1 In-depth Interview with Mothers of Newborns Record the following information Name, Age, Number of children, Education, Religion, Kebele, Woreda Child Birth Let us first discuss the care given to you when you were delivering your baby. Please describe in detail what happened during your delivery? Place (why), time, duration and nature of labor Preparation of instruments Maintaining hygiene AC/36/6/6/Pr In my own place, it was sudden, pain in my side and stomach area, 9:00 P.M. to 1 PM. Mother washed it and gave it to me. Prepared blade, fiber to hold blood and clothes. Cleaned delivery area, surface and washed myself. AC/19/2/3/Pr 10 AM to 10 PM. Assisted by TBA. Only prepared new blade. I prepared enset, stored some Worke. AC/20/1/7/Pr at home, TBA told me it was fine, Mat put on floor. 10 PM Saturday to 1AM Monday. Prep blade, towel, clean bed cloth. TBA massaged my side saying baby had moved there. TTBA washed my perineal area before delivery and I washed after. AC/35/5/5/Is Gave birth in the back of my house. Only blade. Prepared clean clothes and resting area for baby. AG/20/1/3/Pr At home since I had no problems. Gave birth on 3rd day. Would have stomach and waist pains for a while, then would fall asleep, then pains would restart. Prepared blade, thread, soap and clothes for baby. Washed myself because I didn’t want to smell if I died. Washed my perineal area on 3rd day. AG/35/8/0/Pr Gave birth at home, suddenly. 10 PM to 11 PM. Had stomach and waist cramps, relatively light. Went to look for pasture on my eighth month, prepared food consumed by children, so nothing prepared. AG/18/1/7/Pr (knowleadgble) At home. Started at 12 P.M. to Monday 5 P.M. Quite intense most of the time. Took me to TTBA thinking it was wesfat blocking it, she was not there. Only blade prepared. Hashto, kancha, animal skin put on ground of house to deliver. AG/17/2/2/Pr Labor started in the morning and ended at 8 PM. Prepared cloth for baby and ‘amesa’powder from HF, soap for my hands. House swept, kocho and butter, animal to be killed. Hashto, kancha, plastic and cloth/pillow on floor of house to deliver. LC/25/3/0/Or 10AM to 1PM. Prepared porridge, gruel and baby clothes. New, boiled blade. For hygiene, cleaned and put fresh mud on house, prepared blade, washed baby’s clothes which they used. LC/25/1/0/Pr Gave birth in 2 minutes after labor pains started. Prep diapers washed, cloth wrap, new blade, scented wood to be smoked, washing bowl. House cleaned and pasted with mud. LC/27/2/0/Pr 3 PM to 6 PM. Labor was light. Prepared barley flour and butter. New blade, washed my bed cover and wrap for baby. LC/30/4/0/Pr 6 PM to almost dawn. Had burning sensation in stomach. Prep. Genfo, butter, coffee, sugar, my cloth, animal skin, new mattress, night cloth. Cloths cut and 2 washed for child and smoked to get rid of urine smell. Cloth wrap for baby bought 15 days after. Washed my clothes and myself. GA/22/2/0/Is 4 AM to 8 AM. TBA was called when labor started. Very painful, lost consciousness until 8 after delivery. Prep new blade, clothes for baby – netela pieces and food for myself – butter, teff, barley and wheat. Clothes washed and smoked to that baby doesn’t get cold from smell. GA/21/3/2/Is 12:30 AM in night to 7 AM in night. Prep mattress and animal skin, blade. Washed my clothes and baby’s. New mattress and skin. GA/22/2/3/Is 7 AM to 2:30 AM. Expected it. Cramps and water breaking. Didn’t have anything before delivery. Prep warm and washed clothes for me and baby. GA/30/6/0/Is Labor was tolerable. In seven hours. For my former delivery, went to HF on 4th day. Husband took me on cart. Prep. Butter, honey, cereals, sugar.. new blade, Who was present during the delivery? What did they do for you during the delivery? Was anything discussed among them? AC/36/6/6/Pr My husband, my children and MIL who helped me deliver. My husband was very worried and talked to my mother (Mother) about taking me to HF. Oldest daughter brought things to my MIL and made coffee and snacks. AC/19/2/3/Pr My MIL, 2 sister’s in law, one neighbour. Told me to sit in such a manner during labor. One held my legs, I held on to another. Did not discussed anything AC/20/1/7/Pr TBA, GIL and mother. Didn’t do anything except TTBA who helped me deliver. Talked about taking me to HF because of long labor. But TTBA said it was no problem if I delivered at home. AC/35/5/5/Is 2 Neighbours were there and a TBA. She is the one who helped me deliver. Just received the baby. Not much they did. AG/20/1/3/Pr MIL and neighbor. They talked to each other and prayed AG/17/2/Pr. AG/35/8/0/Pr Nobody was there. Not my husband. Gave birth by myself in the dark, cut cord and woke up children to make the fire. Placenta delayed for 20 minutes. AG/18/1/7/Pr My gmother, cousins, his mother, gmother, stepmother. My Gmother helped me deliver. His stepmother assisted. Others prayed and advised about my position and ventilation. AG/17/2/2/Pr MIL held me. Ngbr milked cows and fed my child. Talked about holding my legs so that I don’t stretch them. Prayed don’t tell people about labor because everybody comes and sits and talks to other about it. LC/25/3/0/Or Neighbor, SIL and my aunt. They only received baby. No TBA. Labor was light. SIL cut cord. And passed it on to my aunt, who gave baby to me after placenta came out soon. LC/25/1/0/Pr Only mother, who is a TBA, helped me deliver. Mother received baby and gave it to ngbr who came, while waiting for placenta, came right away. Didn’t discuss anything because delivery was quick. LC/27/2/0/Pr TBAs, wife of BIL, nghbr. Held me when I was in labor, made genfo and adja. LC/30/4/0/Pr TBA, MIL and wife of BIL. BIL held my waist from the back, I held on to MIL and TBA received baby. Later one of them held baby while one squeezed on my belly to push placenta out. They prayed and encouraged me. 3 GA/22/2/0/Is TBA and neighbors. Did not do anything. TBA cut cord, wrapped baby in netela and put her beside me. The others gave me milk and gruel. Husband was present, stepped out when I delivered. Didn’t discuss much, TBA assured them that I was in pain bcse I was about to deliver. Did nothing for my intense pain, they just sat beside me. GA/21/3/2/Is 2 neigbors and husband. One of them washed her hands with soap and sat beneath me. The other supported my head from behind. Former recd baby and cut cord, and laid it beside me. Prayed for me so I can deliver easily. No discussion. GA/22/2/3/Is Came to my mother’s house to deliver. Relatives and neighbors were called. They held my back from behind, cut cord, washed baby, made genfo and ate. Was in too much suffering to know what they were discussing. GA/30/6/0/Is Older woman helped deliver me, had her called when labor intensified. Ngbrs came later. She picked up baby, cut cord, wrapped baby and gave to me. Did not discuss anything. Did you experience any problems when you were delivering your baby? What was done about it? Who? AC/36/6/6/Pr I had no problems except labor pains. AC/19/2/3/Pr, AC/20/1/7/Pr AC/35/5/5/Is AG/35/8/0/Pr AG/17/2/Pr GA/22/2/0/Is GA/30/6/0/Is AG/20/1/3/Pr Only labor pains. Husband brght me soft drink, Nghbr brought me milk which I drank. AG/18/1/7/Pr Labor was long and painful. Nothing done except holding me. My FIL and his fathers discussed what to do, decided to consult TBA. LC/25/3/0/Or No problems LC/25/1/0/Pr. LC/27/2/0/Pr GA/21/3/2/Is GA/22/2/3/Is LC/30/4/0/Pr Bled a lot right after delivery and some through out the day. TBA gave me fluid of oil and sugar, and had me sleep on my side to make it stop. Did not go to HF bcse would be difficult to leave baby and to go while bleeding. Gave me genfo, soft drink and coffee. What danger signs and complications may a woman experience when delivering a baby1? Levels Impact on woman and fetus/newborn Response AC/36/6/6/Pr Did not recognize danger signs except prolonged labor, after 2 to 3 days, causes suffocation of baby and death of both, have to be taken to HF early; early labor pains may cause miscarriage, small pains not a problem, non-cephalic birth (may cause death to both) is danger sign and take to HF, and bad smelling discharge indicates ill health in mother but does not harm mother, should be given gruel, discharge flows out. AC/35/5/5/Is Don’t know. AC/19/2/3/Pr AC/20/1/7/Pr DK, AG/20/1/3/Pr Bleeding and labor for 3 to 4 days without the woman being able to move around are danger signs. I was able to move around and work, so it was ok. Prolong labor can cause death of mother and baby. TBAs are called and if they say to take to HF we do. Excessive Bleeding can hurt woman and cause her death. We have her drink soft drink, animal blood and eat food. Bleeding before delivery can cause miscarriage. 1 Bleeding, fever, convulsions (fits), loss of consciousness, prolonged labor > 12 hours, preterm labor, prolapsed cord or noncephalic presenting part, meconium discharge during labor 4 Should go to HF right away, even for small amount of blood, there should be no blood during delivery (Q). Fever is desirable dur delivery, they are even covered up during labor (Q). have not see fits before delivery,. Anemic and weak women may lose conciousness. Shd fan them and soft drink – no problem for baby. Preterm labor comes frm excessive work during preg, falls, may cause miscarriage. Baby can come feet first or head down, dangerous, take to HF or they will die. Discharge with bad smell not a danger sign. AG/35/8/0/Pr Don’t know any danger signs. With probing Don’t know about fever, bleeding, meconium discharge, preterm labor. Losing consciousness not a problem. Labor prolonged when more than 2 days, mother hurt and baby becomes weak. Taken to HF. Malpositioned baby when it comes first, taken to HF. AG/18/1/7/Pr Baby could go into wrong position or cord could go around his neck if mother rolls around during labor. Couldn’t fold my legs or go out for days after. Mother could be hurt and lose consciousness and baby becomes very weak. Water poured on her head. Should be taken to HF after 2 to 3 days. Delayed placenta another danger sign. When more than 4 hours, can kill woman. TBA called who can return wosfat to its place and then taken to HF. Fever and fits not danger sign. Preterm labor risky for mother, baby comes out thin. May give her drugs for wesfat, or taken to HF. Prolapsed can weaken mother and suffocate baby, nothing done. DK about meconium discharge. AG/17/2/2/Pr With probing. Bleeding, fever, as danger signs of internal problem. Taken to HF. Fits, due to malaria or cold, warm clothes. Not concerned about her preterm labor – said to