Classes offered Thursday, 2007 ATA Mare & Young horse Show & Friday night’s Hunter & Jumper Stakes To be held at Whispering Farms Equestrian Center, Prosper, TX. Horses competing in show must be ATA/NATA registered or registration pending or be TB or Arabian mares that are scheduled for inspection. Current coggins and health certificate required on horses over 6 months of age. The liability waiver form must be signed by anyone handling or riding a horse at the Convention facilities. Additional copies of the waivers can be downloaded from the convention website homepage. One person per waiver please. Entries and stabling form must reach Pam Norton by October 1, 2007. Entry fee for classes 1 thru 11, $25. No charge for Championship classes. Classes offered Thursday November 8, 2007 Class 1, OSB/ORB/ Maiden or Yeld Mares Class 2, OSB/ORB/ Broodmares, in foal or foal at side. Class 3, PSB, Anglo TK, Arab TK, TB, & Arabian Mares. (mares not already registered w/ATA must be scheduled for inspection) Class 4, Fillies of 2004 Class 5, Fillies of 2005 Class 6, Fillies of 2006 Class 7, Fillies of 2007 Class 8, Colts and Geldings of 2004 (2007 stallion candidates are not allowed) Class 9, Colts and Geldings of 2005 (2007 stallion candidates are not allowed) Class 10, Colts and Geldings of 2006 Class 11, Colts and Geldings of 2007 Class 12, Mare Championship. Mares winning 1st or 2nd in classes 1, 2 or 3 are eligible. Class 13, Filly Championship. Fillies winning 1st or 2nd in classes 4, 5, 6, or 7 are eligible. Class 14, Colt/Gelding Championship. Colts/Geldings winning 1 st or 2nd in classes 8, 9, 10 or 11 are eligible Mare and Broodmare classes will be judged on suitability as breeding stock. Young horse classes are judged on conformation and suitability to be performance horses. Classes will be run in format of USDF Dressage Sport Breeding Classes. (shown on the triangle) Two year olds and older to be shown in bridles, halters permitted on those horses under 2 years old. Class offered Friday evening November 9, 2007 Class 15, Hunter Stake, fence height 2’3” to 2’6” and 2’9” to 3’. Entry fee $25 Class 16, Puissance Jumper Stake, starting fence height 3’. Entry fee $25. The hunter stake will be run at two fence heights but judged as one class, fences 2’3 to 2’6” and 2’9” to 3’. The jumper stake class will be a puissance class. There will be 4 optional fences starting at 3’, one of which must be jumped. Knockdowns and refusals result in elimination, clean horses return with the puissance wall raised. The prize money will be split between the top 6 places in both classes. Check the convention website for current purse. (Cash donations for prize money will be accepted up to the start of the hunter class.) Entries should be mailed to arrive no later than October 1, 2007 to be included in the Official Program. Post entries will be accepted up to the start of each class. Mail entries and waiver to Pam Norton, 22716 Murrell Rd, Hockley, TX 77447. There will be no refunds on stall fees. A letter from your vet is necessary for refund of class fees. No entries or stabling forms will be accepted without payment. Handlers/Riders, Braiders, Volunteers There are handlers and riders that will be available throughout the convention to show or present your horses. The complete list of handlers/riders that have contacted me is on the Convention web site on the horse activities page. If you need the services of any of these individuals please contact them directly. If you want to be added to the list of handlers, volunteers or braiders please contact Pam Norton. For horses that are attending for inspection or exhibition and not showing in a class, fill out the horse information on the entry form & write in “inspection” or “exhibition” under the class column. You will also need to fill in the stabling portion of the form and sign the liability waiver. The stabling form must reach Pam Norton by October 1, 2007. AMERICAN TRAKEHNER ASSOCIATION RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS I, ___________________________, a horse owner and/or participant in an equine event of the American Trakehner Association held on November 8-11, 2007 at Whitehorse Farm, 3310 Prosper Trail, Prosper, Texas, understand that horses are unpredictable by nature, that there are inherent risks in equine activities, and there are dangers and conditions that are an integral part of equine activities, including but not limited to: the propensity of an equine or livestock animal to behave in ways that may result in personal injury or death to a person on or around it; the unpredictability of an equine or livestock animal's reaction to sound, a sudden movement, or an unfamiliar object, person, or other animal; certain land conditions and hazards, including surface and subsurface conditions; a collision with another animal or an object; or the potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or another, including failing to maintain control over the equine or livestock animal or not acting within the participant's ability. In consideration of being permitted to participate and/or have my horse included in this event, I 1) 2) 3) assume the risk of, release the American Trakehner Association, its staff, agents, officials, representatives, and sponsors (“ATA”) of liability for, and agree not to sue or prosecute any claim against the ATA for: property damage, injury, death, or loss of any kind caused by or arising out of my participation or my horse’s inclusion in this event, whether resulting from the inherent risks of an equine activity or any other cause, including negligence of the ATA, its staff, agents, officials, representatives, sponsors, event participants, and spectators (but not for their willful or wanton misconduct). I understand and intend that this release and waiver extends beyond the protection provided by Texas law, even if protection might otherwise be forfeit under the relevant statute. I intend this release to bind me, my representatives, and any other person who could claim through me or on my behalf. I further agree to release and hold harmless the ATA from any liability, or claim brought by any other person, caused by or arising out of my attendance or participation in this event, the inclusion of my horse, or the actions of any horse that I am riding, handling, or responsible to control. WARNING UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE), AN EQUINE PROFESSIONAL IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN EQUINE ACTIVITIES RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF EQUINE ACTIVITIES. WARNING UNDER TEXAS LAW (CHAPTER 87, CIVIL PRACTICE AND REMEDIES CODE), A LIVESTOCK SHOW SPONSOR IS NOT LIABLE FOR AN INJURY TO OR THE DEATH OF A PARTICIPANT IN A LIVESTOCK SHOW RESULTING FROM THE INHERENT RISKS OF LIVESTOCK SHOW ACTIVITIES. Date: __________________ 2007 Releasor: ____________________________________ Parent or Guardian if Releasor is under 18: ____________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Entry & Stabling Form for the 2007 ATA Convention Whispering Farms Equestrian Center, Prosper, TX ENTRY and STABLING DEADLINE OCTOBER 1, 2007 Only horses that are registered with the ATA/ NATA or have registration or inspection pending by the ATA are eligible to show. Current coggins test and health certificate required on all horses over 6 months of age. Mare & Broodmare classes will be judged on suitability as breeding stock. Young horse classes are judged on conformation & suitability to be performance horses. Horse Name & Reg. No. Foaling Date Sire _______ Stalls @ $85/stall = _____________, Dam Dam Sire Breeder Owner Classes Total Entries _______ Bags of shavings @ $7/bag = __________________________ Expected arrival date and time: _______________________________ Total amount enclosed for Entries, Stalls and Shavings ____________________ Stabling Preferences: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Handler _____________________________________________________ Credit Card: Circle one: Visa, Discover, MasterCard Name on card: ____________________________________________ CC number: ___________________________ Signature ____________________________ Billing address: ___________________________________________ City, State, Zip ________________________________________ Expiration date________ Mail entries liability waiver and payment to Pam Norton to arrive by October 1, 2007 to be included in the program. 22716 Murrell Rd, Hockley, TX 77447. Make checks payable to the ATA. Do not include cc info in an email. Email is not secure! Questions to be directed to Pam Norton, phone: 936-372-2336