sociology prospects

 Personal Information
Name-Surname: Christos Kouroutzas
Nationality: Greek
Date of Birth: 24/04/1986
Address: 1, Socrates and Arxita , p.code 8100, Mytilene, Lesvos
Telephone: 6949074445
E-mail: or
 Working Experience
Dates: From 01/07/06 to 30/11/06.
Name and address of employer: Mrb Hellas A.E .
Type of business or sector: European Market Research Center.
Occupation or position held: Researcher.
Main activities and responsibilities: Social Research.
Dates: 17/08/2009 until today.
Name and address of employer: Programs of Development, Social Support
and Medical Cooperation (Praksis). 57, Str Stournari, Athens.
Type of business or sector: NGO.
Occupation or position held: Sociologist.
Main activities and responsibilities: Social Ombudsman in Program Stegi D
EU co-funded program by the European Refugee Fund and the Ministry of
Health and Social Solidarity for the region in Lesvos.
Main Activities: The psychosocial support, social counselling, provision
health services, referral for specialized services to other social agencies /
partners, the administrative care and monitoring, the monitoring issues of
individual health, public health, integration and rehabilitation with
awareness of social and immigration policy.
Dates: From 01/12.09 until today.
Name and address of employer: F.T Group Κarageorgis Servia 7 –
Constitution Α.Ε.
Type of business or sector: Newspaper, Aegean University Press.
Occupation or position held: Editor in chief.
Main activities and responsibilities: Contact material: Culture, Sports,
Environment, Recreation.
Dates: 2001-2004.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: 18ο High
School - Athens.
Dates: 2004-2008.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training:
Department of sociology, School of social science, University of the Aegean.
Degree 8, 09.
Undergraduate Essay: «Homicide from Intention. Representations of
Institutions of Official Social Control».
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Sociologist.
Title: Science of Sociology.
Level in national or international classification:
Dates: 2008 – 2010.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training:
Postgraduate Studies “Development of innovative local and regional policies
and social cohesion”.
Degree: 9,03
MA Thesis: «The Forensic investigation of Homicide from Intention.
Representations of Institutions of Official Social Control».
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered: Social Researcher.
Title: Applied Research.
Level in national or international classification: —
Dates: 2010.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training:
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Vocational Training
center, e-learning programme.
Education Programme: Organization and administration of health
 Training
Dates: 11/7/07 - 30/8/07.
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Practical
Exercise, in the Laboratory of Sociology of Youth, Leisure and Sports,
Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean, under the direction of
Assistant professor Mr Stratos Georgoulas.
 Researching Activities
Dates: From 15 /10/07 until today
Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Member of
the Laboratory, of Sociology, of Youth, Leisure and Sports, Department of
Sociology, University of the Aegean, under the direction of Assistant professor
Mr Stratos Georgoulas, Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean.
Attendance as Researcher in the Program – Research:
The project «Crossborder Research and Training Activities and Introduction of
Technological Innovations in the services for the prevention and control of violence
against juveniles», which is part of the European Union Initiative INTERREG IIIA
GREECE – CYPRUS 2000-2006 is still in progress under the scientific guidance of
the Assistant Professor Stratos Georgoulas Participation in conducting pilot studies in
the undergraduate course in conferences relating to (Sociology Leisure, Sociology of
Sport, Sociology of Exceptions) and guest conducting.
 Discrimination
Adulescence Representative : 2002 , in the subject of Z
session entitled : «The Drugs as a social phenomenon», from
2002 until today participation in the events of next sessions.
Honorary Diploma: Ηumanitarian offer in suffering Irak and
in promotion of World Solidarity, 17-4-2003 from
chairman Mr Dionysi Lymberaki.
Participation in the development program «Future Leaders»,
an initiative of Hay Group, which was held from 11 to 21
March 2010.
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue: Greek
Other languages
Understanding: Good
Speaking: Good
Writing : Good
Understanding: Good
Speaking: Good
Writing : Good
 Organisational skills and competences
Member of the organizing committee of the «first meeting of Greek
Criminologists» which was organized by the Laboratory of Sociology,
of Youth, Leisure and Sports and held in Mytilene, on 9-11 June 2006
under the aegis of the School of Social Sciences, University Aegean.
Member of the organizing committee of the conference «Contemporary
of sports in Greece», which was organized by the Laboratory of
Sociology, of Youth, Leisure and Sports and held in Mytilene on 18-19
October 2008,
under the aegis of the School of Social Sciences,
University Aegean.
