OFFICE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR LUCKNOW CITY TRANSPORT SERVICES LIMITED, CHARBAGH BUS STATION, LUCKNOW. Website : Tender Documents For Ordinary 40 Nos. Midi Fully Built Buses CNG, should be capable to operate smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature (with Registration). As per Specification UBS-2 & Confirming to AIS-052 Bus Code Tender No.:CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………./………. (Two Bid System) Sale of Tender Form - 21.12.2015 to 11.01.2016 upto 12.00 Hrs. Pre-Bid Conference - 28.12.2015 upto 15.00 Hrs. Last Date of receipt of Tender Form (Technical/Financial) 12.01.2015 upto 15.00 Hrs. Date of opening of Technical Bid 15.01.2016 at 16.00 Hrs. - Tender fee cost Rs.- 50,000/- +VAT ( Non Refundable) (1) Tender No.:CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………./…….. OFFICE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR LUCKNOW CITY TRANSPORT SERVICES LIMITED, CHARBAGH BUS STATION, LUCKNOW. Website : Tender Notice Tender are invited from vehicle manufacturers for purchases of Fully Built Ordinary Buses. The brief specifications are given as under:S.No. 1 1- 2- 3- 4567891011- Particulars Approx Qty TECHNICAL BID & FINANCIAL BID FOR Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG, should be capable to operate smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature (with Registration). These buses are to be fully 40 Nos equipped with VTS/ITMS/Camera for recording inside the bus along with digital destination Board on front & rear and inside of the bus as per Specification Urban Bus Specification-2 & Confirming to AIS-052 Bus Code Tenders must be filled as per the guidelines. The payment of Tender Fee Tender cost Rs. 50,000/-+ 5%VAT (Fifty Thousand+VAT). in the shape of Demand Draft which in non-refundable, in favour of Lucknow City Transport Services shall be made available by the vendor to the office before the closing time limit of Tender. Each Tender must be accompanied by relevant Tender Form and Bill of Quantity with Additional Terms and Conditions duly filled signed and stamped together with a Demand Draft from Nationalized Bank towards Tender Fee cost (Non-refundable) in favour of Lucknow City Transport Services Limited for Rs. Rs. 50,000/-+ VAT(Fifty Thousand+VAT) & Earnest Money deposit of Rs. 16,00,000/- (Sixteen lacs Only) in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee valid for three year from the date of Tender of Nationalized bank in favour of Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, on and before the closing time limit of Tender along with Tender Form. Tender, which is not accompanied by DD/Bank Guarantee of Earnest Money or Tender Fee in the proper terms, will not be considered to be VALID. Each Tenderer has to submit ‘Technical Bid’ and ‘Financial Bid’ separately as per the Tender guide line given and condition given by the Lucknow City Transport Services Limited. Financial bid consists of only annexure 2 and whereas technical bid consists of annexure 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 3, 4, 5, bill of Quantity and all other documents required in Tender form. Technical bid shall be opened first. Those firms whose technical bids are found to be OK, only their financial bids will be opened. (Financial bid of only Technically qualified firms will be opened.) Firms are requested to offer “TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL BIDS SEPARATELY”. Financial Bids shall be opened only for those Tenderers whose technical bids are acceptable to the Lucknow City Transport Services Limited. Tender Form shall be available on office of Managing Director, Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Bus Station Charbagh, Lucknow from …………..2015 to …………..2015 upto 12.00 Hrs Last date for submission of Tender (Technical bid & Financial Bid) form is ---------------.2015 upto 15.00 Hrs. Technical bid shall be opened on -------------------.2015 at 16.00 Hrs. Tender without earnest money shall be rejected. Please do visit our website from time to time before Last date of submission for any possible amendment/ corrigendum/ addendum. Managing Director, Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Lucknow reserves the right to increase/ decrease quantity or to reject Tender without assigning any reason. Managing Director Lucknow City Transport Services Limited Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……./………. TECHNICAL PART (2) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……../………. Cost of Tender : Rs 50,000/-+VAT(Rs. Fifty thousand+VAT) Tender for supply of Midi Fully Built Buses CNG, should be capable to operate smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature (with Registration) From : ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... ...................................... To, MANAGING DIRECTOR LUCKNOW CITY TRANSPORT SERVICES LIMITED, CHARBAGH BUS STATION, LUCKNOW. Sub : Tender for supply of Midi Fully Built Buses CNG, should be capable to operate smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature as per specification UBS-2 & Confirming AIS-052 Bus Code. Dear Sir, With reference to your Tender Notice published in the news paper, I/We hereby Tender to supply of Midi Fully Built Buses CNG on passenger chassis to Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Lucknow as per your bill of quantity and Terms and Conditions enclosed. I/We have read the Terms and Conditions of Tender attached with the Tender Form, and agree to abide by them. An earnest money of Rs. ..................................................................................... (in words Rs. .......................................................................) in the Form of Demand Draft/Bank Guarantee No. ................................. date .............................. is enclosed along with the Bill of Quantity, Terms and Conditions and Tender Form duly signed and stamped. The security in shape of earnest money can be forfeited by Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, if I/We fail to fulfill the conditions of Tender in case an order is placed on me/us or the offer is withdrawn by me/us unilaterally. Yours faithfully 1Signature of Witness Address: Date: (SIGNATURE OF E-TENDER IN FULL) (WITH DUE STAMP) 2Signature of Witness Address: Date: Note : Tender form contains ------ Pages, includes bill of quantity, Annexure, Technical Specification and General Terms & Condition of Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Lucknow. (3) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……./……….. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS General Terms and Conditions of the Tender for supply of the item mentioned in the bill of quantity, to Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Lucknow are given below : 1- Tender are invited for supply of Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG as per specification UBS-2 & Confirming AIS-052 Bus Code who are accredited by ARAI Pune or any Govt of India approved agency. The bidder has to submit documentary proof/certificate issued regarding workshop Accreditation and bus body design approval should be capable to operate smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature (with Registration) as per specifications mentioned in the bill of quantity from the vehicle manufacturer. The Tender shall remain open for acceptances for a period of 12 months commencing from the date of opening of the Tender. 2Tenders must be filled as per the guidelines. The payment of Tender Fee Tender cost Rs. 50,000/-+5% VAT (Fifty Thousand + Five% VAT). in the shape of Demand Draft which in non-refundable, in favour of Lucknow City Transport Services Limited shall be made available by the vendor to the office before the closing time limit of Tender. 3. EARNEST MONEY: A sum of Rs. Rs. 16,00,000/- (Sixteen lacs Only) in the form of Demand Draft or Bank Gauranttee valid for Three year from the date of Tender of Nationalized bank in favour of Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Lucknow giving reference of the Tender Number should be submitted as EARNEST MONEY along with PRE-QUALIFICATION TECHNICAL BID. In case of non-receipt of EARNEST MONEY OF Rs. 16,00,000/- (Sixteen lacs Only) with PRE-QUALIFICATION TECHNICAL BID, Financial bid shall not be considered for OPENING, EVEN IF THE FIRM IS TECHNICALLY QUALIFIED. 3.1 3.2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The tenderers shall submit Tender in two parts i.e. Part-I: Technical Bid shall consist of the Form of Tender along with General Terms and Conditions, Specifications, Drawings & photographs and all other documents as well as all Technical information required in accordance with the Tender Documents. Earnest money is to be deposited with technical bid. Prices shall not be mentioned any where in Part-I. Part-II: Price Bid shall contain the Price Schedule only in the prescribed format Sheet. All details except for the price shall be furnished in the Technical bid. Earnest money deposited with Technical Bid will be forfeited if:Tender is withdrawn within the period of its validity of 12 months from the date of opening of Tender. ADDRESSING TENDER The Technical & Financial Bids of the Tender should be separately super scribing following.(Financial bid should be given separately) along with the Tender. The last date for receipt of TENDER (Technical & Financial Bid) is as mentioned in the Tender notice. Tenderer are required to submit Tender along with their Technical bid and FINANCIAL BID should be submitted along with, it should reach our office Lucknow on or before as mentioned in the Tender notice. OPENING OF TENDERS The entire Tender's technical bid will be Open on time and date as mentioned in the Tender notice. in the presence of tenderers or their AUTHORISED REPRSENTATIVE who may wish to be present. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER The LCTSL is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender, neither to assign any reasons for rejection of the tenders. The tenderers on his part are bound by his offer. EARNEST MONEY OF UNSUCCESSFUL TENDERS Earnest money deposited by the unsuccessful tenderers will be returned as soon as possible after the Tender has been finalized. (4) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/……… 9. 10. 11. DISCHARGE OF TENDER CONDITIONS The Managing Director reserves the right to reject any Tender which does not confirm to any of the above mentioned instructions or which does not accept the conditions laid down by LCTSL. PAYMENT TERMS AND SECURITY DEPOSIT: The tenderers are required to give the acceptance of “45 days credit” payment terms. Tenderes will be Open by the officers of Tender opening committee on time and date as mentioned in the Tender notice. Tenderers who desire to be present at the time of opening of the Tender may do so either in person or through an authorized representative with due authority in writing. 12. If any tenderer withdraws his Tender before expiry of the period referred to in Clause-1 above, LCTSL may agree to allow such withdrawal, but in such a case Earnest Money deposited by the Tenderers may be forfeited, in case of refusal to such withdrawal and acceptance of the Tender, still if the tenderer fails to perform his part of the contract, not only the Earnest Money deposited by the Tenderer shall be liable to be forfeited but shall invite other consequences of Breach of contract. 