Earth Science Research Results This proposal will use NASA and NOAA remote sensing sea surface temperature products and cloud free high resolution daily products derived from them. For historical reconstructions, we will use ICOADS sea surface temperature and products derived from it. We will also use MODIS land surface temperature products. For climate scenario forecasts we will use output from NASA, NOAA, and Hadley Centre models archived at the WCRP CMIP3 site on the Earth System Grid. For short-term forecasts and early warning of threats to populations, we will use NOAA weather and wave forecast data and Xtide ( as input to our intertidal temperature model. We will use the NASA JPL DE-405 ephemeris in conjunction with Xtide to calculate decadal scale and continental scale risk of intertidal exposure to high temperature conditions. Organization NASA Data Source MODIS Data Type SST Archive JPL NASA AMSR-E SST JPL NASA NOAA AVHRR SST JPL UCAR/NCAR UK Met ICOADS OSTIA SST SST JPL IFREMER ODYSSEA SST JPL Danish Met Inst DMI_OI SST JPL Hadley Ctr NOAA HadISST GFS/NAM NCEP NOAA NASA Wave Watch III GISS-Model E SST Solar Rad Long Wave Rad Humidity Air Temp Wind Speed Atm Pressure Precipitation Wave height SST NOAA GFDL- CM2.X SST ESG UK Met Hadley CM3 SST ESG NASA DE-405 ephemeris Xtide Solar elevation Solar azimuth Tide Height JPL Flaterco NCEP ESG Use Nowcast Hindcast Nowcast Hindcast Nowcast Hindcast Hindcast Nowcast Forecast Nowcast Forecast Forecast Hindcast Forecast Forecast Climate Scenario Climate Scenario Climate Scenario Risk Analysis Forecast Risk Anal Technical Approach In this project, we propose to provide tools for evaluating sites for inclusion in GEO BON based on quantitative sensitivities of sites to climate change, and to provide tools for integrating satellite and in-situ observations and modeling with biodiversity measurements at established sites. We also propose to provide risk and early-warning assessment tools for key habitats. We propose to focus on coastal marine habitats, and on ecosystem engineer species, whose successes or failures control the dynamics of the coastal ecosystem and its biodiversity. These coastal habitats are extensively used for aquaculture in many parts of the world, and serve reservoirs of biodiversity and as nursery grounds for commercially important species. Tools for evaluating coastal sites for inclusion in the GEO BON. Historical change in climatic conditions can serve as an index of suitability of sites for studies of biodiversity response to climate change. If biodiversity is partially controlled by climate, change should be most easily detected at locations where change has historically been rapid. Because of the differences in oceanography among coasts, not all sites are good candidates for such studies. We propose to use the ICOADS ship of opportunity data set to reconstruct worldwide coastal sea surface temperatures for the past century in order to establish the baseline rates of change in ocean climate. Point data are transformed into monthly 4km resolution maps using a 12-point inverse distance squared weighting method (Lima et al 2007). We have generated maps of this sort for the period 1900-2007 on the US east and west coasts, and the continental Atlantic coast of Europe from France to Morocco (Fig 2). Fig 2. February sea surface temperature on the coast of Europe 1900-2007 from ICOADS. Horizontal lines are at latitudes 30°, 35°, 40°, 45°, 50° N, corresponding to map. Contours are at 2°C increments from 4° to 18°C. These maps are used to generate contour plots of climate as a function of position along the coastline on a centennial time scale, and measures of the rates of climate change as a function of geography (Fig 3). These rates of change provide a quantitative measure of the suitability of coastal sites for studies of response of populations and ecosystems to climate change. Sites with low rates of climate change are unsuitable for such studies. The figures represent the centennial rates of change of sea surface temperature plotted by month and geographic location in Europe, the US west coast, and the US east coast. Blue and magenta colors represent cooling, and other colors represent warming. The coast of Europe is clearly a mosaic of sites with different rates of change interspersed among one another. Most obvious changes are rapid warming in the Bay of Biscay in summer, and rapid warming in the English Channel between October and December. Other locations in Europe show much lower rates of change. Therefore climate effects on biodiversity would be relatively easily detected in the lower Bay of Biscay and the English Channel, which should be focal areas for the study of biodiversity responses to climate change in Europe, especially in species affected by warming winter conditions. On the US west coast, there has been rapid warming in central Oregon in May and June, and rapid warming south of Point US West US East Europe Figure 3. Rates of change of sea surface temperature 1900-2007, plotted by month and geographic location. Blue/magenta colors represent cooling. Conception from March to July. These areas appear to be more sensitive to climate change than other areas of the coast, and there should be stronger biodiversity changes expected in these areas than elsewhere, especially in species affected by warming summer conditions.. On the US east coast, there has been rapid winter warming in the mid Atlantic states, rapid winter cooling in winter south of Cape Hatteras, and little change elsewhere. On the US east coast, there should be much stronger climatebiodiversity effects south of Cape Hatteras than north. These results indicate that all locations a clearly not equal in sensitivity to climate change, and that studies of the effects of climate change on biodiversity need to be targeted to locations where climate is changing the most. We propose to expand our coverage to the entire world ocean coastline to examine the sensitivity of all coastal locations to global climate change, as a means to evaluate the suitability of coastal sites for inclusion in GEO BON monitoring efforts. Tools for integrating satellite and in-situ observations and modeling with biodiversity measurements in GEO BON Risk and Early-Warning Assessment Tools for GEO BON