be wesfat. Wesfat is sth that gives her cramps and allows her to deliver (Q). If cord is wrapped around baby, TBA will deal with it. LC/25/3/0/Or Placenta could be delayed, break and stay inside. Could harm mother. Has to be taken to HF (LC/30/4/0/Pr- after one hour holding end and holding stomach) . Excessive bleeding, both before and after delivery. Both conditions can lead to death. LC/25/1/0/Pr Prolonged labor due to displacement of baby, and big baby. LC/27/2/0/Pr Have heard of prolonged labor. Pray for her and take her to HF. Didn’t know of other problems. LC/30/4/0/Pr TBA knows if placenta is broken. Give us herbal concoction with coffee and sugar. Prolonged labor, from small uterus and mal positioned baby, take to HF, if not baby can die. GA/22/2/0/Is When labor is prolonged and baby comes out feet first. Woman could be harmed, could die. Take to HF, after 4 hrs for prolonged labor. With probing Have heard of bleeding, I had fever myself, DK about preterm labor. GA/21/3/2/Is Weakness during labor, placenta delayed, excessive bleeding due to heavy tasks during preg or bad smell – she has to be taken to clinic on same day unless due to ignorance. Has to be taken to HF for placenta delayed more than 1.5 hours. Othrwise would die or go up to her head. Weakness in labor can be due to lack of nutrition, illness or prolonged labor. If she cannot push, he has to take her to clinic. Wogeshas check position of baby and size of her birth canal, use blade to cut her if it is narrow, if she is weak and finds it difficult to breathe, take her to HF. If she asks to be taken to Hf, they will take her. Prolonged labor – taken to HF- she and baby can die otherwise. Preterm labor, woghesha sees her, if not taken to clinic, can be anxious. With probing Baby coming out feet first, wogesh can straighten her or take to clinic- both can die. 5 GA/22/2/3/Is Problems during delivery. With probing some have bleeding, she will be harmed, could die. Has to tell people to take her to Hf. Prolonged labor – go to Hf after a day. If baby comes early, baby can be paralyzed. If baby comes on its back, will make delivery difficult. Can’t do anything. DK about feet first, meconium discharge, GA/30/6/0/Is Don’t know. My three days of labor did not hurt me, I would have delivered in due time, but they got afraid and took me to HF. With probing I had some bleeding but HF told me it was moderate. Have not seen women in community with excessive bleeding, prolonged labor, preterm labor. I am the only one who gave birth in community. Newborn Health What has been your experience of being a mother since you had your baby? AC/36/6/6/Pr I bfeed wash and care of baby, I am expressing my motherhood (AC/20/1/7/Pr AG/18/1/7/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is, GA/22/2/3/Is). Since the birth was painful, I love baby very much. AC/19/2/3/Pr AG/20/1/3/Pr I have a special feeling for my son. I always want to hear his voice, cry. AG/35/8/0/Pr Did not want child, but since she came out of my body, I love her. AG/17/2/2/Pr Did as my MIL did for 1st baby, she used to hold, wash baby (Q). LC/25/3/0/Or I feel tender towards it. I bfeed her when she cries. Change her diapers. LC/25/1/0/Pr Motherhood is good GA/22/2/3/Is. LC/27/2/0/Pr I am happy about being mother. GA/21/3/2/Is Its good fortune, this is like a degree for us. Immediate care of the newborn Let us now discuss the care that was given to your baby immediately after it was born. Who received and took care of the baby when it was born? AC/36/6/6/Pr MIL received baby. AC/19/2/3/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr , GA/21/3/2/Is AC/20/1/7/Pr TBA, GA/22/2/0/Is AC/35/5/5/Is A neighbor AG/35/8/0/Pr I did. AG/18/1/7/Pr My gmother AG/17/2/2/Pr Ngbr received baby, other nbr cut cord. MIL held me. LC/25/3/0/Or SIL and aunt. LC/25/1/0/Pr My mother, later helped by ngbr. LC/27/2/0/Pr BILs wife. GA/22/2/3/Is my mother and grandmother. GA/30/6/0/Is Older female neighbor. Please describe everything that she did for the baby as soon as it was born? Who else? Drying, warming, placement of baby Bathing Breathing/crying Handling of cord, substances on stump Breastfeeding, beliefs & practices regarding colostrums 6 Additional substances given to newborn, rationale AC/36/6/6/Pr MIL cut cord, put baby down, waited for placenta to come, washed baby and gave to me to breastfeed (AC/19/2/3/Pr, AC/20/1/7/Pr, AG/20/1/3/Pr, ) . Checked breathing by baby’s cry and holding her to look at her. Didn’t see how she cut cord, nothing put on stump. Extracted first milk, because it is Sidama custom, does not harm baby. AC/19/2/3/Pr No skin to skin to contact. Extracted first milk, Because it is old, MIL told me to get rid of it because it is not good for baby (Q) started to bfeed in 40 minutes. Butter on whole body, not on stump. AC/20/1/7/Pr See above. Washed baby with cold water & soap to get rid of blood bcause warm water not prepared. Wrapped it in bedclothes without washing. Bfeed baby after extracting colostrums - TBA told her to. Gave yetena zeit to baby on 4 th day, (45 birr) strengthens baby (Q). AC/35/5/5/Is Cut cord, dried baby, put cloth on her and put her by my side until placenta came out, then washed baby with cold water and soap, wrapped it in cloth, and gave to me to bfeed in 15 minutes (AC/19/2/3/Pr , AG/17/2/2/Pr. Nothing else given besides bmilk. Extracted first milk because it was old. Nothing put on stump. AG/20/1/3/Pr See above, put baby naked on fiber waiting for placenta which came while she cut cord, washed baby with warm water. Cord was not tied. Nothing put on stump, (AG/35/8/0/Pr, ). Did not dry after washing, put tshirt on and gave to me to bfeed. Wrapped in towel, 2nd towel and something else to keep him warm. Knew baby was breathing well and was healthy because baby was crying out. Squeezed out first enger because it has gelled, has been on breast dur pregnancy, baby will get sick (Q). Only amessa given on 10th day – protects baby from illness, minimizes illness (Q). Takes amesa beg and end of day, frm root for one month, from the leaf in 2nd month, from shell on 3rd month (Q). AG/35/8/0/Pr I was on mattress on ground. I received baby and cut the cord two joints of my finger long. I haven’t had any assistants since my first baby because I have quarreled with my MIL. During my 3rd delivery, it was completely dark. I push the placenta and waste away and go to sleep. Placenta is buried on 2nd day, 3rd and 4th day in the past. Wrap baby in cloth and put it to my side until placenta came out. Then washed her with warm water. Was not able to dry her. To keep baby warm, I hold it to me and wrap it in the cloth. Baby’s breathing was good because she cried out at birth. Washed breasts with warm water and breastfed after squeezing out first milk, has ‘gelled’ and not good for baby as the older people say. Nothng else given. AG/18/1/7/Pr Baby came out on animal skin, gmother cut cord, wrapped baby in cloth, and held her until placenta came out. Washed baby with very cold water and have her drink warm water. No skin to skin. Bfed after 15 minutes. Extracted colostrum AG/17/2/Pr Gave amessa powder from HF to baby with cold water. AG/17/2/2/Pr See above. Washed baby with warm water and soap. Bfed after I rested and had kocho and milk. Extracted first milk, because it is old and not useful for baby. Only gave her amessa powder in cold water. LC/25/3/0/Or SIL washed baby with warm water and wrapped baby with cloths and towel to put baby beside me to bfeed (LC/27/2/0/Pr .) Others gave food to me. Checked breathing thr crying. Nothing put on stump. Washed breasts and bfed immediately. Squeeze out first milk –thick- and feed thinner milk, bcse it will make her 7 sick. I bmilk does not come out, give her boiled water (cooled) with sugar, so that she will get used to the bottle. If she has stomache – she stretches and cries -, will give her herb (tenadam) with water. LC/25/1/0/Pr Nghbr washed her with cold water, dried her with cloth and wrapped her with another cloth to put her beside me to bfeed. Not too close bcse so that I don’t roll on her when I go to sleep LC/27/2/0/Pr LC/30/4/0/Pr. Checked breathing when baby cried vigorously. Put butter on stump so that baby does not feel pain/sick and so that it drops off soon. Bfed her right away because Hf tells us to do so, helps the placenta emerge, Gave her first milk bcse they have told us it good for baby, cleans out her stomach. Nothing else given. LC/27/2/0/Pr Cord tied with clean thread. Stump buttered until it drops off. Exracted first milk, because it is a norm, don’t know why. Bfeed when he wants, cries, until satiation, bfeed from one until the other fills up. Nothing else given. LC/30/4/0/Pr Mil received baby, cut cord with new blade and tied it with cloth from baby wrap GA/21/3/2/Is - from netela. MIL wiped it with cold water so that it would be strong, rubbed its body and head with butter to soften skin, and wrapped it with cloth to give to me. Butter put on stump so that it will soften and drop off, once daily. I then breastfed him with first milk, taught to give it to them. Wouldn’t suck until the evening, gave him boiled water and sugar. GA/22/2/0/Is TBA received baby, rubbed cord, cut it, did not tie it. Have not seen tying before. Nothing put on stump. Wrapped baby and put her beside me. Did not dry her. TBA washed her 2 hours later with cold water, so that she will be stronger, . Wrapped her with netela, put two of my blankets on her to keep her warm. Washed her again in the evening with warm water, to keep her warm. Checked breathing thr crying. Tried to bfeed her but milk would not come out, massaged it with warm water (as the TBA instructed) and squeezed out the yellow milk to give her white milk on second day. She had nothing else on first day, just gave her the breast (did not have milk). TBA told me that first milk is not good for her, don’t know why, so gave her the clean milk. Older women tell us that only milk should be given, other things can make them ill (Q). Placenta buried in house or thrown in river as Sharia prescribes. GA/21/3/2/Is They received baby with cloth and put him beside me. Then washed baby and told me bfeed him. Massaged breast with warm water when milk does not come out, or give water to baby. Then washed myself, changed clothes, had baby rest and I rested. GA/21/3/2/Is cord cut at one joint of index finger. Nothing put on stump. Washed baby with warm water to get rid off blood, without soap – might peel off her skin. Wrapped her in cloth without drying and laid her to sleep. A bit removed