Weather Canaan Hgts, WV ** Weekly summary for Dec 8-14


Weather Canaan Hgts, WV ** Weekly summary for Dec 8-14

Davis 3SE, West Virginia

39-05-52N 79-25-53W Elev 3698 ft.

Dave Lesher


7AM - NWS MMT and standard 8-inch precip gauge.

8PM - Nimbus digital max/min thermometer and digital rain gauge

(Units are degrees Fahrenheit and inches of precip and snow)


Pre- Pre-

24-Hr Max Min Obs Pre- cip cip Snow Snow Snow Snow ending temp temp temp cip month year fall depth month season

------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----- ----- ---- ----- ----- ------

Weekly summary for Dec 8-14

Temp: Mean max 32.5F/Mean min 19.2F/Max 41F - 9th/Min 6F - 13th

Precip: Week total 1.59 in./MTD 2.25 in./YTD 70.60 in.

Snowfall: Week total 9.7 in./MTD 18.8 in./STD 32.4 in.


Dec 14

7PM 30 16 28 0.75 2.25 70.60 6.3 9 18.8 32.4

7AM 21 9 21 0.43 3.7 8

Steady snow overnight and through daybreak, mixing with ice pellets and freezing rain off and on all morning to early afternoon, then changing back to light snow rest of the day.


Dec 13

7PM 21 6 19 T 1.50 69.85 T 5 12.5 26.1

7AM 20 8 10 T T 5

Gray overcast and cold all day, then occasional very light snow began falling at 430PM but amounted to nothing by day's end.


Dec 12

7PM 22 17 18 T 1.50 69.85 T 5 12.5 26.1

7AM 28 17 17 0.22 2.6 5

Mostly cloudy and breezy with a few very light flurries during the night through mid day. Winds diminishing in the afternoon.

Daytime max temp 20.


Dec 11

7PM 40 22 22 0.82 1.50 69.85 3.4 6 12.5 26.1

7AM 40 27 27 0.62 0.8 3

Heavy rain showers early last night, changing to snow after midnight and continuing steadily until mid day, then very lightly through the afternoon and evening. As daytime temperatures fell through the 20s, strong westerly winds kicked in, producing blowing and drifting snow. A great Canaan day!


Dec 10

7PM 40 34 37 0.02 0.68 69.03 0.0 3 9.1 21.7

7AM 42 33 38 0.00 0.0 3

Cloudy and breezy with a few brief rainshowers during the afternoon; dense fog late in the day.


Dec 09

7PM 41 29 40 0.00 0.66 69.01 0.0 3 9.1 21.7



Dec 08

7PM 34 10 29 0.00 0.66 69.01 0.0 7 9.1 21.7

7AM 20 13 14 0.03 0.4 9

