THE SENATE PATHWAY APPROVAL REPORT (Core and/or Franchised Provision) A Confirmed report of the event held on 11th May 2009 to consider the approval of the following pathways: BEng Civil Engineering MEng Civil Engineering MSc Structural Engineering Faculty of Science and Technology Delivery of Pathways at Anglia Ruskin University, Chelmsford Quality Assurance Division SECTION A – OUTCOME SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 The purpose of the event was to consider the approval and/or franchise of the BEng Civil Engineering, MEng Civil Engineering and MSc Structural Engineering 1.2 The pathways will be located in the Department of the Built Environment. The pathways have been designed to develop a Chartered Engineering Provision to compliment the existing BSc Civil Engineering Incorporated Engineering provision. The proposal includes 31 new modules for consideration. If approved, the pathway will be located in the Department of Built Environment, Faculty of Science & Technology. 2. CONCLUSIONS 2.1 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval and/or franchise of the following pathways: BEng Civil Engineering; MEng Civil Engineering; MSc Structural Engineering. Approval, once confirmed, will be for an indefinite period, subject to Anglia Ruskin’s continuing quality assurance procedures. Deliver will be by full or part time study. 2.2 The Panel recommends to the Senate the approval of 31new modules for delivery. The full titles of all new modules are provided in section D of this report. 2.3 The pathways will be seeking accreditation from the Joint Board of Moderators (JBM) on behalf of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers. 2.4 Conditions Approval is subject to the following conditions which were set by the Panel. A copy of the response must be lodged with the Executive Officer by the date(s) detailed below: 2.4.1 2.4.2 Details of Condition Deadline Response to be considered by The team will Comply with the outcome of the Academic Standards, Quality and Regulations Committee (ASQRC) meeting of 24th May for the transfer of students who achieve low grades at level 2 from the MEng to the BEng The team will revise the mapping of learning outcome 6 in the MSc pathway to ensure coverage is transparent within the documentations. 8th June 2009 Chair and Executive Officer 8th June 2009 Chair and Executive Officer Quality Assurance Division 2 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.5 The team shall revise the PSF’s by amending the entry requirements to include the English Language requirement, and the MDF’s in accordance with the Technical report and resubmit electronically. The team shall review the student handbook in relation to the University Guidelines 8th June 2009 Chair and Executive Officer 8th June 2009 Chair and Executive Officer Recommendations The following recommendations for quality enhancement were made by the Panel. A copy of the responses to the recommendations listed below must be lodged with the Executive Officer. The Faculty Board for the Faculty of Science and Technology will consider the responses at its meeting of5th October 2009: 2.5.1 2.5.2 2.5.3 2.6 Details of Recommendation The panel recommends the Team reviews the Hydraulic Structures module regarding its content and place within the Masters Pathway Deadline 7th September 2009 The Panel recommends the team complies with the University’s qualifying mark of 30% The Panel recommends the team considers the reflective aspect of students learning in the group work. 7th September 2009 7th September 2009 Issues Referred to the Senate (or appropriate standing committee) The Panel did not identify any institution-wide issues as requiring the attention of the Senate or the appropriate standing committee of the Senate: Quality Assurance Division 3 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed SECTION B – DETAIL OF DISCUSSION AND PANEL CONCLUSIONS 3 RATIONALE 3.1 The pathways have been designed to develop a Chartered Engineering provision within the Department of the Built Environment. This has been brought about as a direct result of the move to output standards as a measure of competence of engineering graduates by professional accrediting bodies and to satisfy the demand from industry to provide flexible educational entry and exit points to cover the academic content of the complete range of professional qualifications. 3.2 The three new pathways will provide the flexibility for the Department to provide and market a complete suite of Civil Engineering courses with in house articulation routes between each of the degrees. 4 CURRICULUM DESIGN, CONTENT AND DELIVERY 4.1 The proposal team gave and explanation of the structure diagram provided within the documentation which demonstrates the articulation routes between each of the pathways. The panel raised concern over the transfer from Level 2 from the MEng of students who obtained low marks to Level 3 of the BEng. The panel felt this “demotion” was inequitable. The panel were advised this issue was going before the Academic Standards and Regulatory Committee on 24th May 2009, and the Team agreed to review this transfer and comply with the recommendations of this committee. 