from me because I had sweated a lot during delivery and my breath was not good. Put clothes on either side of her and on top of her to keep her warm. Checked breathing thr crying. My breasts don’t have milk for up to 3 days, give her warm water instead. Washed and massaged breast with warm water, gave her to suck, and milk finally flowed out. Did not give her first milk – solid milk can make her ill in stomach GA/30/6/0/Is. Would not have bfed her even if I had milk – afraid that she won’t be up to it. Nothing else given. GA/22/2/3/Is My mother received baby, cut cord with new boiled blade to prevent illness such as AIDS and washed him with with warm water to get rid off blood, wrapped him in netela and bed cover to keep him warm, and put him on my mattress a bit away from him so I don’t roll on him and he doesn’t get used to my scent. Tied cord with 8 thread from cloth and cut if after rubbing it so that baby cannot feel pain, close to his navel so that is doesn’t bleed. On second day, baby washed held by feet and shaken to close off its head, body rubbed and stump wiped with butter. Bmilk would not come out till 2nd day even if we massaged it with warm water, gave her warm water with sugar instead. Extracted first milk bcse it is pus, cream and gave her clean milk (Q). GA/30/6/0/Is Cord rubbed so that it doesn’t bleed, and cut. Tied only if bleeding. She received baby, clothed baby and gave her to me. Did not wash her because Hf has told us not to wash baby for 3 days so that she is not exposed to bered. Washed her on 3rd day with warm water and soap, as told by HF. Cut up netela to wrap her and put blanket on her and kept fire going close by to keep her warm. Let her rest a bit away from me so that she does not get used to me and because she is too small. Know breathing thr crying, is not breathing if not crying (Q). nothing put on stump. Bfed her soon only when she cried, not before. Washed my breasts with warm water first. Stopped giving butter bcse we have been thght that it causes cramps. We don’t give water. Did your baby have any problems as soon as it was born? What about other babies? What was done about it? Who? Any consultations/decision maker? AC/36/6/6/Pr My baby did not have problems, neither do other children. AC/19/2/3/Pr AG/18/1/7/Pr, LC/25/3/0/Or, LC/25/1/0/Pr LC/27/2/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is GA/21/3/2/Is GA/22/2/3/Is, GA/30/6/0/Is AC/20/1/7/Pr Baby kept vomiting after bfeeding. My parent told us to take him to HF and my husband and I took him to HF. AC/35/5/5/Is My baby lately has been affected by evil eye and vomits, diarrhea. Resp? AG/20/1/3/Pr No problems. Babies not given amessa can die. They get stomach cramps and are irritable. I decided to give amesa to baby after seeing my mother do it previously. AG/35/8/0/Pr No problems. But since my milk is not enough for her, she cries a lot. LC/30/4/0/Pr Baby had stomach cramps, stretches and cries and urinates, and we took it to HF but they said they couldn’t do anything for six months, just vaccinated him and told us to bfeed him. Do some women have babies who are small/have low birth weight? How can you tell when a baby is small/has low birth weight? What is likely to happen to babies who are small/with low birth weight? Does a baby which is small/with low birth weight need special care? What kind? AC/36/6/6/Pr I have seen small baby, very thin. Caused due to lack of adequate food during pregnancy. Nothing happens to them, they grow to become normal. People just wonder why someone gave birth to small baby. Don’t know of special care, only to give them vacc and medications. AC/35/5/5/Is I have not seen. (AC/19/2/3/Pr, AC/20/1/7/Pr AG/20/1/3/Pr, AG/18/1/7/Pr AG/17/2/2/Pr, LC/25/3/0/Or, LC/27/2/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is) It may be because parents are thin. I would give them good food and health oil. AG/18/1/7/Pr They have to be bfed regularly, washed, kept warm, clothes washed. AG/17/2/2/Pr People may say it is amesa. If clothes/diapers are washed regularly, and taken care off, baby will grow. LC/25/3/0/Or Will grow if bfeed well and kept clean. No special care exctp health care. 9 LC/25/1/0/Pr Have seen twins born, one big, one very small. Can tell by looking at them or holding them by the hand. May be caused by too much work or mitch during pregnancy, or prolonged labor. Will grow to normal size or small. Need to give good care by keeping their clothes clean and feeding them well. LC/30/4/0/Pr I have heard of baby born small. There are some who are born small. Can tell by looking at it. They can become sickly. Have to be breastfed frequently, will grow. GA/22/2/0/Is Don’t know what would happen to small babies or what should be done for them. GA/21/3/2/Is Yes there are, they are small, thin and weak. Can tell by looking at them GA/30/6/0/Is . Poor women who don’t live in comfort give birth to such babies (Q). Give polio vaccine and bfeed up to 6 months. GA/22/2/3/Is Some are born small, some big. Nothing will happen to them, no special care. GA/30/6/0/Is Have heard of mothers having small babies at 7 to 8 months. Tell her give her enough food, take care of her. Mother has to eat well, has to have more mother’s milk and cow’s milk to grow stronger. What determines the survival of the newborn? AC/36/6/6/Pr Baby has to be given only bmilk for first 6 months, wash baby AC/20/1/7/Pr, LC/27/2/0/Pr LC/30/4/0/Pr , take to HF when sick (GA/30/6/0/Is), wash clothes and diapers (LC/27/2/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr, GA/22/2/3/Is), bmlk frequently, clean resting area, this is what I do (Q) AG/20/1/3/Pr (Q). AG/18/1/7/Pr AC/35/5/5/Is God and yetena zeit. AG/20/1/3/Pr See above, Has to be given amessa, Only God knows. AG/17/2/2/Pr Wash baby and wash and change baby’s clothes (Q), . LC/25/3/0/Or Feed well and keep hygiene around her. LC/25/1/0/Pr LC/30/4/0/Pr Should not be exposed to cold air, ca GA/22/2/0/Is Bfeed regularly, cloth well to protect from cold, take her to Hf promptly. GA/21/3/2/Is Has to get polio vaccine and mother eat adequately. Neonatal care Let us now discuss the care that is given to a newborn in the first month of its life. What do/did you do for the newborn in order to ensure its survival and health? Why? Health practices Spiritual practices AC/36/6/6/Pr Wash baby, take to HF when sick, wash clothes and diapers, bmlk frequently, clean resting area. Bfeed her when she awakens, cries hungry LC/25/3/0/Or. Do all this to maintain her hygiene and to give her good care. If not she would become sick. Did not have spiritual practices, may go to church after this, 2 and half months. AC/19/2/3/Pr I give her yetena zeit and amessa, give her 3 times a day half a coffee cup since 2nd day of birth, never been sick (Q). Wash baby 3 times a day with cold water, makes them fat (Q). AC/20/1/7/Pr See below. Church prayed for him before and after delivery. 10 AC/35/5/5/Is I bfeed her, wash her 3 times a day with soap and cold water from faucet, it makes them fatter AC/20/1/7/Pr Rub her with ointment, she sleeps well, good for her body. Nothing spiritual except prayer. AG/20/1/3/Pr BFeed him, wash him, give him amessa. Do this so that baby will grow. If baby is kept clean, won’t be sick. Pray for baby. AG/35/8/0/Pr Didn’t do anything. No spiritual practices. AG/18/1/7/Pr Gave her amesa from 10th day to 15th day. Vaccinated 2 times. AG/17/2/2/Pr Check on her growth every day and how she breastfeeds, otherwise she is sick. Change her towel in the morning, don’t wash her night HW have told us this would expose her to cold. Put clothes on her in the night (Q). Elders came and prayed for me before I delivered. Will take her to church to be prayed for. LC/25/3/0/Or Bfeed her, no other food. Wash and change her clothes and wash her 2 times a day with warm water. Vacc when she is 3 months old. LC/25/1/0/Pr Wash her, her clothes and diapers to prevent her body becoming sore, or she can get a cold from the smell of urine. Bfed her frequently, so that she doesn’t get hungry. LC/27/2/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr Nothing spiritual done LC/30/4/0/Pr. LC/27/2/0/Pr Elders came and prayed for baby so that it will be protected. GA/22/2/0/Is Cloth her well so that she doesn’t get cold, hold her in my arms, have her sleep in warm place breastfeed her regularly(Q). Don’t do anything spiritually. GA/21/3/2/Is Eat adequate food, breastfeed, polio vaccine. Bath and rub her with baby ointment, wash and change her clothe. Mothers tell us to give baby butter if milk does not come out to prevent baby from dying, but I don’t, some may. Give cereals in her name to mosque when fast is over. GA/22/2/3/Is Wash him, his clothes and smoke them with scented wood so that he doesn’t smell urine. To protect him from illnesses. If not, urine will incapacitate him. Bfeed him. Protect him from bered (Q). Put clothes on him to protect him from cold, otherwise he will get cramps in his body, will make him cry. She had naming ceremony on 4th day - I washed, had genfo, she was given water – unboiled – in bottle – just tradition. GA/30/6/0/Is Eat till I am full, breastfeed, wash her and her diapers. Take her to HF. Stay with her until she is 3 months. Massage her so that she will be strong. If I leave her unwashed in urine, she will be paralyzed. Who helps you take care of your baby? What does she/they do for your baby? What advice have she/they given you regarding the care of the baby? AC/36/6/6/Pr My daughter does hhd tasks for me. People at HF when we go for vacc. and at meetings advise us about child care, no one else. AC/19/2/3/Pr Advise me how to hold my baby. MIL and SILs prepare bula porride and Worker for me. AC/20/1/7/Pr Nobody helped me bcse my MIL has died. Husband holds baby when I am busy, tells me to protect baby from cold. AC/35/5/5/Is No one helps me take care of baby or advises me GA/30/6/0/Is. AG/20/1/3/Pr MIL washes baby for me (LC/27/2/0/Pr). She lives with us. She used to tell me wash baby, feed baby. My mother also used to show me who to hold baby, wash 11 my hands before having him drink, cover him with towel and use underwear to keep him warm AG/35/8/0/Pr Nobody helps me LC/25/1/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr. MIL does not (not in good terms). My children (6 and 7 yrs) hold baby for me when I have to work, got up after 4 days. Husband only bring me wood, nothing else. AG/18/1/7/Pr MIL helped me for 15 days by making food for me. She advised on how to hold, wash baby and keep her warm, since it was my first time. AG/17/2/2/Pr I