Marking grid Fieldwork Enquiry for first use in 2014 L1 Evidence of understanding AO1 Conclusions * 1-2 L2 Recall and communication of some facts relating to the enquiry question or hypothesis, with limited understanding. A mainly descriptive account where conclusions are missing or rarely presented. Geographical terminology 3-4 Applies a limited knowledge and understanding of the enquiry to their wider geographical study. 1-3 Wider geographical context Conclusions * Student name________________________________ L3 Recall and communication of some knowledge and understanding relating to the enquiry question or hypothesis. N/A Application of knowledge and understanding of the Enquiry to wider geographical study * AO2 Centre number____________ Able to reach simple conclusions supported by the evidence presented. Applies some knowledge and understanding of the enquiry to their wider geographical study. Independently applies knowledge and understanding of the enquiry to some aspects of their wider geographical study, perhaps relating to geographical ideas and concepts. 7-9 Draws some conclusions. AO3 1-5 Conclusion / Evaluation * Communication skills N/A N/A Selects and uses with limited accuracy some skills, techniques and technologies to undertake an investigation. Able to collect, record, process, refine and presentation of some primary or secondary data but the information may be presented without a logical sequence or structure. Limited evidence is used to attempt basic conclusions. Selection and use of some skills, techniques and technologies with some accuracy to undertake an investigation and to collect, record, select, process, refine and present primary and secondary data in fairly logical sequence. There are significant weaknesses in spelling, punctuation and grammar. * Please see explanatory notes on next page 6-10 7-8 10-12 May be able to contextualise the findings of the enquiry and ask wider geographical questions. Draws appropriate conclusions. Identifies questions and issues and identifies appropriate sequences to undertake an investigation independently. Identification of questions Use of data and data processing techniques Recall, selection and communication of knowledge and understanding relating to the enquiry question or hypothesis. Able to reach sound conclusions which are consistent with the evidence presented. Geographical terminology is used appropriately. N/A Draws limited conclusions. L4 Some geographical terminology used. 4-6 N/A 5-6 Total _____ / 40 Recall, selection and communication of detailed knowledge and thorough understanding relating to the enquiry question or hypothesis. Able to draw detailed conclusions that are fully consistent with the evidence presented. Geographical terminology is accurate and appropriate. Independently applies detailed knowledge and understanding of the enquiry to their wider geographical study in relation to geographical ideas, concepts and theories and to other locations. Able to contextualise the findings of the enquiry in relation to wider geographical questions. Makes perceptive and informed conclusions. Identifies relevant questions and issues and identifies appropriate sequences to undertake an investigation independently. Selects, evaluates and accurately uses a wide range of relevant skills and appropriate techniques and technologies to collect, record, select, process, refine and present primary and secondary data. Selects and uses, with reasonable accuracy, a range of relevant skills and appropriate techniques and technologies to collect, record, select, process, refine and present primary and secondary data. 11-15 Evidence L1, L2, L3, L4 16-20 Is able to draw some simple conclusions and comment on the work undertaken. Analyses and interprets evidence logically from different sources and is able to comment on some of the limitations of the evidence and conclusions. Competence in spelling, punctuation and grammar. Communication skills are well developed, the text is logical and conveys meaning. Spelling, punctuation and the rules of grammar are used with accuracy. Analyses and interprets information from a range of different sources in a logical sequence and reflects on the validity and limitations of the evidence and conclusions. Communication skills are highly developed, the text is legible and meaningful. Spelling, punctuation and the rules of grammar are used with almost faultless accuracy. For application (AO2) Award marks if the students have done one or both of the following: a) referred to overarching concepts that underpin the enquiry. So, for example, in a river study where students have explored how and why the discharge changes down the length of the river (which is probably the commonest enquiry done by spec A schools) students would have to apply their knowledge / understanding of the factors that influence discharge not only in their own study area, but also in other drainage basins. These factors might include such things as rock type, land use, urbanisation or afforestation of the drainage basin. In an enquiry for Theme 11, the overarching concepts might include ones such as regeneration or rebranding of city centres - or simply competing with out-of-town stores. For level 3, students need to independently apply their knowledge and understanding of some aspect of their study of Cardiff to one of these wider concepts or ideas. To get to level 4 they need to do so in detail. b) referred to other similar or contrasting places (ie for theme 11, other shopping centres in European cities that are changing) and made comparisons with their study of retail change in Cardiff. For Conclusions: AO1. Award marks if the student has made any conclusions based on the primary or secondary data that has been collected for the study area itself eg 'The environmental survey clearly shows that of all the areas we studied within Cardiff, area X has improved most.' AO2. Award marks if the student relates a finding in the study to their wider understanding of geographical concepts / ideas. eg 'Like many other cities in the UK, Cardiff's shoppers are made safer by a pedestrianisation scheme.' AO3. Award level 2 or above if the student comments on the limitations or validity of their enquiry ie provides an evaluation. SJ/HJ/W05(13)