Department Spiritual Moral Social Cultural Religious Studies Encouraging personal development relating to the spirit or soul and the intangible. Encouraging pupils to develop an understanding of the principles of right and wrong and a willingness to act upon them. Reflecting on living as a member of a community and respecting different beliefs and customs to promote a common sense of belonging for all. Appreciating and understanding different cultures, religions and traditions. Reflecting on the significance of religious teaching in their own lives. Demonstrating an understanding of the influence of religion on society, for example GCSE UnitsonReligion and Society. Reflecting on their own experiences so as to develop their own spiritual awareness and selfknowledge. Encouraging pupils to consider what it means to be human. Developing a broad minded awareness of others and about being thankful. Learning about their own and others’ beliefs, values, and the concept of spirituality. Considering questions of meaning and purpose in our lives, and about the nature of values in human society. Developing respect for the right of others to hold beliefs different from their own or to be of no belief at all. Considering the distinction between good, bad, right and wrong. Examining the development of morality and considering religious and social factors. Thinking about absolute and relative morality and what it is that dictates our behaviour. Encouraging students to develop their sense of identity and belonging whilst preparing them for life in Modern Britain. Exploring topics like: Rights and responsibilities. Environment and medical ethics. Crime and punishment. War and peace. Marriage and the family. Matters of life and death. Religion and community cohesion. Year 7 pupils will study the beliefs and traditions of Judaism. Year 8 pupils will also study the beliefs and traditions of Judaism. Year 9 pupils will study the beliefs and traditions of Islam. Year 10 pupils as they will be studying religion and life with a focus on Christianity and Islam