves assisting with leading School and Confirmation Retreats at Myddelton Grange, as well as outreach work within the Diocese. Living as part of a small community at Myddelton Grange, your board and lodgings are provided, as well as a generous monthly allowance. This is a particularly good opportunity for young people considering working as Teachers or other school roles, Lay Chaplains, or discerning a Vocation to the Priesthood or Religious Life. For further info or application pack, contact Su Goodyear (01943 607 887 or info@myddeltongrange.org.uk ) MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND, Yarnfield Park, Staffs. 3rd-5th July 2015. This is an enrichment weekend for normal, ordinary marriages (not counselling). All discussions are private for the participating couples. There is no group sharing. Info at www.wwme.org.uk or ring 01538 385801 THIS YEAR’S DIOCESAN LOURDES PILGRIMAGE is from 3rd – 9th July. ST. JOSEPH'S HUDDERSFIELD is looking for a full-time, permanent teacher to join its leadership team (MPS/UPS + TLR 2a) for September (or as soon as possible thereafter) to lead on Gifted and Talented & lunchtime provision. The post, initially in KS1, is an excellent opportunity for the successful candidate to develop their career. Please contact the headteacher at djpwilliams@stjosephscps.co.uk or call 01484 531669 for further information or to arrange a visit. Closing date Thursday 18th June. THE LEEDS DIOCESAN DISCERNMENT GROUP for young men and women next meet on Friday 5th June, 6.30pm, at the Focolare Community, 11 Drummond Avenue, LS16 5JZ. The evening will include a presentation of some aspects of a spirituality of Communion inspired by Jesus’ prayer ‘May they all be one’ and, through personal testimonies, a glimpse into a gospel based life-style through the lens of unity. Dinner will follow. The minibus will be leaving Leeds Trinity at 6.10pm. More information: Mgr Paul Grogan, 07841 584042. IRISH MUSIC EVENING - Saturday 6th June, 8.00pm, The Inkwell (formerly Shoulder of Mutton), Potternewton Lane, Leeds LS7 3LW. Tickets £8/£6 on the door. Advance tickets are available online at Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/anevening-of-inter-celtic-music-celebrating-themusical-crossover-between-ireland-scotland-tickets16723641863 THE NEXT HANDMAIDS WOMEN’S PRAYER MEETING is on Saturday, 13th June starting at 7.00pm in Corpus Christi’s side Chapel. Led by The Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal. All welcome. VACANCY FOR: COVER ASSISTANT - Permanent Vacancy available asap at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School, Leeds. Please contact Mrs Eglington at the school for further details. Tel: (0113) 887 3240, Email: info@cardinalheenan.com or see the school website at: www.cardinalheenan.leeds.com. Closing date: Friday 15th May 2015 LEEDS-LIST - local online magazine has included the Cathedral on its '30 Must See Landmarks and Attractions in Leeds' feature. See it at http://leeds-list.com/culture/30must-see-landmarks-and-attractions-in-leeds/ FAMILIAS NEWSLETTER in preparation for the forthcoming Synod on the Family: http://www.catholicnews.org.uk/reflect-on-marriageand-family-2015). Questions about the newsletter to Clara P Donnelly, Tel: 07708 307431, Email: cc.donn@talktalk.net. PLEASE REMEMBER to switch off your mobile phone when you come into Church. Thank you! THERE ARE STILL SOME OFFERTORY ENVELOPES to be collected. They may be picked up from the sacristy. VACANCY FOR: TEACHER OF MATHS & STRATEGIC IMPROVEMENT LEADER PERMANENT POST FROM 1.9.15 - at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School, Leeds. Please contact Mrs Eglington at the school for further details. Tel: (0113) 887 3240, Email: info@cardinalheenan.com or see the school website at: http://www.cardinalheenan.com ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS are collected by our primary school and may be handed in at the Cathedral or Holy Rosary. THE SHANNON TRUST - a charity dedicated to helping prisoners to read, is seeking to recruit volunteers from the Yorkshire and Humberside areas. Further details from: www.shannontrust.org.uk or by contacting Milly Connelly on E-Mail: milly@shannontrust.org.uk or 0161 7458997 CARDINAL HEENAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL is advertising teaching