Liberty High School
FACSE/CTE Department
Teacher: Gary McIntosh
Classroom: 6102
Tel: 425-837-4884
Text: Health. Pruitt, Allegrante, Prothrow-Stith, 2014 – Pearson Prentice Hall Publishing
E-Text available per request, if needed.
Course Description:: This semester class will focus on making choices for a
healthy lifestyle as well as preparing students to become leaders. Topics include the
human body systems, nutrition, reproduction, heredity, communicable and noncommunicable diseases, human sexuality and development, CPR/First Aid, stress
management, substance use and abuse, media analysis, conflict resolution, and goal
setting. Students will be expected to apply practical health information to their
everyday lives. You will take part in a wide variety of projects, discussions, speakers,
research and group work. Get connected—make this class your best class of the year!
 3-Ring Binder or a section to keep course documents in their
possession and organized.
 Everyday students should bring a pencil and lined paper to class.
 Daily assignments will be made on the Connect Web page.
Behavior: Students are expected to follow ALL school rules AND::
Demonstrate respect to peers, teachers, and school property.
Act responsibly: Be on time, be prepared, and be present.
BYOD-But follow Tech Policy with signature.
Try your best—if it is worth doing—it is worth doing well!
Be positive with yourself, others and teachers.
Behavior is a choice. Students that choose to behave inappropriately will face the
consequences. This may include a teacher warning, parent notification, an
administrative referral, detention, or removal from class.
Grading: Your grade will be based
on the following:
 Assignments (Class work,,
 Quizzes/Test:
 Leadership:
 Final Exam:
20 %
Grading Scale
F below 59
Absences, and Make-up work: It is very important that students and
parents understand how key attendance is to a successful classroom experience.
This class is designed to create learning activities in class and hence not all
work or classroom activities can be replicated. As a result, not all points can be
made up regardless of whether an absence is excused or not. Furthermore, on
classroom presentation days when a student is scheduled to present they must
contact Mrs. Abbey via email before 7am in order to receive credit and
reschedule the presentation. If they have an unexcused absence on the day
of a test/quiz/presentation day it will not be able to be made up.
Tech Prep College Connections Program: This course is Tech Prep
College Connections approved and articulated with Bellevue College and Lake
Washington Technical. Students who demonstrate proficiency of the college
course competencies with a ‘B’ (3.0) or better grade, may be eligible to earn
college credit through the Tech Prep program. During the year all of the
college competencies will be covered in class. Students must register online
using the statewide enrollment and reporting system and also are required to pay a non-refundable $46
annual consortium fee to earn college credit through the Tech Prep College
Connections program ( Students MUST register for
Tech Prep college credit while they are enrolled in the high school course.
Questions? Contact the Tech Prep College Connections office at: or 425-564-6158. Please also visit the Tech Prep
CC website at:
Leadership: Leadership activities will be integrated with opportunities for
personal growth, helping out others, group benefit, travel, community impact,
classroom up-keep and competition. 200 leadership points are required for
the semester!!!. Refer to the student handout for specific points and activities.
Plagiarism/Cheating: Plagiarism, the act of using the work of another writer
without citation, intending the reader to believe that it is your own work, is a
serious violation of academic conduct. Cheating during exams, obtaining help
from other students during tests/projects, or copying homework are all serious
violations of academic conduct. All will results in failing the assignment and/or
course followed by additional disciplinary actions.
* All 200 Leadership Points will be due at the end of the semester on
January 8th 2016. This is to allow for the grading portion before finals and late
projects will not be accepted. Projects can be handed in early, but by 1st
Quarter grading period 100 leadership points will be due, on October 30th .
This is half of what is required. Leadership projects and ideas are listed on the
Leadership handout. Please check connect or with your student for a copy. If
they are doing Community Health Careers job shadowing experiences
;they can receive 20 point per hour, but will need a verifying signature for
each hour. A typed reflection will have to explain this, as well. This is very
specific and is defined in the leadership handout. This also will need to include
a contact phone number of the community agency or email of the
professional contact.
HELP! Do you have questions about class material, make-up work or
your grade?
Mr. McIntosh’s office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, &
Friday from 7:15-7:25am/2:16-2:45pm and Wednesdays from 9:459:55am/2:46-3:15pm in 6107 Or call me classroom phone at 425837-4884. Please feel free to call me with your concerns and
questions. My preferred method of contact is email
I am always happy to talk with parents individually about questions or concerns
they may have about their student’s performance in this class or about the
content of this course.
***Please sign and return this lower portion to the teacher
by Friday, September 4th .***
Print student name:______________________
I have read the course expectations and I understand it.
Student Signature:___________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________