wash only baby. They wash her clothes, prepare kocho for me and husband. Bring me water. They tell me to protect her from draft, cold. LC/25/3/0/Or Nobody except relative girl who holds baby for me (GA/21/3/2/Is). Nobody advises me. LC/25/1/0/Pr Mother only cooks and feeds me. Since I have had baby before and she has thought me about baby care, I don’t need any advice now. LC/27/2/0/Pr MIL advises me to protect baby and myself from bered, not to go out before 1 month to avoid mitch, the sun and wind. LC/30/4/0/Pr Husband reminds me to wash him, buys soap for me GA/21/3/2/Is- and wash clothes. GA/22/2/0/Is Neighbours - In laws and cowives hold and bath baby for me. Get water, cook food for me, wash clothes for me in my rest period. They maintain my hygiene by washing my blankets, sheets, baby’s clothes. Advised me how to hold baby, bfeed baby, what my baby needs. GA/22/2/3/Is Mother washes clothes for me, cooks for me. My nieces also help. Would have helped in baby care if they were not around. Mother advices not to let him lie in his urine, wake up and change his diapers in the night, keep water warm in night so as to wash him, to sleep and wake up with baby (Q). GA/30/6/0/Is Saw from our mothers how to wash and rub babies. Can you describe any good and bad practices for newborns that you have heard of or seen in this community? AC/36/6/6/Pr Breastfeeding baby, washing diapers. Giving amessa can make baby thin, weak and sick, (Q) they boil leaf from backyard and give water to baby. Pill also know as amessa and yetena oil also given to baby, I gave amessa pill after one month. They also have babies tonsils scraped which is harmful AC/19/2/3/Pr Don’t know. GA/22/2/0/Is GA/22/2/3/Is, GA/30/6/0/Is AG/20/1/3/Pr circumcision is bad. Nothing else. AG/18/1/7/Pr Some let baby lie in urine and stool. Others wash babies, clothes, changed diapers frequently and protect them from cold (Q). AG/17/2/2/Pr LC/25/1/0/Pr Bad practices have disappeared now. LC/27/2/0/Pr Previous practice of giving butter no longer exists. LC/30/4/0/Pr Have not seen any practices, good or bad. GA/21/3/2/Is baby clothes may not be washed, blade may not be cleaned, hold baby with dirty hands. How did you feed your baby? Exclusive breastfeeding?, additional/ritual substances, rationale Constraints - time/work, maternal nutrition, breast milk supply 12 AC/36/6/6/Pr Breastfeed when crying, awaking from sleep, hungry, not when she is playing. Nothing else given. Nothing constrains me from bfeeding (AG/18/1/7/Pr, LC/25/1/0/Pr). My MIL used to make kocho for me during my resting period, used to by milk. Have enough bmilk. AC/19/2/3/Pr Bfeed frequently. Empty breast. Nothing besides amesa. (Stop work to bfeed. My bmilk depends on how much food am eating. Don’t have much milk. AC/20/1/7/Pr) AC/20/1/7/Pr Health oil every 3 days, besides bmilk. AC/35/5/5/Is Bfeed whenever she wakes up from sleep (AG/17/2/2/Pr, ). No constraints. AG/20/1/3/Pr Only give breastmilk and amesa. No ritual substances. Bfeed whenever awake. Not working since MIL is with me, Eat only kocho, no money. Not much milk since I do not eat much. AG/35/8/0/Pr Put breasts in her mouth all the time. It is not enough for her because I don’t have food, so she is always awake (Q). Only eat kocho and kale, ate meat only once. Ex. Of poverty AG/18/1/7/Pr See above, milk did not come out for two days. Only amessa given. AG/17/2/2/Pr Baby was unable to bfeed around 12th day. Told awaki s who said it was ‘teeth’ and told me to hold salt to her gums. It melted and she was able to suck. AG/17/2/2/Pr See above. Give her powder from ‘tetra’ (amessa) daily dissolved in water. Give her breasts in turns, she stops when she is full. No problem bfeeding, exc breast overflows when she is feeding on other. LC/25/3/0/Or See above on bfeeding (LC/27/2/0/Pr – on nb care). Baby bottlefed with water while I am cooking for my husband. Fed in bed – gruel, genfo and injera – to replenish blood. Bmilk is small, always has been. LC/27/2/0/Pr Have enough bmilk. No problems bfeeding. LC/30/4/0/Pr Breastfeed when she wakes up, sometimes wake her up, when I get back to her from work. Empty one breast and then give her the other later, as told by HEW. Nothing else given, as told by Health staff. Its enough bmilk, don’t have much to do apart from taking care of baby. I eat what I get, would have more milk if food was better. GA/22/2/0/Is Breastfeed her when she wakes up, cries. Every two or 3 hours because I don’t have much milk, don’t get much milk from cows which don’t have much hay. Have gruel, injera, genfo, will give me more milk, dry bread prevents milk. No time constraints- I am always with my baby. GA/21/3/2/Is Bfeed her when she wakes up, cries, after bathing her when she urinates. Bfeed her from one breast until full and from other breast next (Q). enough milk, work manageable, only when prep lunch and taking seed to farm. GA/22/2/3/Is Bfeed her when she cries. Only bmilk until 2nd month, and give her cow’s milk because bmilk is not enough for her. Others give cow’s milk from first day if they don’t have milk. I have my fill of genfor, gruel, milk and coffee to increase bmilk. GA/30/6/0/Is Bfeed her when she cries and urinates until she drops it. Work does not prevent me. More bmilk when I eat better, have milk and coffee to have more milk. Did you try to keep the newborn warm (why, how)? Clothing Contact with mother Bathing frequency & water/room temperature 13 AC/36/6/6/Pr Wrap her in new towel, different clothes, change diaper regularly and keep her from cold (Q) AC/19/2/3/Pr. Held her skin to skin so she will get heat from me (AG/20/1/3/Pr Put plastic on bed, cloth under baby and wrap baby in towel and put her under blankets. Bath her 3 times a day, morning, day and evening. Wash her with clean cold water because it makes them sleep well. AC/19/2/3/Pr No skin to skin contact. Wrap baby in cloth (AG/18/1/7/Pr). Wash baby 3 times a day and rub ointment on him to make body fatter and softer. AC/35/5/5/Is Wrap her in cloth AC/20/1/7/Pr. Cold air will prevent her from growing (AC/19/2/3/Pr.) We do have skin to skin contact because otherwise she will not be warm AC/20/1/7/Pr. AG/20/1/3/Pr Wash baby 3 times a day with soap and warm water. To help baby grow and be healthy AG/18/1/7/Pr. Cold water will shock baby and prevent him from gaining weight (AG/18/1/7/Pr). Change diapers frequently. Have people cover holes in the walls for me. AG/35/8/0/Pr Only put hand me down old t-shirt on her and cloth. Ex of poverty I put her next to my skin. She sleeps with me on wooden bed, mattress of enset leaves, then put cloth on her, not adequate. Wash baby 5 times a day, because water helps baby grow, with warm water. I don’t have soap. AG/17/2/2/Pr Put clothes on her, and cover to let her rest LC/25/3/0/Or, LC/25/1/0/Pr, LC/27/2/0/Pr. Don’t hold her in my arms much because I have been told it is not good for her (Q). Hold her to my naked body at night but baby has shirt on. Wash her with warm water 3 to 4 times a day, whenever she urinates, hold her with one hand, pour water from my mouth and wash with other hand. LC/25/3/0/Or Keep her a bit away from me and put my covers on her LC/25/1/0/Pr, so that she doesn’t get used to my scent. LC/25/1/0/Pr Wash her with cold water two times a day (LC/27/2/0/Pr). Wash her clothes daily with soap, and my hands whenever I am holding her so that she doesn’t get skin rash. LC/30/4/0/Pr Keep baby warm by holding him on our thighs and smoking him starting on 4th day of it is female 5th day if it is male, everyday for 3 months, it will warm him and make him fat. Wash baby in the morning bcse he urinates in night, will sleep better in the day. Now wash him with warm water because cold water make him wake up from sleep and cries. Cloth him in t shirt, diaper, cloth wrap and blankets in the night. GA/22/2/0/Is Cloth her in shirt, pants. Put netela and blanket on her, and have her rest in warm place. Put her next to me to sleep, not too close. Bath her three times a day (as TBA told me), with warm water so that she is not cold. GA/21/3/2/Is Short and full sleeve, put cloth on both side of her, soft cloth on her and then blanket. Keep her away from me so she doesn’t suffocate. GA/22/2/3/Is Put sweater on her, and netela and bed cover GA/30/6/0/Is. Have her lie away from me so that I don’t suffocate her and she doesn’t get used to my smell. Wash her 3 times a day with warm water near the fire so that she will be warm and rub her with butter so that her body will soften. GA/30/6/0/Is Wash her and clothes whenever she urinates, even in night. It is Haram in Oromo culture. Keep fire going all the time (Q). Up to 3 to 6 months, until she sits on her own. Whole body if she is lying in bed, below her waist if I am holding her. Do this so that they will become strong and get up by six months. If not washed babies will be paralyzed (Q). 14 Did you try to keep things that come into contact with the newborn clean (why, how)? Mode/frequency of hand washing by caretakers Mode of cleaning of materials AC/36/6/6/Pr Sweep area around her and keep mattress clean/change enset leaf AC/20/1/3/Pr AC/20/1/7/Pr LC/25/3/0/Or Three rooms of house separated by bamboo, one for baby and mother, one for livestock). Wash my hands after working and coming from outside before holding baby (AG/35/8/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is, GA/22/2/3/Is GA/30/6/0/Is), even if I didn’t work because I have to hold my breasts to feed her (Q) AC/20/1/7/Pr. Wash with soap and water. Wash diapers when baby urinates or defecates - ---- - AC/20/1/7/Pr, AG/20/1/3/Pr AG/17/2/2/Pr LC/25/3/0/Or). AC/19/2/3/Pr Put plastic and cloth under baby, wash cloth when baby urinates everyday with soap . If not will sting baby’s skin. Wash hands with soap before holding baby. AC/20/1/7/Pr See above, so that baby does not get sick, cold. AC/35/5/5/Is Wash the cloth I hold her with soap every 2 days, and her diapers frequently so that her skin does not get sore. AG/20/1/3/Pr Wash hands and mouth after eating kocho and before touching baby. To keep healthy and smell of food not good for baby. AG/35/8/0/Pr Children put one of the two cloths that baby has into water, no soap, while she wears the other. Then shake off enset leaf. Woman resting on narrow bed, next to livestock shed, no separation, foul smelling. Poverty. AG/18/1/7/Pr Wash hands when giving her amesa. Wash clothes with soap and water. AG/17/2/2/Pr Put hashto, kacha for her to sleep on. Wash our hands after doing other work, eating, coming from outside, also because draft from outside and things I have touched are not good for her. LC/27/2/0/Pr Wash myself. GA/22/2/0/Is Wash her clothes, and smoke them so that smell doesn’t affect her (GA/30/6/0/Is – may get dirty while drying). My cowife washes baby’s cloth with soap. GA/21/3/2/Is At night, check on her and wash her clothes and her, and then bfeed her to sleep. Wash her 3 times a day with warm water bcse her body is sensitive. Wash myself 3 times week, and my clothes so that it doesn’t smell her. Wash my hands, my breasts, my clothes to bfeed her when I come back from outside. Who decides how your baby is/was cared for? How your baby is/was fed How the baby is/was kept warm How hygiene is/was around your baby AC/36/6/6/Pr My husband and I decide. He tells me no to let baby get cold, does not want her to cry. I decide when to bfeed baby, and to wash baby, but my husband asks is baby has been washed when she is crying. AC/19/2/3/Pr MIL used to advise me how to take care of 1st baby, no longer. CHP advises us to keep baby clean, wash clothes etc.AC/20/1/7/Pr AC/35/5/5/Is I am the one who decides on care (AG/20/1/3/Pr, AC/20/1/7/Pr, AG/18/1/7/Pr, AG/17/2/2/Pr, LC/25/3/0/Or, LC/30/4/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is, GA/30/6/0/Is) . My husband is not involved. 