
How would you want your students to understand research?
Informs practice
New ideas
Deeper understanding
Testing hypotheses
Theory to practice/testing an idea/ scientific
Research is related to curiosity with and around your discipline. Looking for and
at the work of others and learning from that enquiry
Research is public knowledge and private knowledge
- everything out there ( theory, policy) and reflection of own learning and
Getting students to understand that knowledge is constructed and to be listed
Enabling them to challenge the conceptual and evidential base of claims
Providing them with skills
To better understand a topic/theory
Understand that research is a socio-intellectual process by means of which we
develop our knowledge of reality
Gets lots of creative minds to solve problems in the world e.g climate change
Authenticity and integrity in critique – development of personal voice and being
an active participant
Asking informed questions
Know how to answer questions through/by following a scientific process
Research is integral to practice
For engineers all of your professional practice will be research based
o What does your client want?
o What design approach?
o How can it be more sustainable?
Understanding the process of enquiry
Research is a means to an end – active learning, it can be anything students do
to enquire/learn
Pushing knowledge/industry forward – based on what we know – with tools so the
ideas are tested
Research supports the practice - the evidence base that underpins/informs their
How they can do it - everyday part of academic practice
Testing ideas/generating hypothesis
Research as the highest order learning you can do
To engage with primary material (history). Students to understand that theory is
constructed made up to be evaluated.
Exploring real world practice in order to develop theories
Exploring a broad context and critically engaging with topic
Evidence base to practice
Systematic approaches
Expanding knowledge
Understanding things
Creation of knowledge and understanding
Within strong conceptual foundations ie the conceptual landscape/ theoretical
contexts/paradigms/ understanding approaches how to question, analyse
Not all of it is saving the world or finding new things
Understand research as process
There is no ‘right’ answer
When you take ownership of your learning
How would you want your students to experience research?
Areas of interest
Constraints of time limits, range of experience
Clarify it is not just a part of assessment
Holistic aspect of their experience
Integrated into practice – informs practice
It needs to be embedded as an intrinsic part of learning – it is not an ‘elite’
Experience it as part of a continua: (types of enquiry)
o in: quality/robustness
o range of approaches
o theoretical to empirical
o as a resource/as a subject/as an activity
Huge terrain for learning
As a positive experience which supports. Informs and advances their think and
their practice
Inspire and enthuse about the nature and value of research
Use research to fuel greater enthusiasm among students for their subject
Engaging with research makes you professional in the field
- not just about learning stuff but what you use
By having supported scaffolding opportunities to ask questions from the
beginning - as an expectation
Scaffolding to reduce anxiety
It is ok for research to result in negative findings or generating further
Stepwise – perhaps highlight or get students to highlight controls etc. as part of
lab experiments
There should be a clear graduation from level 1 to 3
Real meaningful research. Research culture embedded. Research from year 1 to 3
Incremental exposure to research and methods
Not entirely online. Look at books
Understanding the range of evidence available and experiencing them
As a practice that reflects their own interests in, and curiosity about, the world,
that levels to a transformation of their understanding of the topic they are
investigating and that develops in a particular set of skills (eg analysis, synthesis,
Seeing both sides of research subjects/participants and researcher
Being able to learn and evaluate how other research has been done (methods)
right from start
Sharing exemplars/apprentice texts
Creating new knowledge and understanding. Appreciating different perspectives.
Recognise not always right/wrong answer. Enquiry based