Sunday 20th September 2015 Parish of Our Lady of Walsingham 71 Occupation Road, CORBY, NN17 1EE Tel No: 01536 203121 Email: Parish Priest: Fr Michael Harrison Diocese of Northampton: Bishop: Pastoral Area of St Luke: Dean: Safeguarding: Parish Secretary: Parish Office Hours: Kettering General Hospital: Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School: Our Lady’s Catholic Social Club (KK): Parish Website: Over 50’s Club: Fr Gerard Byrne: Registered Charity No: 234091 Rt Rev Peter Doyle Corby, Kettering, Oundle, Thrapston, Burton Latimer, Rothwell, Raunds and Desborough. Canon John Koenig Joan Currie (Tel 07854 123636) Maggie Cleary (Kay Priest on Thursdays) Monday – Friday: 09:15 am – 12:30 pm If you know of a Catholic in hospital please ring: 01536 512497 (St Luke’s Academy): Headteacher: Mrs Maire Hayes: 01536 203805 01536 264753 Tuesday afternoon in the Club. St Brendan’s Church: Tel 01536 202879 Food Bank: Why not put something in your shopping basket for a local needy family? Drop it in the big box in the church porch and our SVP will take it to the Food Bank. Thank you. Saving Jesus! The statue of the Sacred Heart in the front garden has kept a careful watch over Occupation Road for many decades. In recent times he has suffered badly from weathering and vandal attacks and has been looking very sad. We have had a man in to give him a make-over and he is looking much happier now! Baptism. Welcome to the Family of God to Ollie Suchorowski (newborn little brother to altar-server Oscar), who was baptised yesterday. Blessings upon his family. For This Week Only we will have Mass on Monday, but not on Wednesday. Why is that? Because you, the kind people of Our Lady’s, collected at my 25th to send me to off to see The Beach Boys (Brian Wilson) who was due to play this week at the Birmingham NIA, but subsequently called off his whole UK tour. After he cancelled I booked tickets to see Supertramp at the London 02 instead… and they subsequently cancelled their whole European tour as well! I am wondering which Supergroup to jinx next?!? Second Collection Today for the Home Missions. We also listen to a Pastoral Letter from the English Bishops. Be sure to take your free prayer-card with Pope Francis on the front. 40 Hours Exposition (not “expedition” or “exhibition” as announced by your tongue-tied Parish Priest last Sunday!?!) Beginning early tomorrow (Monday) at 6.30am at St Brendan’s Church, Beanfield Avenue and running through to evening Mass, 7pm on Wednesday. Why not pop in to St Brendan’s and spend time in prayer with Jesus? Important: Third Call for the Sacraments 2016 1/ Do you have a child for First Holy Communion (school year 3 or over)? 2/ Do you have a child for Confirmation (school year 6 or over)? or 3/ Would you, yourself, like to become a Catholic? If so, don’t miss out. Send an email to our usual email address: and we will register your child and tell you what happens next. Notice that this year we expect you to “opt in” to our Sacramental Preparation course. The list will close on 30th September, so please don’t be caught out, email us today. The First Holy Communion Mass will be Saturday 11th June 2016 at 11am. We will wait and see whether we have enough candidates to hold our own Confirmation Mass next year, if not we may join with St Patrick’s Parish. Wedding Bells. Blessings upon Annie Lagan and Alan Johnson who were married in our church last week. 2015 Confirmation/Year 6 Reunion. Stay around after 10.15am Mass today for fun, games, prayer, pizza and Irn Bru (other fizzy drinks are available, but not nearly as tasty!) and the chance to see all your old friends again! May They Rest in Peace. Freddie Barry, aged 74, of Corby Road, Weldon, whose Requiem Mass is on Friday at 12 noon. Henry Murphy of Milton Keynes, formerly of Corby, whose ashes were interred with his parents on Thursday St Vincent de Paul. Do you want to make a difference to your local community by helping the local needy? The SVP are holding a “Come and See” meeting this Tuesday at 7pm in the meeting room next to our Presbytery. Come along and see how it all works, no obligation to join, but we hope you will think about it! Our Parish and School Feastday is this Thursday! The 9.30am Mass will be led by our school children and staff. We will have an extra Mass in the evening at 7pm followed by twenty minutes of silent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction, finishing at 8pm. All welcome. A Happy Feastday to us all! Make sure you celebrate it in some way. Rockingham Road Methodists. Our Methodist friends bid us “Farewell” as they close their doors after 58 years as our Christian neighbours with a Service of Thanksgiving at their church next Sunday at 3pm. We wish them well. 10.15am Mass Ministries: Readers: Today: Sophie and Peter; next week: Jim and Frank; Eucharistic Ministers: Today: Kate and Maureen; next week: Margaret and John. From Last Sunday: Jesus asked a young philosophy student: “Who do you say I am?” The student replied proudly: “You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the kerygma in which we find the ultimate meaning of our personal relationships”. And Jesus said… “What?” Masses and Services This Week Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6:30 pm 10:15 am 9:30 am 09:30 am NO MASS 9:30 am 7:00 pm 9:30 am 12:00 noon 5:30-6:10 pm Special Intention (Mrs Burrows) Pat Connelly RIP Alice Evans RIP Michael & Muriel Crealey Bob Kelly RIP People of the Parish (Exposition & Benediction James (Seamus) O’Kane A Requiem Mass for Freddie Barry Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR St Matthew (Apostle) Feria St “Padre” Pio of Pietrelcina Our Lady of Walsingham Feria TWENTY-SIXTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Sunday 6:30 pm 10:15 am May God Bless Us All, Renie McCann A Zelma Peterson A Fr Michael