13. Decision will be taken only after any new modification mandated by CMVR / Regulatory / Statutory changes comes in force. Correction, if any made by the Tenderer in the offer must bear date and initial of the Tenderer. The Managing Director, LCTSL reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons. Managing Director, LCTSL reserves the right to accept the Tender in full or in part quantity in respect of valid Tender. LCTSL also reserves the rights to place purchase order on more than one source. Tenderers should give his acceptance for supply on the eligible lowest rates. In case the purchase order is placed to more than one source, the quantity shall be distributed as per purchase policy of the LCTSL. Those Supplier (any new tenderer) who has not supplied the Midi Fully Built buses, will be awarded maximum 20% of the tendered quantity subject to the minimum of 05 Nos. per firm depending upon its position in price bid that is L-1 The order for remaining quantity will be placed on the lowest prices of the Tender & will be distributed as the purchase policy of the LCTSL. Tenderer should quote rates for required fully built bus. The buses should be as per UBS-2 & Conforming AIS-052 Bus code (Revised up to date) and the design should be approved by ARAI Pune or any approved Govt. of India agencies, also the bus body fabricator workshop should be accredited by ARAI Pune or any approved Govt. of India agencies. For details regarding AIS-052 Buses Code refer to ARAI web site. Tenders must give with Technical bid details showing all dimensions such as wheelbase, FOB, ROH overall length, drawings of bus body etc. All dimensions should conform to CMVR/U.P. Motor Vehicle Rules AIS-052 Bus code and other relevant rules. Base model should be approved by ARAI Pune. It will be the responsibility of the tenderer that there is no problem in registration of the vehicle by RTO. Tenderer has to submit details showing all structural details, inner and outer paneling, flooring, seating layout details etc. conforming to AIS-052 Bus code (Revised upto date). All dimensions should conform to AIS-052 Bus code (Revised upto date) and should also conform to CMVR/U.P. Motor Vehicle Rules and other rules. Tenderer should also submit Ordinary Midi Fully Built CNG Bus details as per bill of quantity along with all standard fitments. Attach ARAI, Pune certificate. The tenderer has to submit proof of bus body design approval issued by ARAI, Pune or any approved Govt. of India agencies and has to submit proof that the bus body fabricators workshop is accredited by ARAI Pune or any approved Govt. of India agencies at the time of proto type inspection of the bus. How ever the tenderer has to submit proof of submission of bus body design type approval to ARAI or any approved Govt. of India Agency along with technical bid. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. (5) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……./………. 20. tkjh gksus ds 75 fnu ds vUnj izksVksVkbZi cl fujh{k.k rFkk fujh{k.k ds 30 fnu ds Ik'pkr QqYyh fcYV clksa dh vkiwfrZ bl izfrcU/k ds lkFk dh lEiw.kZ clksa dh vkiwfrZ 29 Qjojh 2016 ls iwoZ dj nh tk;sA (a) Purchase Order QqYyh fcYV clksa dk f}&Lrjh; fujh{k.k fd;k tk;sxkA izFke fujh{k.k LVDpj iw.kZ gksus ds mijkUr ,oa f}rh; fujh{k.k cl ckWMh fuekZ.k iw.kZ gksus ds mijkUrA (b) In case of failure to deliver the required number of bus bodies duly completed in all respect within the specified period, the liquidated damages as mentioned below from the remaining period in respect of undelivered vehicle shall be payable by the contractor to the Corporation. From Ist to 7 day Rs. 500 /- per day per bus. th 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 30.1 30.2 From 8th day to 30 day Rs. 1000/- per day per bus From 31st day till delivery of the bus Rs. 3000/-per day per bus All Fully Built Midi CNG Buses on passenger chassis fitted with CNG engine supplied will be subject to an inspection before being accepted by the Managing Director LCTSL or his authorized, consignee/representative of the LCTSL. In all matters of dispute relating to this Tender the decision of the Managing Director, LCTSL will be final and binding on Tenderer. The contractor shall arrange orientation training at Gomti Nagar Depot, LCTSL at Lucknow for 3 days for Drivers & Technicians in ratio of 3 to 4 as per number of Fully Built Buses purchased. Training will be provided free of cost as and when required by purchaser during the currency of contract. Any other condition as per Bill of Quantity and Technical Specification and all Annexure enclosed shall also be treated as condition of Tender. Any Tender that does not contain all the information required according to the conditions stated above or deviated from the above conditions on his own shall be liable for rejection. Managing Director, LCTSL reserves the right to alter any quantity of Fully Built Buses. The Tenderer bidding for Fully Built Buses has to quote rates for CNG engine chassis. Rates must be quoted in price schedule attached and uploaded separately as mentioned in clause-4 above. Supplies of Fully Built Midi Buses passenger chassis fitted with CNG engine will have to be made F.O.R. destinations. In case there is a increase or decrease in Government Levies the same will be passed on to LCTSL & vice versa. Definition of Contractor & Purchaser “Contractor’’ means the person, firm or company with whom the contract for the supply is placed and shall be deemed to include the contractor’s Successors (Approved by the Purchaser), representatives, heirs executors and administrators, as the case may be, unless excluded by the terms of the Contract. And “Purchaser” means Managing Director, LCTSL or his authorized representatives. (6) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……/…….. 31. Tenderes should confirm and Guarantee that the rates quoted are lowest for similar quantity, specification, terms & conditions and that there are no other lower rates or discounts etc., (Excluding Statutory duties) Quoted to any other STU’s and/or Govt. Depts./Undertaking. In case of such default the difference shall be recovered from the ordered Firm/Tenderer, after the lower rate quoted in other STU’s known from the date of Tender. 