
DMR, Day 3 (March 3) Changed or Added Text
1.Joyce is saving money to
Jennifer wants to paint
Plot the points (6,0) and
(2, -2) to make a line. Based
4) Jerry’s Marathon Training
graph is below. Find the slope
of the line and tell what it
5.The dimensions of the
buy a bicycle that costs $500.
Joyce earns $30 for every 5
hours that she works. Write
an equation to determine the
number of hours (h) that
Joyce must work to buy the
the 4 rectangular walls of her
on the graph, write an equation bedroom. Each wall is 15
of the line.
feet wide and 10 feet high.
She has two windows that
have an area of 12 square
feet each and a door that is
25 square feet. What is the
area that Jennifer plans to
floor at a dance studio are
shown at right. The floor
20 ft
will be covered with tiles
that are 2 feet by 2.5 feet.
How many tiles are needed
to cover the whole floor?
30 ft