Russell County Hospital 1610 Dowell Road Russell Springs, KY 42642 270-866-4141 DEPARTMENT: Laboratory POLICY/PROCEDURE TITLE Microstrep Plus Panel POLICY/PROCEDURE NUMBER: 400-PE-MIC-164 Issued: 5/10/06 Revised: Supercedes: Prepared by: R. Johnson Approved: Reviewed: Medical Director Approved: Reviewed: Laboratory Director _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. PRINCIPLE. The Microstrep plus panels are designed for use in determining quantitative and/or qualitative antimicrobial agent susceptibility of colonies grown on solid media of aerobic streptococci, including S. pneumoniae. The antimicrobial susceptibility tests are miniaturizations of the broth dilution susceptibility test that have been diluted in water and dehydrated. Various antimicrobial agents are diluted in water, buffer, or minute concentrations of broth to concentrations bridging the range of clinical interest. Panels are rehydrated with 115 ul Mueller-Hinton broth supplemented with 2.5% lysed horse blood after inoculation of the broth with a standardized suspension of the organism. After incubation in a non-CO2 incubator for 20-24 hours, the MIC for the test organism is manually read by observing the lowest antimicrobial concentration showing inhibition of growth. The antimicrobial agents are: Antimicrobial agent Ampicillin Amoxicillin/K Clavulanate Azithromycin Cefactor Ceftepime Cefotaxime Ceftriaxone Cefuroxime Chloramphenicol Clindamycin Erythromycin Gatifloxacin Levofloxacin Meropenem Penicillin Tetracycline Trimethoprim/Sulfamethoxazole Vancomycin II. Abbreviation Am Aug Azi Cfr Cpe Cft Cax Crm C Cd E Gat Lvx Mer P Te T/S Va Dilutions, ug/ml 0.06-4 0.5/0.25-4/2 0.25-2 0.5-4 0.25-2 0.25-2 0.25-2 0.25-2 1-16 0.06-0.5 0.06-0.5 0.12-2 0.25-4 0.06-0.5 0.03-4 0.5-4 0.25/4.75-2/38 0.12-1 SPECIMEN. A. Use pure isolates freshly grown (18-36 hr incubation) on appropriate non-inhibitory culture media, such as BAP. Test morphologically similar, well-isolated colonies. B. HANDLE ALL BACTERIAL SPECIMENS AS POTENTIALLY BIOHAZARDOUS AND USE STANDARD PRECAUTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOSPITAL AND LABORATORY SAFETY AND INFECTION CONTROL POLICIES. Page 1 of 4 Russell County Hospital Policy/procedure name: Microstrept Plus Panel Policy/procedure number: 400-PE-MIC-164 Issued: 5/10/06 Revised: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. REAGENTS/SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT. A. Protective gloves. B. Microstrep plus panel type 1. 1. Store panels at 2-25 C. All wells on the panel, except the locator well, should appear clear prior to inoculation. 2. Do not use after printed expiration date. 3. HANDLE ALL BACTERIOLOCIAL ORGANISMS AND CONTAMINATED MATERIALS AS POTENTIALLY BIOHAZARDOUS AND USE STANDARD PRECAUTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOSPITAL AND LABORATORY SAFETY AND INFECTION CONTROL POLICIES C. 0.5 McFarland turbidity standard. D. Sterile swabs or micro loops. E. 100 ul pipettor with disposable sterile tips. F. Cover trays. G. Inoculator-D set. IV. V. H. 3 ml inoculum saline. I. Mueller-Hinton broth w/ 3% lysed horse blood. J. Microdilution viewer. K. QC organism – Streptococcus pneumoniae, ATCC 49619. QUALITY CONTROL. A. Quality control must be performed at least once each week of patient testing, and when a new lot number or shipment is put into use. Refer to the Microstrep plus panel procedural and QC manual for a description and expected results for the QC organism. B. Use Streptococcus pneumoniae, ATCC 49619. 1. A control well is provided on each panel for reading of MIC’s. 2. A growth well is provided on each panel to demonstrate how the organism will grow in the test medium without antimicrobial inhibition. 