posts in science, geography, food technology and languages. Please see: www.cardinalheenan.com or contact Mrs Eglington at the school for further details. Tel: (0113) 336 8800, Email: info@cardinalheenan.com PROCLAIM’15 is an evangelisation initiative launched by our Bishops’ Conference, to support, inspire and encourage new expressions of parish evangelisation, affirming the good work that is already being done by the Catholic community, and to provide resources and events to profile and develop new expressions of Catholic joy and missionary outreach. There will be a National Catholic Evangelisation Conference on 11 July 2015. COULD YOU HELP WITH OUR CHILDREN’S LITURGY? (Each Sunday during 10.30am Mass at Holy Rosary). This is a rewarding role, for which training is available. All volunteers are CRB checked. Information from Belinda on (0113) 239 2599. THE CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ APPEAL SERVICE is looking to appoint people who are interested in joining our team of Appeal Panel Members and Appeal Clerks for school admission appeals within the Diocese of Leeds. The roles are open to anyone who is interested in education, who can be objective and impartial, independent of the education functions of the Local Authority and can work well in a pressured environment. Full training will be provided. For more information please contact Angela Fieldhouse by email: evangelisation.admin@dioceseofleeds.org or telephone: 0113 261 8040 LOOKING FOR A NEW CHALLENGE? Catholic Care is seeking a Full Time Registered Manager for its children’s home in Leeds. Salary £28,746 – £34,746. For further details and application pack, please ring 0113 3885400 or email janet.flynn@catholic-care.org.uk PLEASE REMEMBER to switch off your mobile phone when you come into Church. Thank you! VACANCIES AT CARDINAL HEENAN CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL – 1) Curriculum Leader for Geography. Permanent Post from 1 September 2015, 2) Cover Assistant. Permanent post available asap, 3) Science Technician. Permanent Post available asap. Please go to the school website http://www.cardinalheenan.com for further details. KNIGHTS OF ST COLUMBA - Do you wish to support our clergy, do charitable works and develop spiritually? Join the Knights of St Columba – now recruiting men over 16 years of age. Contact Jason on 07976 428 198 or jason.aldiss@eandj.co.uk ST. ANTHONY’S CATHOLIC PARTNERSHIP SCHOOLS DIRECT 2015. Do you want to train to be a secondary school teacher in one of our Catholic Secondary Schools in Leeds? St. Anthony’s Catholic Partnership has places to offer to graduates in the subjects of Maths and Modern Foreign Languages for September 2015 through the school direct programme. Please contact C.McFadden on 0113 2776944 for further details. More information is available on our website: www.stanthonysleeds.co.uk. PRAYER The Jesuits run a very useful website called “Sacred Space”, which gives a prayer for each day and a simple method of meditation. Could be useful for those few spare minutes you may have at lunchtime: www.sacredspace.ie WHAT THE SCRIPTURES SAY Confused by violence in the Bible? Visit: OW.ly/pVBHE on the internet. THE DIOCESE IS SEEKING TO APPOINT PRIMARY & SECONDARY DIOCESAN INSPECTORS. The roles will provide an opportunity for knowledgeable and enthusiastic persons to be part of the team providing inspection of Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Leeds. If you are a practising Catholic who, as a teacher or recently retired teacher, is committed to the aims of Catholic Education and has recent experience of management at a senior level in a Catholic school or college, we hope you will consider this opportunity. Application forms and further details can be obtained from the Office for Education & Schools, Hinsley Hall, 62 Headingley Lane, Leeds LS6 2BX. Tel. 0113 2618040 or email evangelisation.admin@dioceseofleeds.org.uk LEEDS IRISH HEALTH & HOMES, in partnership with Irwin Mitchell Solicitors is setting up FREE 30 minute legal advice clinics. Predominately for the Irish community but open to all. Info on 07810 700797. WE WELCOME STUDENTS – new and returning. Check out ‘Leeds Cathedral 20-35 Group’ on Facebook. Phone 07414 491623 or email: leedscathedralgroup@gmail.com; also, the Leeds Universities Catholic Chaplaincy, at 