15 AG/35/8/0/Pr I take care of baby/wash in the way that my mother used to do it. No one tells me how to do it. AG/17/2/2/Pr MIL advises me on care. LC/25/1/0/Pr Myself because I have raised baby’s before. My family advised me before. GA/22/2/0/Is My cowife advises on baby care. GA/22/2/3/Is Mother used to tell me when to bfeed her, wash her and cloth her, but I know what to do now. What are the signs of a healthy newborn? AC/36/6/6/Pr A healthy baby keeps gaining weight, an unhealthy baby doesn’t. AC/20/1/7/Pr AC/19/2/3/Pr A healthy baby cries out loud and sucks well, sneeze when sucking (Q) AG/20/1/3/Pr. AG/35/8/0/Pr AG/18/1/7/Pr If baby has no skin rash, plays, eye opens well, bfeed well. AG/17/2/2/Pr When a baby is born fat/big. LC/25/3/0/Or Plays, sucks on breast LC/27/2/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr. If not, cries a lot, irritable, (LC/25/1/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr, GA/30/6/0/Is). GA/22/2/0/Is Happy, plays GA/30/6/0/Is, does not cry, not sick, no fever GA/21/3/2/Is Body is fat, looks nice, (GA/22/2/3/Is) if not sores on skin. What are sources of risk for the newborn? AC/36/6/6/Pr Baby has to be kept clean LC/25/3/0/Or. If baby rests in a dirty place, will get sick. AC/20/1/7/Pr Giving amessa to babys. AC/35/5/5/Is If mother is sick, it may be transmitted to baby. AG/20/1/3/Pr If baby is suffocated and water goes down the wrong way. AG/35/8/0/Pr If baby is not washed, breastfed properly. AG/17/2/2/Pr If there is sth that smells near baby, or if clothes are not washed (Q). LC/25/3/0/Or If baby is not kept warm. LC/27/2/0/Pr Bered can make baby sick LC/30/4/0/Pr - thin. GA/30/6/0/Is LC/30/4/0/Pr Can get mitch in the sun. GA/22/2/0/Is If baby is not clothed well, exposed to bered, have her sleep in warm place. (Q). GA/21/3/2/Is If hygiene of body and clothes is not kept, if she takes them out – can be affected by bered, may get skin rash from sweat. Body, face, hands may swell from megagna, skin may peel off – taken to Hf – if not may die. Bered – if not dressed in warm clothes in the night and morning, in lighter clothes during the day. Baby with bered coughs a lot, should be taken to HF right away. GA/22/2/3/Is If she does get enough to eat and her bmilk is not enough. If their hygiene is not kept they can get a cold. What are danger signs and complications of newborns2? Did your baby have them? 2 Inability to feed adequately or suck, weak/abnormal cry or cessation of crying, lethargy or loss of consciousness, redness of umbilicus and abdomen, pus from the umbilicus, localized skin infection, discharge from or redness of the eyes, persistent vomiting and/or abdominal distention, difficulty breathing, fast breathing, fever or cold body temperature, convulsions or fits, yellow discoloration (jaundice) of the skin. 16 Local term for symptoms Responses – expected and actual Influencing factors Who is/was consulted/Decision maker Delays in care seeking AC/36/6/6/Pr If baby is thin (Anatam), diarrhea (Deano), vomit frequently (tefano). My baby did not have them. Baby has to go to HF where they give syrup or pills. Some people do not go saying baby will get better, also out of laziness. Father and mother discuss condition, mother worries a lot, father doesn’t, she tells him baby should be taken to HF, they both decide (Q). If baby not taken to HF early, may die. Probing If baby does not suck well, is weak, crying is weak, lethargic, red umbilicus and pus are danger signs, only heard about latter, elders say it is amessa. Have not seen or heard about skin infections. When baby has red eye and fluids, some say it is buateta, some take to HF. When baby breathes with difficulty, has fever or cold temperature, fits, yellow color are danger signs. Have to be taken to HF. AC/19/2/3/Pr Baby having weak cry. Concerned for baby not being able to suck. It is bateta, shows on mouth, gums, red eye, they have diarrhea, stomach ache, vomits – we take to HF (Q). Baby’s umbilicus is swollen, have told MIL only, will take to HF. Baby having weak cry is given amessa. Baby with skin rash is said to have measles, go to local healers and rub baby with juice from herb/fenugreek. With probing Baby with vomit, fever, cold temperature taken to HF. DK about fits. AC/20/1/7/Pr If baby is crying and irritable LC/25/3/0/Or, GA/30/6/0/Is. Should be taken to HF. No constraints. Discuss with my husband, also with neighbor, and take to HF on second day not on first AC/35/5/5/Is With probing. Inability to suck seen as sign of fever, not danger sign? Fever may be sign of typhoid, infection, take to HF without delay. When crying is weak, take to HF. For skin condition, rub with damakese herb and have her drink it too, mitch. Not serious. Breathing problems get better right away. Father decides on response. Nothing prevents us, if child is sick we even sell land to go to HF. AG/20/1/3/Pr If baby does not take breast (dafarino), irritable, cries out (wilano) whole night and day, makes it weak, voice becomes hoarse. Baby said to have amesa. None showed in my baby. Taken to HF promptly for these conditions. Nothing should prevent this. Yaye HC closer, quality of care, staff better. Husband and wife discuss and decide, he is main decision-maker because he has the money. No delays. With probing When infants have swellings on their skin, wash with amesa. Eyes having discharge headache, take to HF. When baby vomits, it is due to wesfat, bring tetra from pharmacy (husband), dissolve it in water and give to child. AG/35/8/0/Pr If baby is thin, does not suck (ununa adaho) , it is amesa. Gives them stomach cramps, cause is unknown (Q). Amessa boiled and given to baby, if it doesn’t help, take to HF. Baby does not play (godola hoga), unhappy , vomits (Toshisha) sign of problem. I tell my husband about it and he says lets go to HF. Lack of money can prevent us from going, cost 10 to 15 birr. If I tell my husband that baby should drink amesa, he will dig it up and bring it. Have seen red umbilicus (bisisiradumi), baby given amesa. Don’t know stump with pus, skin condition, difficulty breathing, cold temperature.Fever – take to HF, immediately if money is available. Baby with white 17 discharge had headached, stinged with hot wood (aste) on the side of their heads, for >1 month old baby. Would consult neighbor if baby showed signs of illness. AG/18/1/7/Pr Rash on skin (due to amessa), one hand thin, unable to suck (ununa kena hoga), sudden swelling of stomach, one leg big. HF unable to help babies in one month, I amess does not help baby, she will die (Q). When cry is weak, unable to bfeed or lethargic, take to THP – awaki who is able to say if it is lung disease or cold and give medicine (Q). Know about swollen umbilicus – when it is cut too close – just wait till it gets better. (Red eye - given amessa. Vomiting only sign of chest growing – not a problem AG/17/2/2/Pr) . Difficulty breathing, fast breathing, fever may come from intestines folding, take to wogesha who massages it into place, if not better to HF. Good section on Wogesha (Q) Cold temperature is very worrying, shd take to HF. Wogesha says if he can cure it, if not he says to take to HF. Lack of money and absence of market day can delay care (Q). AG/17/2/2/Pr Skin rash called hamesa, given hamesa or solution from HF. Inability to suck – given hamesa or HF. Put salt on gums of her baby. Weak cry is worrying – HF. Redness or pus near umbilicus, not a problem, just pour water on it, don’t touch it. Fast or slow breathing is danger sign, consult people and take to HF. Fever – thght to be cold given tetra and if not better, take to HF. HF for cold temp. Yellow discoloration- say inside and outside are exchanging, not concerned. Consult with husband. LC/25/3/0/Or See above. Fever, diarrhea, vomiting (Embul gafte), irritability (endukuba miti) are danger signs, take to HF. Consult with husband, with negbors if he is absent. He decides. Will brrow money to go, nothing prevents me. Go on 2nd day, getting the money, and go to Adulala and then to Debre Zeit. LC/25/1/0/Pr Fever and irritability. May use trad. Herb or smoking herb. Try to soothe her with by bfeeding, if not take her to Hf. Consult with family members, father, neighbors. Mother decides. Take after two days, determining illness. LC/27/2/0/Pr Fever, cries, does not suck breast. Take to Hf on same day. First, For fever, red eye, we bring local herb – mitch medicine - and rub baby with it, gets better. Vomiting only due to too much bfeeding. DK other dangers signs. LC/30/4/0/Pr Wth probing Baby crying continuously, not sucking – have spiritual leaders come and pray for her. Hf unable to help her (Q). If baby does not get better, just wait for her death. Have not seen pus or redness in stump. For skin rash - I have taken to HF to get medicine. GA/22/2/0/Is Fever, cries. With probing Have not seen babies with red stump, swollen stomach, difficulty breathing. Sick babies – crying – should be taken to HF. No constraints of money or distance, close enough. Discuss with husband and he decides. GA/21/3/2/Is vomiting, diarrhea, thinness. Should be taken to HF in same morning. With probing Babies who don’t suck, tght to be evil eye – taken to kalecha who has them inhale stuff, or taken to HF. Dk about red eye. If stump has pus, red – take to HF – baby