Member of the organizing committee of the meeting «Drug use and
delinquency», which was organized by the Laboratory of Sociology of
Youth, Leisure and Sports of the University of the Aegean
cooperation with KETHEA and was held in Mytilene on 26 May 2009.
Member of the organizing committee of the meeting «Youth and
Consumption», which was organized by the Laboratory of Sociology of
Youth, Leisure and Sports of the University of the Aegean in cooperation
with the Consumers Association of Lesvos and was held in Mytilene on
18th March 2009.
Member of the organizing committee of the Scientific Conference on
«Criminology: Research and Teaching in Greece» which was
organized by the School of Social Studies of Faculty Finance and
Administration of the TEI of Messolongi and was held in Mytilene on
28th -29th of May 2009, co-organized by the Department of Criminology
of the Panteion University, the Department of Criminal Law and
Criminological Research of the University of Athens, the Laboratory of
Sociology, of Youth, Leisure and Sports of the University’s of the
Aegean Department of Sociology, and the Greek Association of
Criminologists, of Panteion University.
Member of the organizing committee of the meeting «Violence against
juveniles», which was organized by the Laboratory of Sociology of
Youth, Leisure and Sports, of the University’s of the Aegean Department
of Sociology, in the context of the Interreg ΙΙΙ Α Greece- Cyprus 20002006 program, that was held in Mytilene on 20th September 2008.
Member of the organizing committee of the conference «Internet, ECrime and Human Rights», organized by a group of students from the
School of Social Sciences under the aegis of the University of the
Member of the organizing committee of the «38th Annual Conference of
the European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control»
entitled «The Politics of Criminology», organized by the Laboratory of
Sociology of Youth, Leisure and Sports, of the University’s of the
Aegean Department of Sociology, and the and European Group for the
study of deviance and social control, that was held in Mytilene, on the 1st
of September 2010 until the 5th of September 2010.
Member of the General secretariat for youth with information on:
Programs, events and activities of the Secretariat for Youth. Holder of
European Youth Card, a movement that promotes communication,
entertainment and information.
 Participation in conferences
Attendance in the meeting entitled: «The Abuse – Neglect of Children
as a social phenomenon».
Participation in the Conference entitled: «The prospect of federalism
of Europe, 50 years after the signing of Rome».
Participation in: « the first meeting of Greek Criminologists».
Attendance in the meeting: «Parameters of Exterior Policy in
Attendance in the meeting: «European prospects of Turkey ».
Participation in the scientific works of the conference entitled: «2nd
Greek National Conference of Leisure – Free time and Athletic
Tourism ».
Attendance in the meeting with subject: «Violence against Juveniles».
Participation in the international conference: «Revisions of the Political:
“Anthropological and historical research in Greek society”».
Participation in the conference with subject: «Internet, Electronic
Crime and Human Rights».
Attendance in the conference: «Aimed action of Social Providence and
Participation in the scientific works of the international conference of
criminology: «Crime Criminology: Research and Action».
Participation in the Conference with subject: «Modern Greek Society
and Athleticism. Prospects of the sociology of athleticism in Greece».
Attendance in the meeting: «Youth and Consumption».
Attendance in the meeting: «Medical Exercising. Tendencies and
prospects in the Physical education and Sports in the 21 Century ».
Attendance in the conference with subject: «Criminology: Research
and Teaching in Greece ».
Attendance in the meeting: «Use of Addictive substances and
delinquency ».
Attendance in the conference with subject: «Social Inequalities in
Modern Greece».
Participation in the scientific works of the 6th Greek national Conference:
«Forensic science and Toxicology».
 Conference announcements – Publications
Announcement: in the International Conference, «Modern Criminality,
its Confrontation and Criminology», organized in Panteion University, on
5th -7th of June 2008, with presentation entitled: «Representations of
Electronic Crime by Institution Representatives in Lesvos».
Announcement: in the conference: "Modern Greek Society and Sports,
Prospects of Sociology, of Sports in Greece", which was held in Mytilene
on 18-19 October 2008 , under the auspices of the School of Social
Sciences, University Aegean, entitled proposition: «Violence outside the
Publications of the Greek printed press».