4.2 In terms of the design of the curriculum the Panel was interested to learn why the qualifying mark had been set at 35% when the University regulations have a qualifying mark of 30%. The Team explained that as the Professional Body requirement was for 35% the department has taken the decision to set the qualifying mark at 35% for all pathways. The panel queried whether this was appropriate given there was currently no Professional Body requirement for these pathways. 4.3 A discussion took place regarding the nature of and input from the Industrial Advisory Board. The Team explained the board meet every 3 months and the curriculum design has been put before two advisory boards. MDF’s and the structure diagram have been presented to the board and feedback given to the team which has been fed into the pathway design. The External Panel members were interested to hear of the mixed qualifying status of the Board. 4.4 External Panel members asked the team to clarify why the Mathematics for Civil Engineers Module 1 and Mathematics for Civil Engineers Module 2 were considered necessary when students entering the course must have an A ‘level in Mathematics. The team explained these modules underpin the Hydraulic Structures Module undertaken at level 4. The panel accepted the Teams explanation. 4.5 The panel was interested to learn how “Design” was included in the curriculum within level 1. The team explained how this is incorporated across various modules including Engineering Mechanics which includes model making and some design, and Civil Engineering construction which looks specifically at other people’s designs. The panel were satisfied with the Teams explanation but felt more explanation within the documentation would have been helpful. Quality Assurance Division 4 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed 4.6 A lengthy discussion took place regarding the group design project at level 1. The external panel members were interested to learn about the philosophy for its inclusion. Team members explained the module gave students the opportunity to acquire skills in communication, design and report writing. They further explained that they had received good feedback from external examiners for this module. The panel were satisfied with the team’s explanation but felt it would be beneficial to see a thread on the learning outcomes and how this develops through the levels. 4.7 The team was asked whether site visits take place and confirmed that whilst these had been a very active in the past the economic downturn in the construction industry has had a negative impact on the number of site visits currently available. 5 ASSESSMENT STRATEGY 5.1 Some concern was raised over the high emphasis on examination as a method of assessment. The Team explained this is a PSRB requirement and external panel members were able to reassure the remainder of the panel that the methods of assessment are appropriate. 6 STAFFING, LEARNING RESOURCES AND STUDENT SUPPORT 6.1 The Panel undertook a tour of learning resources to support the delivery of the pathway. The team explained that the laboratories are to be provided with additional equipment, and some redeployment of existing equipment is scheduled. The panel were reassured to learn that the department has an additional funding allocation of £250K from the Faculty. 6.2 The panel noted the number of proposed new modules may create problems with delivery for the current team. The team explained the department’s proposal to employ 4 additional members of staff together with an additional technician. The team confirmed they also use industry based part time lecturers, and if full time posts are not filled the part time lecturers hours will be increased. 6.3 The concerns which were raised by the panel relating to the student’s relationship with lecturers, student learning advisors and student services were allayed during the tour of the department. Panel members were satisfied that adequate provision for private meetings with students is available, and that the department has a good structure in place for student contact. The team were able to give a detailed explanation of how the personal tutorial system worked within the department but the panel felt it would be useful to provide more detail within the student handbook. 6.4 The panel was interested to learn how the Team intended to deal with the Research strategy. The team gave a presentation of how research is embedded into the curriculum and confirmed that the appointment of new staff would seek to ensure there is enough research to underpin the MSc in Structural Engineering. The panel were satisfied with the Team’s explanation. 