may get better or die. If skin is sore, comes from lack of hygiene – HEW tells us to wash them with warm water. Mothers say it is evil eye, and roast coffee and barley, and have baby inhale it and ask spirit to inhale it instead of baby, practice disappearing due to sharia. But will get well if taken to HF. GA/22/2/3/Is Fever. Crying when their eye is sick. Take to Hf on same day. Some have growth on teeth (ergo) wogesha rubs it off – it causes diarrhea, become thin- worm inside it. Would have had it rubbed off in a week of it appeared in my baby. People 18 show it to awaki who can identify it. Some have cramps in stomach – they wriggle, cry when defecating – give local concoction of tena adam, tikur azmud, kebericho, tej sar, abesud – boiled together and given in bottle. With probing Some unable to suck, when sick or from the beginning, give them cow’s milk in bottle. Sore stump – if pulled when cutting – bring ampicilin from clinic and put it on stump. Can get rash on skin (chito) – it just appears - shd be taken to Hf, otherwise blisters. GA/30/6/0/Is Fever (Uinsa), diarrhea (basa), vomit (gafate). Not my baby. Take to Hf asap, nothing prevents us, there is cart. Consult with husband, he decides and we go together (Q). Not heard/seen losing consciousness, skin rash, difficulty breathing, yellow color. Intensity of sickness affecting how soon we take her, eg. if she cries all night, then I will urge my husband to go (Q). What are illnesses that affect newborns? Symptoms Severity Causes Responses AC/36/6/6/Pr When baby acquires illness in womb. Buateta – vomits, diarrhea, swollen belly, unable to suck, to sleep, cries all the time (Q) AC/20/1/7/Pr. Don’t know cause. Is taken to HF, gets better. AC/20/1/7/Pr Go to wogesha for buateta who rubs baby on hands to diagnose condition and give him pills. White stuff appears on baby’s mouth and prevents him from sucking, taken to female wogesha who rubs garlic on gums. AG/20/1/3/Pr Arsi amesa – back of head becomes hollow, kills them unless Arsi Amesa comes from Arsi and given to them. Sidama Amesa causes diarrhea – amesa leaf from Sidama given to drink. AG/35/8/0/Pr Cold if baby smells enset leaf that we lie on. Diarhea if given colostrums, given amesa, and then taken to HF. Baby said to be ill after 5 days. AG/18/1/7/Pr Skin rashes –hamesa – given hamesa. Skin itch and scratches – remedy unknown – take to HF. Samba mitch – cough – give herbal medicince. AG/17/2/2/Pr Skin rash- hamesa-given hamesa. Comes from mother if she was eating much kale during preg and after birth. Wosfat/tekmat – keeps vomiting/diarrhea? after bfeeding- traditional medicine if not to HF. If I have baby drink from my hand without washing. LC/25/3/0/Or Berid LC/27/2/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is . She would have fever, cries, difficulty breathing, doesn’t open eyes. So I will take her to HF. LC/25/1/0/Pr Berid and fever. Bered may be due to baby getting out of cover after sleeping and getting into contact with cold air. Shd be taken to Hf. LC/27/2/0/Pr Adulala is close enough, car and cart available. LC/30/4/0/Pr When baby gets mitch, we have someone cut medicine and rub baby with it, smoke baby with it. If not better, take to Hf on next day. May get sick in the eye from sun rays- medicine bought. GA/22/2/0/Is Vomiting and when the back of the head sinks due to much crying. Bered prevents them frm bfeeding, cry and vomit. Taken to HF. 19 GA/21/3/2/Is Body, face, hands may swell from megagna, skin may peel off – taken to Hf – if not may die. Bered – if not dressed in warm clothes in the night and morning, in lighter clothes during the day. Baby with bered coughs a lot, should be taken to HF right away. GA/30/6/0/Is some infants can be born with warms. What are the reasons babies die in the first month after they are born? AC/36/6/6/Pr Baby may get illness from mother during pregnancy, thr breastfeeding, or she may have not received vaccination during pregnancy. AC/19/2/3/Pr If mother does not drink amessa during pregnancy, baby will be sick and may die. I didn’t drink amessa. AC/20/1/7/Pr Don’t know. AC/35/5/5/Is When it is God’s will. LC/30/4/0/Pr AG/20/1/3/Pr Maybe because their insides are hurt. Only God knows. AG/35/8/0/Pr If baby id given amesa (starting on 3rd day) baby may die (Q). AG/18/1/7/Pr Unable to suck. Samba mitch can kill them, with delays. AG/17/2/2/Pr Tekmat can kill baby. LC/25/3/0/Or Don’t know. It is God’s will. I haven’t seen newborns die. No newborns have died (Really hasn’t seen or unwillingness to talk about it). (LC/25/1/0/Pr , LC/30/4/0/Pr ) LC/27/2/0/Pr When people delay health care. GA/22/2/0/Is When they are born with illness. Don’t know what it is bcse they don’t tell us (Q). We say she is not able to suck on breast. GA/21/3/2/Is Lack of polio vaccine, lack of adequate food and vaccine during pregnancy,. Those who worship spirits may kill babies. GA/22/2/3/Is Don’t know. Shocked and displeased by question. GA/30/6/0/Is Have heard of babies dying but don’t know why. How long did you and your baby have to stay in your home after you gave birth? Beliefs Effect on response to different newborn danger signs and illnesses If child was ill, who sought care? Decision maker AC/36/6/6/Pr I stayed in bed for two months, eating and drinking. Because I had just delivered, I needed to rest. If I went out before 2 months, my baby could get bered and I could become thin because my waist is weak (Q) AG/18/1/7/Pr If baby is sick, I would take her to HF, or my husband or neighbours, family (Q). My husband and ‘mother’ MIL tell me to rest (Q). AC/19/2/3/Pr Twenty days, because MIL left to take care of sick FIL. Got up because I had no one to help me. Good to stay for one month – for women in comfort. During labor, she loses blood, her waist is weak, Rest period allows her to drink muk, eat balanced foods which heals her waist (Q). Able to look at baby using light. Would take baby to HF myself if sick. AC/20/1/7/Pr Two months. Because I was very sick in my waist. Family said I should rest. Would have brought problems for me if I went out, nothing would have happened to my baby. Normally people would stay one month. Those who are well off rest 3 months 20 because they have servants and food. My parents and husband took baby to HF when it fell sick. They decided. MIL, if not mother could take baby to HF. AC/35/5/5/Is Stayed in bed one month, stayed inside 2.5 months. Neighbors help with tasks, small children get water. Reason – it is our culture. If cold air comes in contact with woman, she will not gain weight, also bad for baby. Take baby out of enclosure to examine it and wash it. I would take her to HF if she gets sick. Husband decides that I stay at home. AG/20/1/3/Pr Stayed in house for 1 month, in bed for only a week. Stayed in house because people have always done it, if I went outside people will say his wife came out prematurely. Allows me to take better care of my baby. If baby gets sick, my husband would carry her and I would follow to go to HF. I would decide since I know baby’s condition. AG/35/8/0/Pr Have already started going out of house, less than five day. Will start grating enset 17 days after delivery because my neighbour will help me with it. We eat some Kocho that MIL has made. Baby will not go out for a month because it is cold. If baby is sick, my husband and I would take baby to HF. I decide. AG/18/1/7/Pr Only 15 days because my MIL had to go to her home. See above. Darkness not a problem to check on baby. MIL, father could take baby if sick. AG/17/2/2/Pr Will stay in bed 2 months if I have someone to help me, I am not doing anything. If not I will get up now (19th day). Have prepared enough food, so they tell me to stay in bed. Allows mother to gain weight, mother’s scent good for baby, protects baby from cold. Able to detect danger signs when I bath her or using lamp. If baby is sick, I, my husband and MIL would take her to HF. LC/25/3/0/Or Stayed in house one month, only in morning and evening to go out. To protect myself frm mitch LC/25/1/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr, baby will be affected by bered or the sun and get sick. I decided and take her to health care if she is sick. LC/27/2/0/Pr Could stay two months, baby can’t tolerate bered or the sun. I go out after a month when it is not sunny – could cause mitch. LC/30/4/0/Pr Only in the morning and night. Not good for baby to protect him from the sun. Will not take to clinic if sick, because they will not do anything for him (Q), only for skin condition. GA/22/2/0/Is One month so that her body will strengthen and heal her womb, if she has assistant, if not I will get up in 15 to 20 days. To protect ourselves from wind (GA/21/3/2/Is Baby and I went outside on the first month – for polio vacc.) So that they don’t gossip about us not looking as if we have not just delivered. Tell husband baby is sick and he decides, if he says no I will tell neighbors and they will talk him, or they will lend me money for me to go. GA/21/3/2/Is I will take baby to HF if sick. GA/22/2/3/Is I went outside on 15 day. Our mothers tell us not to be exposed to sun and wind – will make us sick (Q). But can step out on 3rd day if she does not have helpers. She will go to Hf if baby is sick. GA/30/6/0/Is One month. Because it is the norm, nothing will happen. Afraid of mitch, wind which can become bered. Afraid of sun, my head is not straight in the sun, so won’t go out in the sun even after 1 month. What type of nutrition did you have in the first month after you gave birth? 