BE A PART OF THE MISSOURI TECH PREP STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD APPLICATION PROCESS Tech Prep Coordinators Distribute applications in your consortium. Coordinate the selection of the consortium winner and assist in the selection process. Nominators Think about students who would best represent Missouri’s Tech Prep program. Encourage these students to participate in the awards program. Help students with the application and application process. Students Complete the “Student Information Sheet” giving basic background about yourself. Think about your future plans and describe what role career and technical education plays in those plans. Program Coordinators, Principals, and ATS Directors Ensure all data is gathered on grades, attendance, and other relevant factors. Oversee the selection process in your school. Write a brief narrative of your winner explaining some of his/her most outstanding traits. Forward a copy of your local winner’s application to the Tech Prep Coordinator. Suggested Timeline September ..................Tech Prep Coordinators distribute applications. November ..................Date recommended for school winners to be forwarded to Tech Prep Coordinators. December/January......Date recommended for Tech Prep Coordinators to select consortium winner. March………………..Reception in Jefferson City for all consortium winners.Eligibility Applicants must be high school seniors who are U.S. citizens and who are enrolled in, or have completed, A STATE APPROVED CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM during the current school year. Criteria for “Tech Prep Student of the Year” - Personal commitment to career and technical education or Tech Prep program in which enrolled or completed Success in core requirements Evidence of personal character and leadership 1 - Involvement in school/community activities Involvement in career and technical student organizations Commitment to post-secondary career and technical program or 2+2 Tech Prep program A commitment might include an articulation agreement, advanced placement for clinical experiences or internship/apprenticeship programs, etc. General Instructions for Awards Program 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Original applications can be picked up from your Tech Prep consortium coordinator. Schools may photocopy, post, and distribute application forms as necessary. Students may be nominated by a teacher, counselor, employer, or other adult who knows them in career and technical, academic, or community service context. Nominations should be based on skills and abilities as well as personal qualities; all nominees should be able to represent career and technical education in its most positive light. Students and nominators should complete and return their portions of the application form to their career and technical school director or high school principal. Use an application form for all information. If an additional page is necessary, identify the question. One finalist from each high school or secondary career and technical school will be selected by a process led or endorsed by the principal or director of that school who will then certify the student as the school’s official winner. The Tech Prep Coordinator will receive all applications from their consortium schools. Selection of a consortium winner will be led or endorsed by the Tech Prep Coordinator. All consortium winners will be recognized at a reception in Jefferson City. MISSOURI TECH PREP STUDENT OF THE YEAR APPLICATION 2 Application Deadline: December 15, 2010 SECTION I - STUDENT’S INFORMATION SHEET Please type or print your response in the spaces below. If an additional sheet is required, identify question by section and letter. Name (Last) (First) Mailing Address (Street Address) 3 (Middle Initial) City State Zip Phone MOSIS Email Are you a U.S. Citizen Yes No Career and Technical Program enrolled in or completed Month/year CTE program started Month/year completed Name of the school attended for career and technical classes Address of school County Phone Principal’s/CTE Director’s name Name of your high school (if different from above) A+ School Address of high school County Phone Principal’s name Name of your hometown newspaper(s) (Check one) Yes No Name of post secondary institution and program you are planning to attend: Name of your Tech Prep Consortium Your state senator/representative: A. List participation in school or community activities. (volunteer work, tutoring, etc.) (10 points) B. List membership and involvement in career and technical student organizations. (10 points) C. List honors, awards or recognition received. (school, work, community, etc.) (10 points) D. List career and technical courses which you have taken or are enrolled currently in, and those you will take before graduation. (10 points) E. Describe any job shadowing, internship, COE, apprenticeship, or employment related to your career area. (10 points) 4 SECTION II - STUDENT’S PERSONAL STATEMENT Please type or print your responses in the spaces below. If an additional sheet is required, identify the question by section and letter. Please use a paperclip for any attachment. A. Describe your high school career and technical Career Cluster or Program of Study. Please include length of program, subjects studied, equipment used, skills learned etc. What projects or experiences have seemed most interesting or most important to you? (15 points) B. Describe how you will apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the career and technical program described above to your future plans. (15 points) Signature of Student ___________________________________________ Date Signature of Parent or Guardian __________________________________ Date (Necessary if student is 17 years of age or younger) These signatures give permission for the school(s) to release transcripts and other records to be used solely in connection with the awards program. In addition, a parent/guardian signature indicates permission for a student’s photo to be taken and used in any approved Tech Prep activity for no compensation. STUDENT: Give your completed information sheet and personal statements to the person who is nominating you for this award. He/she will forward your application to the school’s designated person for further action. 5 SECTION III - NOMINATOR’S REFERENCES To be completed by a teacher, counselor, or other person in the school or community who is in a position to know the student and his/her work. Use the space below or attach a separate sheet. Explain why this student deserves to be considered for the Tech Prep Student of the Year Award. Describe in your comments why this student is an excellent representative of career and technical, or Tech Prep education. (10 points) Signature ____________________________________________________ Date Nominator’s name, position, school affiliation NOMINATOR: Please make sure that you and the student have completed your pages and forwarded the application to the designated person at your high school or career and technical school. 6 SECTION IV - SCHOOL RECORD To be completed by the director of career and technical education programs, principal or designee. Name of Student Name of School This student’s overall grade point average is on a Number of credits completed in career and technical program scale. . Special features of grading scale, if any. SECTION V - ATTENDANCE, BEHAVIOR & ATTITUDE To be completed by the director of career and technical education programs, principal or designee. What is your evaluation of this student’s attendance, behavior, attitude toward school, etc.? Note any special personal circumstances you believe should be considered. Attach a separate sheet. (10 points) Signature _____________________________________________ Date Name, title, school (Please print or type) SECTION VI - ENDORSEMENT OF SCHOOL WINNER To be completed by the director of career and technical education programs, principal or designee. Briefly describe the abilities and personal qualities that led you and/or your judging panel to select to represent your school. (Name of student) Signature _____________________________________________ Date Name, title school PRINCIPAL/DIRECTOR: PLEASE ATTACH TRANSCRIPT(S), showing both academic and career and technical courses for your student. 7 MISSOURI TECH PREP STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD Evaluation Form Candidate's Name: ______________________________________________________________ School:______________________________ Program: ________________________________ Points Available Points Received 10 10 10 10 10 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ SECTION I – Student’s Information Sheet School/community activities Vocational student organizations Honors, awards, recognitions Vo-Tech or Applied Academics courses taken Job Shadow, Internship, Apprenticeship, Work Experience SECTION I Total _____ SECTION II – Student’s Personal Statement Career & technical education or Tech Prep plan of study Application of program to future plans 15 15 _____ _____ SECTION II Total _____ SECTION III – Nominator’s References 10 _____ SECTION III Total _____ SECTION IV – School Record (no point value) SECTION IV Comments: SECTION V – Attendance, Behavior & Attitude 10 SECTION V Total _____ _____ SECTION VI - Endorsement of school winner (no point value) SECTION VI Comments: TOTAL POINTS 100 8 ______