6.5 In addition to the discussions above relating to the theoretical content of the pathway the Panel enquired how students are grouped for work. The Team explained grouping had been tried in various ways in order to ensure the student experience is comparable for both part time and full time students. Quality Assurance Division 5 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed 7 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND ENHANCEMENT 7.1 The Panel was satisfied with the information provided within the proposal document with regard to quality assurance and enhancement and as such no further discussions took place on this area. 8 NATIONAL, PROFESSIONAL AND STATUTORY BODY REQUIREMENTS 8.1 The Team explained the undergraduate pathways have been designed in keeping with Professional Body requirements and that they would be seeking accreditation with the Joint Board of Moderators on behalf of the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Structural Engineers, the Institution of Highways and Transportation and the Institute of Highway Incorporated Engineers. 9 DOCUMENTATION 9.1 The Panel requested that more information on the role of the Student Advisor and the working of the Personal Tutorial System be included within the final version of the Student Handbook. 10 CONFIRMATION OF STANDARDS OF AWARDS 10.1 The Panel confirmed that the proposed BEng Civil Engineering, MEng Civil Engineering and MSc Structural Engineering pathways satisfied the University’s Academic Regulations with regard to the definitions and academic standards of Anglia Ruskin awards and, hence, the QAA’s Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. DRAFT UNCONFIRMED CONFIRMED FILE REF OFFICE FILE REF Quality Assurance Division 6 1st June 2009 12th June 2009 30th June 2009 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed SECTION C – DETAILS OF PANEL MEMBERSHIP AND PROPOSAL TEAM Internal Panel Members: Steve Wood Head of Department Mental Health and Learning Disabilities, Faculty of Health and Social Care Pat Brown Programme Leader, Acute care Department (CPD) Faculty of Health and Social Care External Panel Members: Dr Robert Otter, PhD, BSc, MICE Director of Studies, Department of Civil Engineering University of Portsmouth Leighton McDonald Lecturer School of Engineering & the Built Environment Edinburgh Napier University Executive Officer: Vicky McCormick Faculty Quality Assurance Officer Faculty of Arts, Law and Social Sciences. Members of Proposal Team: Peter Crabtree Programme Leader, Construction and Built Environment, Faculty of Science & Technology David Reid Title, Faculty/Department, Institution and Role Faculty of Science & Technology Sunny Nwaubani Senior Lecturer, Pathway Leader Civil Engineering Faculty of Science & Technology Phil Mellow Lecturer, Built Environment Faculty of Science & Technology Quality Assurance Division 7 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed SECTION D – OUTCOME DATA Programme Department Faculty Collaborative Partner New/amended Awards Approved (nb intended awards Engineering Department of the Built Environment Faculty of Science and Technology Title(s) of Named Pathway(s) Attendance mode and duration only, not intermediate awards) BEng MEng MSc Civil Engineering Civil Engineering Structural Engineering Validating body (if not Anglia Ruskin University) Professional body accreditation Proposal Team Leader Month and Year of the first intake Standard intake points Maximum and minimum student numbers Date of first Conferment of Award(s) Any additional/specialised wording to appear on transcript and/or award certificate Date of next scheduled Periodic Review Awards and Titles to be deleted (with month/year of last regular conferment) Full & Part Time Full & Part Time Full & Part Time N/A N/A Peter Crabtree September 2009 BEng 225 UCAS, MEng 300UCAS MSc Structural Engineering 2.1Hons Civil Engineering or Cognate area 15 Minimum No Maximum September 2010 N/A In line with Department Review N/A NEW MODULES APPROVED EB130010DEngineering Mechanics EB115020S IT, Comms and Research Skills EB115021S Civil Engineering Construction EB115022S Geotechnics and Engineering Geology EB115023S Mathematics for Civil Engineers I EB230015DStructural Mechanics and Dynamics EB215047S Mathematics for Civil Engineers II EB215048S Design for Structures I EB215049S Fluid Mechanics EB215050S Group Design Project EB330997D Research Methods and Major Project EB3315045SDesign of Structures II EB315046S Sustainable Design Methods EB315047S Geotechnic Engineering EB315048S Structural Analysis and Design EB315049S Construction Law and Contracts EB315050S Mathematics for Civil Engineers III EB315051SGeotechnic Analysis and Design EB430999D MEng Dissertation EB415040S Analytical Techniques EB415041S Foundation Design Engineering Quality Assurance Division 8 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed EB415060S Management Theory and Practice for Civil Engineers EB415042S Structural Design to Eurocodes EB415043S Forensic Engineering EB415044S Hydraulic Structures EB415045S Engineering Futures and Structural Form EB415061S Coastal Engineering EB415046S Structural Dynamics EB460998D Major Project for MSc Built Environment EB415034S Sustainability and Environmental Management FOR FRANCHISE APPROVALS ONLY: LIST OF MODULE TUTORS AND MODULE CODES & TITLES (FOR INCLUSION IN THE REGISTER OF TEACHING STAFF) Name of Teaching Staff Module Code & Title NB Copies of CVs of Module Leaders at partner institutions to be provided to Sharon Simpson with a copy of the full report Quality Assurance Division 9 Draft/Unconfirmed/Confirmed