RE Creation Lesson

Year: 9
Topic: Creation: RE and Science
understanding of creation?
Key Questions /RE
Key Questions: How does having a
religious belief affect a believers
understanding of creation?
RE Concepts: 1.1 b. Understanding and
responding critically to beliefs and attitudes.
1.2b. Understanding that religious practices
are diverse, change over time and are
influenced by cultures.
1.5 a. Exploring some of the ultimate
questions that confront humanity, and
responding imaginatively to them.
Lesson: How does having a religious belief affect a believers
Learning Objectives
Strategies/Attainment Targets
To be able to understand the
variety of religious teaching on
creation and their importance in
modern day society
AT1 (Learning about religion) level 6– Explain
how religious sources are used to provide answers
to ultimate questions
To be able to work effectively in
a team so you can achieve the
learning objective.
Students could examine another creation
belief from a different religious tradition.
What are the similarities and differences
between the traditions?
Written assignment/role play/presentation,
Debate/philosophical enquiry (P4C)
Feedback on debate/P4C.
What are we going to
How do we know if we
have been successful?
What the Bible teaches about creation and
how that is interpreted by Christians today
All: Students can describe what
a religious tradition teaches
about creation.
Most: Students will be able to
interpret sources and arguments
about creation, recognizing that
they are used in different ways
by different traditions
Some: Students will be able to
critically evaluate the impact of
creation beliefs on differing
communities and societies.
To be able to evaluate how having a
religious belief influences how people think
about creation.
AT2 (Learning from religion) level 6 – Express
insights into others’ views on questions of meaning
and truth
Differentiated Resources
Agree/strongly agree/disagree/strongly disagreecard sorts
Genesis stories1:1-2:4 first account
2:4b-25 second account
Creation term cards
Sticky notes
Sugar paper
Supporting information sources on religious tradition
beliefs about creation for pupils to analyze.
Differentiation of
Less able pupils…what does Christianity
teach us about how humans were made?
The statement they actually discuss could
be “Humans are the most important
creatures on the planet”
Middle ability pupils…what differences and
similarities exist between religious traditions
about the issue of creation? –“All Christians
believe the Bible should be taken literally”
High ability pupils…how does having a
religious belief place a sacred value on
humanity?-“Christianity’s teaching on
creation helps us to value all”.
How are we going to learn?
Students take two
cards at random
from a pack and
have to construct a
sentence which
includes the words
and makes sense,
these cards are all
terms based on
intelligent design. /
first cause argument
This will help to
check prior learning
and sort out any
Main tasks
Students read the Genesis stories in groups, with a selection of different tasks e.g. to analyze how the Genesis stories might
have similarities to the scientific approaches to creation, to investigate possible mythical l interpretations of the story, to evaluate
literal interpretations of the story…(supporting information detailing different religious traditions beliefs about creation should be
provided) genesis
The groups then feedback their findings to the rest of the class, pupils can write down any questions they have about the groups
findings, on a sticky note, which they can attach to the board.
When each group has finished delivering their presentation, the presenting group can pick one question from the board that they
want to answer.
Students are then spit into ability groupings and have to work together to answer the following questions e.g. how do the creation
stories help Christians to understand God/ their responsibility for the environment/ the sanctity of life …pupils can again be
provided with sources to help them interpret.(For this next activity see differentiated resources)
Students in their groups present their thoughts to the rest of the class, who at the end of each presentation hold up a card, which
says agree/strongly agree/disagree/strongly disagree-the card holding pupils can then be asked to explain their reasons.
Which groups were most
Recognize the different
religious interpretations of
the creation story;
understand the terms
mythical and literal.
Christian beliefs
emphasize the concept
that all human life is
sacred and how that
influences our attitude to