Announcement: in the Scientific Conference in
Research and Teaching in Greece» which was organized by the School of
Social Studies of Faculty Finance and Administration, TEI of Mesologi
that was held in Mytilene from 28th to 29th of May 2009, in cooperation
with the Section of Criminology of Panteion University’s of Athens
Department of Sociology , the Laboratory of Sociology of Youth ,
Leisure and Sports, of the University’s of the Aegean Department of
Sociology, and the Greek Association of Criminologists of the Panteion
University. The title of the presentation was: «Facebook as a mean of
social control».
Announcement: in the 37th Annual Conference of the European Group
for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, on the theme: Crime,
Justice and control : The challenge of recession, on 26th – 29th of August
2009, held at the University of Central Lancashire, Preston, in United
Kingdom. The title of the presentation was: «Social Networking Sites
and Social Control».
Announcement: in the 38th Annual Conference of the European Group
for the Study of Deviance and Social Control, on the theme: The Politics
of criminology, held on the 1st to the 5th of September 2010. The title of
presentation was: «Forensic Science and Criminology. The role of
medical coroners: a pilot qualitative research».
Announcement: in a Meeting “Future Leaders: Setting the stage for
to build a society with Vision and Values”, which was held on
27/04/2010 in Athens, organized by the company Hay Group.
Presentation of the business project through the participation in the
program Future Leaders of Hay Group.
 Publications
Publication article: in the under publication collective volume in
proceeding of the International conference: «Modern Criminality, its
Confrontation and Criminology " held in Athens on 5th - 7th of June 2008
by Panteion University and the Section of Criminology. Article title:
«Studying Electronic Crime in the context of the Society of
Information. Pilot Research of representations in Services in the
county of Lesvos».
Publication article: in the under publication collective volume of the
proceedings of the conference: «Modern Greek Society and Athleticism,
Prospects of Sociology of
Sports in Greece», which was held
Mytilene on 18th - 19th of October 2008 by the Laboratory of Sociology
of Youth, Leisure and Sports of University of the Aegean. Article title:
«Violence outside the stadiums. Representations of intentional
homicide through Publications by the Greek printed press».
Publication article : in the under publication collective volume of the
proceedings of the conference: «Criminology: Research and Teaching in
Greece», which was organized by the School of Social Studies of Faculty
Finance and Administration, of the TEI of Mesologi and was held in
Mytilene on 28-29 May 2009, co-organized by the
Section of
Criminology of the Department o Sociology of Panteion University of
Athens, the Laboratory of Sociology of Youth , Leisure and Sports, of
the University's of the Aegean Department of Sociology, and the Greek
Association Criminologists of Panteion University. The title of the
presentation was: «The role of mechanisms of social networking to
enhance civil control».
Publication article: in the scientific journal, «Youth, Crime and Society»
that was published by the Laboratory of Sociology, of Youth, Leisure and
Sports. The title of the presentation was: Presentation of the conclusions
of the «37o Annual Conference for the study of deviance and social
control, «Crime’, Justice, and Control: The challenge of recession».
 Seminars, education and training
Attendance in a 30 hours long seminar, organized by the Psychological
Counselling Support Center of the University of Aegean during the period of
October-December 2007, entitled: «Training students on interpersonal
relationships and self-esteem».
Attendance in seminar, organized by the Centre for Disease Prevention and
Counselling of Lesvos “Pnoi”, with the cooperation of O.K.A.N.A, entitled:
«Domestic Violence», in the period of 13/10/2007 to 11/01/2008.
Attendance in seminar in the context of INDERREG III A Greece - Cyprus
2000-2006, «Crossborder Research
and Training
Activities and
Introduction of Technological Innovations in the services for the
prevention and control of violence against juveniles», co-financed by the
European Regional Development Fund and National Resources of University
of Aegean, in specialized seminars of health services personnel - protection
of the basic principles of detection, treatment, management and rehabilitation
of cases of child abuse - neglect.
Attendance in a 10 consultative meetings seminar held at the Advisory
Station of the University of the Aegean titled: Self-Esteem «experiential
nature exercises,
crisis management, Support of abused children,
empathy», at Mytilene, 2009.
 Techniques skills
Degree from the Computer Learning Centers “Indered” in Mytilene, member of the
group of Interligua, University of Cambridge, on the use of electronic computers on
the following topics:
Word Processing Word 2003
Spreadsheets Excel 2003
Elements of Access 2003 Database
E-mail, Outlook and Internet Technologies
Implementation of PowerPoint 2003 Presentations
Degree from the Computer Learning Centres “Indered” in Mytilene, member of the
group of Interligua, on the following topics:
Statistical analysis
SPSS 13.0