SPRING TERM NEWSLETTER – JANUARY 2014 NURSERY MOBILE NUMBER: 07765151384 NURSERY WEBSITE: www.brockhamnursery.com Happy New Year! We would like to welcome our new children and their families. FANTASTIC NEWS! We are very pleased to say that following our Ofsted inspection in November, we are officially 'Outstanding'! A copy of the report will be given to you in the next few weeks and will also be on our website. FILES: We hope you enjoyed reading your child's file and sharing it with your child/children. If you have any questions regarding the files please speak to your key worker or Kim. Please remember to bring back your child’s file. FILES IN NURSERY: Your child's file will be in nursery for the week beginning Monday 10th February and Monday 10th March. They will be there when your key worker is at nursery, as we don't keep the files on site. Also when you come in for your stay and play day, the file will be in, this will give you an opportunity to see how your child is getting on and discuss any concerns. OPEN DOOR POLICY: Just a reminder that we offer an open door policy - staff are available for parents to talk to if required on a daily basis. NAMING ITEMS: We are finding that a number of the children’s items are not named which makes it very difficult for the staff to know which child is the owner . Please make sure that beakers, containers, lunch boxes, coats, boots and spare clothes are named. THURSDAY CHILDREN: Please can we just remind you that library books must come back on Thursdays as the children will not be able to take another book out until they are returned. It would be lovely if you could write something in the blue books about the library book i.e. did you and your child enjoy it? Or what they liked about the book. BROCKHAM GREEN DAY NURSERY – Registered Charity No. 206408 SNACK AND LUNCH TIME: Please can you cut your child’s grapes in half and we ask that no nuts/peanut butter or kiwi fruit are brought into nursery. AFTERNOON CHILDREN: If your child attends nursery in the afternoons, please can you provide them with fruit, vegetable or a small box of raisins for their afternoon snack. We have an afternoon snack box for you to put the named snack in. The nursery promotes healthy eating and we encourage the children to understand the need to eat healthily. It is quite costly for the nursery to provide fruit and vegetables each week for the children and we do not have the facilities to store them. CLOTHES: Please ensure that your child is dressed suitably for the weather, if they do not have a coat they will not be allowed outside in the garden. If you can encourage your child to put on their own coat, it gives them a sense of achievement and encourages independence. In particular the older children need to be able to put on their own coat when they go to school as the teachers do not have enough time to do this. HEADLICE: Please check your child’s hair regularly and treat when necessary. SICKNESS POLICY: Can we just remind you that your child should not come back to nursery until they have had 48 hours clear from sickness and temperatures. JUNK MODELLING: Junk modelling is an OFSTED requirement. As the nursery has limited space we can not store a great deal of this so we have a rota system, each child is allocated a day to bring in some junk modelling. It doesn’t have to be a large amount, but we do need to have something so that we can keep our junk modelling container full. NO medicine containers, toilet rolls, cling film boxes with serrated edge and polystyrene. SCOTT THE BEAR: Scott would love to go travelling again; he enjoys going away with the children on holiday, visiting grandparents and having sleepovers. If your child would like to take Scott away then please let a member of staff know. TERM DATES: Wednesday 8th January – Nursery back Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February - Half term Tuesday 1st April – End of term Monday 23rd April – Nursery starts Monday 26th May - 30th June – Half term Friday 22nd July – End of term BROCKHAM GREEN DAY NURSERY – Registered Charity No. 206408