21 Type and relative amount Beliefs Impact on neonatal health AC/36/6/6/Pr I had barley gruel, bula porridge with milk, kocho with butter (AG/17/2/2/Pr). I eat more after birth, so that my blood is replenished and my waist is healed. I was gaining better which shows I was healthy. AC/19/2/3/Pr Bula gruel, worke, meat, injera, bought potatoes, bananas, avocado for me. Have not eaten since then. Better food, good for breastmilk (AG/18/1/7/Pr). AC/20/1/7/Pr Muk with butter, kocho with butter. Only ate limited amount. Woman should eat balanced foods. AC/35/5/5/Is Bula genfo, bula, injera, kocho. Builds body. Good for bmilk. AG/20/1/3/Pr I am only eating Kocho and kale, because I have run out of money AG/35/8/0/Pr. 5 days since I had genfo and butter. Run out of barley. Eat more food now so that baby will not be weak. AG/18/1/7/Pr I had kocho, gruel from cereal and bula. Helps heal my body and gain weight. AG/17/2/2/Pr See above. Baby will grow thr bmilk (Q). Kale would cause amessa. LC/25/3/0/Or Given genfo, atmit injera whenever I want it. To replenish my blood (LC/25/1/0/Pr, LC/27/2/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is – and build body, GA/22/2/3/Is - bcse hungry). Don’t eat kale, chickpeas, boiled/roasted cereals LC/25/1/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr because they tell me these will sicken baby in stomach. LC/30/4/0/Pr Atmit in the morning and genfo after that for two weeks. It will be soft on my stomach which is sore from birth. GA/22/2/0/Is Have genfo and atmit so strengthen my body and to have bmilk for baby. GA/21/3/2/Is Genfo with butter, eggs with injera, oil and onions, injera with shiro, bread. Eat a fair amount, better appetite in rel to preg. Good for baby, gets it thr breast. GA/22/2/3/Is See above. Should not eat dry bread – teresho – should have softer foods so that her body will heal. How much work did you do in the first month after you gave birth? Type and relative amount Assistants Beliefs Impact on newborn health AC/36/6/6/Pr Didn’t do any work, except holding and bfeeding baby (AG/17/2/2/Pr, LC/25/3/0/Or). My mother (MIL), daughter, neighbors, my friends helped out in hhd. If they were not there, I would have had to work. I was able to protect baby from cold and keep her clean (Q) (AG/18/1/7/Pr). AC/19/2/3/Pr Only prepared food for myself and baby. Husband collected water, brought in wood and coffee from the backyard. Believed that mitch would affect her is she goes out, takes a knife with her when she goes out to the bathroom. AG/20/1/3/Pr After a week, I only did home tasks like sweeping dung and preparing food, squeezing kocho, making coffee, washing baby. MIL used to make gruel, porridge and kocho for me in first few days, now holds baby for me while I work. Staying inside allows me to watch over my baby in case he is in trouble, suffocating etc. AG/35/8/0/Pr One of my children holds baby, and the other calls me if she cries. 22 AG/18/1/7/Pr Only prepared food GA/21/3/2/Is. Nbrs squeezed kocho for me. I need to heal. See above. AG/17/2/2/Pr SIL and MIL help in the house. Able to bfeed baby frequently, baby does not cry. Can get sick in throat if she cries. LC/25/3/0/Or One month, to become stronger. Otherwise may sustain harm. LC/25/1/0/Pr Light tasks - make coffee, clean house. Don’t make injera outside. Mther does other work. Said that my waist is weak, and be affected by mitch if I go outside. No effect on baby. LC/27/2/0/Pr Only prepare food when helper is late. Bcse my waist is weak, my body is open, baby can be affected by draft. LC/30/4/0/Pr Only made coffee, wat, injera , bcse my waist is weak. And baby could suffer from lack of adeq bfeeding. GA/22/2/0/Is Only wat and coffee. Ngbrs make injera and other tasks (GA/21/3/2/Is GA/22/2/3/Is, GA/30/6/0/Is – cowives, daughters). So that my waist is stronger. Mother who works may not be able to bfeed baby when she is hungry. Bcse waist is weak. GA/30/6/0/Is Should not work bcse may be affected by bered, may bleed. Pregnancy/Antenatal Care We shall now discuss the care of pregnant women in your community. What should a pregnant woman do to maintain her health and that of the newborn? Why? Beneficial/harmful foods, quantity Workload, activity type AC/36/6/6/Pr Should not travel long distances, not do difficult tasks, carry heavy objects AC/19/2/3/Pr, AG/18/1/7/Pr, AG/17/2/2/Pr, LC/27/2/0/Pr. She may get sick or have miscarriage. She must do only light tasks that can be done sitting down. She can go small distances. She should eat red beets, tomatoes, fruits, injera, balanced foods, milk, carrots – will be good for mother and baby. A pregnant woman can only eat small amounts –it will make her uneasy LC/27/2/0/Pr, GA/22/2/0/Is. No foods prohibited for pregnant woman, but she may not feel like eating foods like meat. AC/19/2/3/Pr Should eat potato, injera, well processed worke, because baby will eat it too, good for baby. Should not eat fiber from enset that women normally eat. AC/20/1/7/Pr Should go to HF to be checked. Used to got bcse I used to get sick and protect baby from risks. Good to have balanced foods – kocho, enjera, bread, and fruits – banana and avocado, good for her and baby’s health. DK about food prohibitions. Ate small amounts because of lack of food, others eat less because they find it stifling. Preg women should not carry heavy objects, water containers, or do difficult tasks – could cause preterm delivery – hurts both mother and baby. AC/35/5/5/Is Get vaccinated to protect her health and baby’s. Ate what I was able to get, nothing special. No food prohibitions. We work normally until we give birth. Neighbours help with scraping enset, sweeping dung, squeezing kocho. AG/20/1/3/Pr Eat good foods – white bread, shiro and meat which I eat in town. Good for baby’s and mine health. But we eat less because it is too heavy with baby. No food prohibitions.Visit ANC monthly to check on baby’s and mother’s health, avoid heavy work. She does every work except carry big containers of water (Q). Should not go long distances and sit in uncomfortable seats. 23 AG/18/1/7/Pr Shd eat good foods AG/17/2/2/Pr. But can only eat small amounts (AG/17/2/2/Pr AG/17/2/2/Pr Should not eat kale, brings hamesa. Should not scrape enset, carry lrg amounts of enset. It could alter baby’s position or hurt it. Good foods allow baby to be fat. LC/25/3/0/Or Should not carry heavy objects, work around the fire too much. Baby could go into wrong position LC/25/1/0/Pr, GA/30/6/0/Is (Bua) . Should eat different kinds of food, vegetables LC/25/1/0/Pr, teff, so that she can gain weight and become stronger. LC/25/1/0/Pr Do everything else in house. Ate what I was able to get, nothing different. LC/27/2/0/Pr See above, baby could be hurt. Should eat vegetables and meat. Don’t know about food prohibitions. LC/30/4/0/Pr Should not do difficult tasks. Could hurt herself. Wash her clothes and herself. Eat foods she likes bcse she is hungry and baby will become big. (GA/21/3/2/Is GA/22/2/0/Is Should rest in comfortable place, protect herself from cold, eat good foods like injera and milk, kinche, eggs. So that baby and her will not be harmed. Should not eat genfo, sticks to baby’s head, butter in genfo not good for baby. Should not lift heavy objects, make injera close to fire bcse she does not have strength, baby will go in wrong position- come feet first, side first, go into her hips. For this first take her to wogesha, if not take her to HF. GA/21/3/2/Is Should not eat butter, meat, milk after 6 months of preg. Has kosso every other day, so that foodstuffs do not appear on baby and to clear stomach (Q) GA/22/2/3/Is – occasionally but frequently in 9th month. Only ate kolo, beans, dry bread. GA/22/2/3/Is Should not do difficult tasks – HF tells us it would hurt mother. Should eat good foods so that she will be strong. GA/22/2/3/Is See above. Eat small amounts so that she doesn’t go to bathroom too much. GA/30/6/0/Is Should have vacc, balanced foods, kosso pills, syrup if she is sick. Don’t know about food prohibitions. Should eat only when hungry, as told by HF. How did you find out you were pregnant? Who did you tell when you first found out you were pregnant? When? What was discussed or done with regard to the pregnancy? AC/36/6/6/Pr When my period stopped. I told my husband 4 months on AC/20/1/7/Pr. He had suspected earlier. He said hadn’t I told you not be pregnant come in, that we should raise our children well, he was angry but soon accepted it. AC/19/2/3/Pr Found I was pregnant on my 5th month when baby started to move and when my belly began to grow. Told my husband when my period was delayed on 3 rd month. Expressed his pleasure. AC/20/1/7/Pr See above. Went to HF who told us I was 3 months preg. Discussed nothing. AC/35/5/5/Is Didn’t know. Found out when baby started to kick. Didn’t tell anybody, found out when they noticed my stomach. Nothing discussed. AG/20/1/3/Pr When my period stopped, told husband right away. Discussed nothing about pregnancy. 24 AG/35/8/0/Pr (Interview stopped because mother was in pain.) When period stopped (AG/17/2/2/Pr). Didn’t tell anyone (LC/25/1/0/Pr). He knew when my belly grew. (GA/30/6/0/Is) (AG/18/1/7/Pr Used to hide it with large dresses, didn’t want people to talk, ). AG/17/2/2/Pr (Didn’t tell anyone because what if my period comes again). AG/18/1/7/Pr See above. Discussed nothing (AG/17/2/2/Pr). Told me I would get injections. LC/25/3/0/Or When my period stopped, on my second month GA/22/2/0/Is. Told my husband then (LC/30/4/0/Pr- unable to eat normal foods and sickness). Discussed what I needed until delivery and to go to HF if I had a problem. LC/27/2/0/Pr When my period stopped and baby kicked. Didn’t tell anyone. Told my husband after I went to HF for vacc. and they confirmed preg., 3-4 months. Did not discuss anything. LC/30/4/0/Pr See above, had become sick from anemia, took me to Hf and confirmed preg., given glucose. GA/22/2/0/Is When he noticed the size of my belly, I told him on the 4th month. Didn’t discuss anything else. GA/21/3/2/Is When I lost my appetite, knew on fortieth day, did not tell my husband until 3rd month, didn’t discuss much except my month. GA/22/2/3/Is when my period stopped and lost my appetite. Told husband and neighbors, who told me I was pregnant bcse of appetite. GA/30/6/0/Is We don’t tell husbands about pregnancy (Q). Do not discuss pregnancy or preparations (Q). Should pregnant women visit health facilities to be checked by health workers? Why not? Availability and access – distance, cost, service hours Attitudes towards health staff - gender Benefits, procedures conducted Quality of service Desirable and actual frequency of visits Social/male support for ANC visits Decision-maker AC/36/6/6/Pr Yes, she has to be see by hws. She may become sick or hurt. HC is at Chuko, takes one hr walking, 15 minutes by car. No payment for ANC. Hrs are fine except when they got for polio campaigns. Would prefer female staff because I can talk freely. Went to HC because I had pain in my side, burning sensation in my back. I didn’t attend ANC besides. I know one should attend ANC, some go weekly. Helps identify illness. They can tell position, health of baby her mother. The service is good. Some people support ANC, some don’t. Males do also. Elderly people do not. AC/19/2/3/Pr Yes. I went twice – 6th and 8th month, got vacc, prevents measles, hamesa others. Rec vacc at health post 30 minutes away. No fee. HRs good, good rececption, little waiting time. Male and MIL advised me to go. AC/20/1/7/Pr To maintain her health and that of her baby. Go to AC HC. A small fee for pregnant women. Don’t care about gender. Went three times 1 for preg test, 2 when I was sick, pain in my waist. Service is good because I got better. Have not seen women go for ANC, only when they are sick. I support it, only fee which I find prohibitive. Community and husband support ANC. Husband decides. 