3. Acceptable endpoint ranges for the recommended control organism are listed in the Microstrep plus panel procedural and QC manual. Deterioration of an antimicrobic agent or other circumstances would result in MIC’s higher than the acceptable ranges. C. QC organisms must be tested in the same manner as unknown test organisms. Do not accept test results without valid QC results. Should the QC organisms fail to react appropriately, discard and repeat. Always check culture purity by subculturing from the inoculum onto suitable agar media. Document all QC results in the QC logbook. D. HANDLE ALL CONTROL ORGANISMS AND CONTAMINATED MATERIALS AS POTENTIALLY BIOHAZARDOUS AND USE STANDARD PRECAUTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH HOSPITAL AND LABORATORY SAFETY AND INFECTION CONTROL POLICIES. PROCEDURE. Page 2 of 4 Russell County Hospital Policy/procedure name: Microstrept Plus Panel Policy/procedure number: 400-PE-MIC-164 Issued: 5/10/06 Revised: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. Broth preparation. 1. Allow the M-H broth to come to room temperature before use. 2. Examine broth before use: a. b. B. C. D. E. F. Broth should be clear and red/dark red in color. Do not use broth that is turbid and discolored. Panel preparation. 1. Obtain a panel from storage, cut open the pouch, and remove tray. 2. Allow panel to come to room temperature before rehydration. 3. Do not use if desiccant is not present or is broken, or if panel wells are discolored. Inoculum preparation. 1. Using either a sterile swab or micro loop, touch the surface of 4-5 large morphologically similar, well-isolated, presumptive Streptococcus colonies from a 16-20 hours non-inhibitory agar place. 2. Emulsify in 3 ml of inoculum saline to obtain a turbidity of a 0.5 McFarland standard. 3. Cap tightly and vortex the suspension for 2-3 seconds. 4. Pipet 0.1 ml (100 ul) of the suspension into 25 ml of broth. Cap tightly and invert 8-10 times to mix. 5. Inoculate the panel within 15 minutes of adjusting the inoculum. Panel rehydration/inoculation is performed using the RENOK system with inoculator-D sets. 1. Remove the transfer lid from the inoculator set and pour the inoculated broth into the seed trough. 2. Replace the lid and gently tap the lid in all four corners to ensure absence of bubbles. Allow to stand at least 20 seconds to equibrilate. 3. Attach the RENOK rehydrator/inoculator to the transfer lid and draw up the inoculum (to prime) and then press the center release button to dispense the inoculum back into the seed trough. Draw up the inoculum a second time into the transfer lid. 4. Place the transfer lid on the panel and release the inoculum into the panel. Incubation. 1. Panels may be incubated in stacks of 3-5 trays. 2. Place a clean cover tray over the top of each group of panels to prevent evaporation. 3. Incubate for 20-24 hours at 34-36C in a non-CO2 incubator. Read the panels. 1. Following incubation, remove the panels from the incubator. 2. Wipe the bottom of the panel with a lint-free tissue to remove condensation or debris. 3. Read the panel only if the growth well is turbid. Inadequate growth is defined as a slight haze in the well or if the broth is clear. Page 3 of 4 Russell County Hospital Policy/procedure name: Microstrept Plus Panel Policy/procedure number: 400-PE-MIC-164 Issued: 5/10/06 Revised: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VI. 4. If the growth well is turbid, read the panel using indirect light. Growth in a well appears as turbidity: haze throughout well, a button in the center of the well, or a fine granular growth throughout the well. 5. Record results on the panel worksheet as follows: a. Record the MIC as the last well showing inhibition of growth starting at the highest concentration. b. When growth occurs in all concentrations, record the MIC as greater than the highest concentration. c. When no growth occurs in any of the concentrations of antibiotics, record the MIC as less than or equal to the lowest concentration. d. A clear well in a series of growth wells is called a skipped well and should be ignored. e. Spot growth in isolated wells indicates contamination and the test should be repeated. REPORTING RESULTS. A. See the streptococci interpretive criteria chart on the table in the Microstrep plus panel procedural and QC manual. B. Record the MIC’s. Record QC results. VII. LIMITATIONS. For purposes of diagnoses and treatment, results of this test should always be interpreted in conjunction with the patient’s medical history, clinical presentation, and other findings. VIII. REFERENCE. MicroScan MicroSTREP plus Panel Procedural and QC Manual, Dade Behring, rev. April 2004. Page 4 of 4