5 St Mark’s Ave, LS2 9BN; www.uilcc.org<http://www.uilcc.org> or find us on Facebook ARE YOU A CATHOLIC STUDENT STUDYING IN LEEDS? Leeds Universities Catholic Chaplaincy is situated on 5 St Mark's Avenue, LS2 9BN. Sunday Masses are at 10am and 5pm (with a social afterwards provided by the Catholic Society). We also meet on Nicodemus Nights (Tuesdays) for talks and discussions on the Catholic faith, as well as having food, drinks and plenty of laughs. So, if you're looking for fellow Catholic students, you know where to find us. DIOCESE OF LEEDS: FOUNDATIONS IN FAITH: A Course of Catholic Faith Formation for teachers, catechists and anyone interested in learning more about the Faith, incorporating the CCRS (Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies) at Hinsley Hall. Info from evangelisation.admin@dioceseofleeds.org.uk; www.dioceseofleeds.org.uk/evangelisation; 261 8040 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Prêt à Manger give discarded sandwiches to St George’s Crypt. Currently, two people go into town each Friday at 6pm and Sunday at 5pm to collect all sandwiches that are to be thrown away. They then deliver them to St George’s Crypt, who in turn hand out the food to those in need. More volunteers are needed to collect the sandwiches - perhaps 5-10 times a year. If you can help, call Nick on 07833 997818. VOCATIONS DISCERNMENT GROUP (for men who are considering the priesthood). Contact Mgr. Paul Grogan - e.mail: p.grogan@leedstrinity.ac.uk tel. no. (0113) 283 7199. Facebook: Leeds Diocesan Vocations Group. A SELECTION of seasonal and topical CTS pamphlets on aspects of the faith is on sale at the back of the Cathedral: a bargain at only 25p each. WE NEED MARRIED COUPLES to help prepare others for marriage. Could you help? Training would be given. If you can, please contact one of the clergy. THE LEEDS DIOCESAN YOUTH SERVICE - has a new website full of the latest news, events, videos, info and useful links. Visit www.leedsyouth.co.uk for more information or contact Leeds Diocesan Youth Office 01943 885478, Myddelton Grange, Langbar Road, Ilkley, LS29 0BE. LEEDS DIOCESAN PATHWAYS GROUP (for young men aged 14 – 18yrs), organised by Mgr. Paul Grogan and Mr. John Wood. Contact Mgr. Paul Grogan e.mail: pgrogan@leedstrinity.ac.uk (0113) 283 7199. Facebook: Vocation Pathways – Leeds Diocesan Group for Boys. CATHOLIC SINGLES is an organisation which helps single practising Catholics meet up, either ‘one to one’ or through social events. For more information please tel. 0161 941 3498, or email: info@catholicsingles.org.uk LEEDS DIOCESE SUPPLY SERVICE (Work in Catholic Schools) offers flexible supply work assignments for Qualified Primary Teachers, Secondary RE Teachers, Qualified Nursery Nurses and Experienced Teaching Assistants to work in Leeds Catholic Diocese Schools. Contact us for more information: Tel: 0113 3314121 Email:info@ldss.org.uk Visit: www.ldss.org.uk YOU MAY READ OUR PRIMARY SCHOOL’S GOOD OFSTED REPORT at http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/inspectionreports/find-inspection-report/provider/ELS/108037 EACH FRIDAY (excepting solemnities) is set aside as a special day of penitence. The Bishops of England & Wales have decided to re-establish the practice that this penance should be fulfilled simply by abstaining from meat and by uniting this to prayer. Those who cannot or choose not to eat meat as part of their normal diet should abstain from some other food of which they regularly partake. IF YOU HAVE MOVED HOUSE – and particularly if you have completed a Gift Aid Declaration – please let us know! Also, please make any cheques payable to ‘St Anne’s Cathedral’. Thank you. A WARM WELCOME to those of you who have recently made the Cathedral or Holy Rosary your regular place of worship. If you are already an altar server, reader, or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, and would be prepared to exercise your ministry here, please speak to one of the priests, deacons or sisters. HEALTH & SAFETY TIP Lighting a candle is a symbol of our prayer and a way of extending it when we can no longer be there. But, please place lighted candles only in the sockets provided. If there isn’t room, leave your unlit votive candle on the tray beneath the lighted candles. It will be lit for you when there is space.