25 AC/35/5/5/Is Good too maintain her health. 2 hours roundtrip. No fee. Hrs are good. Staff are good, prefer female staff, more relaxed. Not much waiting time – 2 hrs at the most. I went every month after the 5th month. No one encouraged me to go. My husband decides. AG/20/1/3/Pr Yes, she has to go, every month, they will check on her health. I didn’t go because I was young and afraid that youth would make fun of me, also embarrassed about being seen at HC especially by male HW. AG HC 2 hours walk away. Have not hear quality of service is bad. People do not encourage women to go. Some men support ANC, others don’t. Woman is dmaker. AG/17/2/2/Pr Only if she wants to know if and how long she is pregnant. Otherwise should not go, she would know if she was pregnant. Never gone to HF. Only to private pharmacy to be seen. Nobody has told me to go. LC/25/3/0/Or Yes, for vaccination and they check on position of baby. I went on 5th month, but they said vacc for previous months were adequate and to come on the 6th month. I didn’t go back. Went to adulala 30 minutes walk. Prefer female staff, because I won’t be embarrassed GA/22/2/0/Is . For my prev 2 children, went every month, service is good. My husband decided that I go. LC/25/1/0/Pr Good to go, eg for vacc (LC/27/2/0/Pr). Didn’t go bcse I did not have the time. Went when I became sick from cramps, didn’t help so went to tsebel. Didn’t tell them I was preg because they don’t check up as well as those in city. Went for my first baby to adulala, which is close and not expensive. Now go to HEWs. Prefer woman for modesty, but men are more sympathetic. Used to go to Hf every month. The staff are hostile. LC/27/2/0/Pr They check on us, weigh us. Ask if we are sick and give us medicine. Service quality is good. I go on my own volition, heard that vacc is good. My husband is supportive. LC/30/4/0/Pr Can know pregnancy and take care about taking drugs and work type. Went to adulala, accessible and good service. Male nurse saw me, was ok bcse they only took my urine and blood. Only went on my 2nd and 7th month (for vacc). Three times recommended, if sick more. MIL and husbands only advise young girl to go because they are often embarrassed to tell. We go on our own volition. GA/22/2/0/Is Beneficial. She can be checked for illness and her month. Went to ANC on 5th month at Asasa, it is far, go by cart, it is free. Went every two months until 9th month. Had me lie down and checked me, weigh me. Service is good, took care of me. Males tell us to go when we tell them we are going, give me transport money. They don’t know why, they don’t inquire about it. So we don’t tell them about it. I decide to go. GA/30/6/0/Is It is good, they teach us about potential problems that we can face. Get vacc at health post, no fee, checkups at health center in asasa, have our own cart, or pay 3 to 6 birr, so it is far and difficult for us. Prefer female staff much better because I am embarrassed by male staff. Go on my 6th and 9th month to be checked. Examine us by touching us with their hands. Service is good. Husband advises me to go, get vacc. So do other males. I decide to go. 26 What are some danger signs and complications3 that a pregnant woman may experience? Local terms, potential impact AC/36/6/6/Pr If baby does not move around on the 5th month, it’s a danger sign . If she cannot eat well. She has to go to HF for these. With probing. Believed the signs listed were danger signs. Fits could be due to malaria. Local terms- bleeding (munde duna mate), fever (ibile), fits (hutrete), headache (demumete). AC/20/1/7/Pr Stomach pains (gamete), head ache (demumete) preterm baby. Don’t know about bleeding, fever during preg. Fits sign of malaria. I took pills for my stomach pains and headache and then to HC on 3rd day bcse not good for preg. Neighbours advised my husband to take me to HC. Only lack of money can be prevent me from going. AC/19/2/3/Pr, AG/20/1/3/Pr AC/35/5/5/Is Don’t know. AG/18/1/7/Pr Didn’t recognize fever, bleeding, losing consciousness, early breaking of water as danger signs. LC/25/3/0/Or If baby does not move around, LC/25/1/0/Pr I feel sick, feel heavy in the head. Don’t know anything else. Preg women don’t have problems here. LC/27/2/0/Pr Don’t know. Haven’t seen problems in women. Which danger signs and complications did you experience? AC/36/6/6/Pr Only side and back pain AC/20/1/7/Pr. AG/18/1/7/Pr Didn’t have any. LC/25/3/0/Or LC/27/2/0/Pr. LC/25/1/0/Pr Had cramps. LC/30/4/0/Pr Can have cramps early. Baby can go into wrong position. Wogesha called to turn baby back into position. If woman smells good food, she has to eat it, otherwise mitch can lead to expulsion of baby. Also if I cook aromatic food and go out in the sun. With probing Preg women do not bleed. Fever comes from anemia,. Preterm labor, comes from mitch, baby is born early and dies. GA/21/3/2/Is I become weak when working outside. If she smells sth, or does difficult tasks, she can get miscarriage. With probing Have not encountered. Losing consciousness and early breaking of water can harm mother and baby. GA/22/2/3/Is Some become weak, can’t work. With probing Some have bleeding, don’t know why. Mother can be harmed which can hurt baby. Early breaking of water also a danger sign. What should be (was) done for a (you) pregnant woman who experiences these danger signs and complications? Why? Responses Promptness Influencing factors Who is consulted/Decision-maker AC/36/6/6/Pr Woman has to go to HC LC/25/3/0/Or, LC/25/1/0/Pr. Nothing should prevent her, except laziness and thinking that she will get better. Husband and wife consult and he decides. 3 Priority danger signs - vaginal bleeding, fever, convulsions (fits), loss of consciousness (fits), severe headaches with or without dizziness, difficulty breathing, contractions/labor pains or water breaking before 37 weeks gestation. 27 AC/20/1/7/Pr I took pills for my stomach pains and headache and then to HC on 3rd day bcse not good for preg. Neighbours advised my husband to take me to HC. Only lack of money can be prevent me from going. AG/18/1/7/Pr Should take to wogesha LC/25/3/0/Or. Older people will decide. LC/30/4/0/Pr To Hf for fever cause by anemia. Nothing can be done for preterm labor, she has to be taken to HF later to clear her womb and then rest. GA/21/3/2/Is When weak, come into the house, wash and revive myself. Miscarriage – has to go to HF if all of it does not come out. Probing Has to go to HF for bleeding. Losing consciousness – water poured on her, wipe with butter. Early breaking of water – take to HF. Women and men advise her to go. GA/22/2/3/Is Maternal weakness, bleeding, early breaking of water – take to Hf soon. Neighbors tells us to go. I had none of these problems. What did you do to prepare for giving birth? Who helped you prepare to give birth? How? Who did you discuss the birth with? What? Were emergency preparations discussed? What? Decision maker AC/36/6/6/Pr Bought barley, prepared bula, prepared food and drink, bought butter. Neighbours, my neice helped me scrape kotcho. Discussed why my stomach was unsually big with my friend. Talked to my husband and he bought blanket and other things I needed. We prepared money for possible emergency, with my husband (Q). We first prayed. We decided on preparations together. AC/19/2/3/Pr Discussed prep with husband. Kept money aside in case of problems. I got more and more worried as my stomach grew, money is for possible HF birth. My father said that he would arrange for transport if labor is prolonged. Money 200 birr, was used to buy meat and other foods after I delivered. I told him to keep money aside, that I didn’t think I would have easy birth (Q). AC/20/1/7/Pr Prepared kocho, husband bought cereal for gruel and bed cloth. Discussed with him about what I would eat and what to serve guests. Did not prep money for emergency because we didn’t have money. Parents advised me on prep food. AC/35/5/5/Is Did not discuss pregnancy with anyone. No preparations for emergency AG/20/1/3/Pr Prepared only kocho, AG/18/1/7/Pr bought butter. Prepared clothes for baby and myself. Discussed need for this food with my husband (AG/18/1/7/Pr). Didn’t prepare cash for emergency becse we don’t have. We thought that we would call people to carry me if I had problems, no other plans for transport. My husband decided on preps (food) for delivery. AG/18/1/7/Pr Did not prepare emergency money LC/27/2/0/Pr, LC/30/4/0/Pr. Borrowed money when labor prolonged. AG/17/2/2/Pr Prepared kocho, milk and butter, bought cloth. Husband put 100 birr aside in case of prolonged labor and need to go to HF. Did not discuss anything. LC/25/3/0/Or Only prepared diaper cloths, flour for genfo, atmit and butter LC/25/1/0/Pr . In laws and neighbour helped her prepare flour. Discussed with my husband about need to go to nearby HF or Debre Zeit if labor is prolonged. Husband would decide. LC/25/1/0/Pr Didn’t discuss with anyone. 28 GA/22/2/0/Is Prepared netela for baby, blankets for myself and put them in a place my attendants can see them. Prepared wheat, barley, teff, rice, macaroni. I wash myself and put on clean clothes. Prepared myself. Onl discussed with my husband who told me to make preparations and gave me money for butter, and cereals from store. My cowife told me to prepare cloths for baby and told me that they would take me to HF if I had problems. Wogesha told me that I would not have problems. My cowife and husband said that I would be taken to HF if I had a problem. Husband would decide. GA/21/3/2/Is prepared flour, butter, berbere, shiro. Did not prepare for emergency – but money and our own horse cart are available. He would have taken me if I had a problem. Far – takes 3 hours by cart. By stretcher in the past. GA/22/2/3/Is prep barley flour, butter. No prep for emergency. Relatives, neighbors would have taken me (she had birth at mother’s) Husband would have taken me. Use cart to go to Asasa – not to difficult. GA/30/6/0/Is Prepared butter, honey, shiro, teff, barley, wheat, berbere. Husband gave me money, and cereals from store. Did not discuss birth with anyone. Not the norm to discuss birth. Do not discuss emergency preparations, will sell animal if needed. He will decide to take me to Hf.