32.1 Any dispute arising out for in connection with this agreement shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the Managing Director or his nominee (Contractor and LCTSL). Subject to the provision of Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 or latest. Tenderer is to submit technical details, warranty & Guarantee clause and Price Schedule only in the form attached with the Technical Bid and should be duly signed. 32.2 33. 34. Tenderer is also required to submit list of all standard fitment supplied by him along with Chassis. CORRUPT OR FRAUDULENT PRACTICES The tenderer and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall observe the selected standard of ethics during the Tender process and subsequent to the issue of the Tender and during the subsistence of the Agreement. Not with standing anything to the contrary contained herein, or in the Tender, the Authority may reject a Bid, withdraw the Tender terminate the Agreement, as the case may be, without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Tenderer or Contractor, as the case may be, if it determines that the Tenderer or Contractor, as the case may be, has, directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice in the Tender Process. In such an event, the Authority shall be entitled to forfeit and appropriate the EMD or Bid Security, as the case may be, as Damages, without prejudice to any other right or remedy that may be available to the Authority under this Tender Document and /or the Agreement, or otherwise. Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority under Clause hereinabove and the rights and remedies which the Authority may have under the Tender or the Agreement, or otherwise if a Tenderer or Contractor, as the case may be, is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the Tender Process, or after the issue of the Tender or the execution of the Agreement, such Tenderer or Contractor shall not be eligible to participate in any Tender during a period of 3 (three) years from the date such Tenderer or Contractor, as the case may be, is found by the Authority to have directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practices, as the case may be. For the purposes of this clause, the following terms shall have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them:- (7) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/……… (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) “Corrupt practice” means (a) The offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any person connected with the Tender Process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of employment to or employing or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or indirectly, any official of the Authority who is or has been associated in any manner, directly or indirectly, with the Tender Process or has dealt with matters concerning the Agreement or arising there from, before or after the execution thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Authority, shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with the Tender Process). Or Engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during the Tender Process after the execution of the Agreement, as the case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to the Project or the Tender of Agreement, who at any time has been or is a legal, financial or technical adviser of the Authority in relation to any matter concerning the Project “Fraudulent Practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the Tender Process. “Coercive Practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any person or properly to influence any person’s participation or action in the Tender Process. “Undesirable practice” means (i) establishing contact with any person connected with or employed or engaged by the Authority with the objective of canvassing, lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the Tender Process, or (ii) having a Conflict of Interest, and “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding or arrangement among Tenderer with the objective of restricting or manipulating a full and fair competition in the Tender Process. The Tenderer shall submit an affidavit as per Annexure-5 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) 36. Convicted of a cognizable offence by any Court of law with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, or Imposed a penalty of rupees one crore or more for violation of the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (46 of 1973) (since repealed) or the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), or Detained under the National Security Act, 1980 (65 of 1980) or the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 (61 of 1985), or Adjudged guilty by the Stock Exchange Board of India or any other such Financial Regulatory Boards or Tribunals or Agencies, or Found to be associated in any manner with an organized crime syndicate or its associate or with any Association declared unlawful under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, 1967 (37 of 1967) or any other law for the time being in force, or Found to be connected with activities prejudicial to the National Security, is not considered for selection as vendor for supply of tendered items. DISQUALIFICATIONS Even though the Tenderer meets the pre-qualifying Criteria, they could be disqualified if they have. 36.1 Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in proof of the qualification requirements. 36.2 If it is found that Tenderer’s any previous contract anywhere was cancelled for his default in last three years. 36.3 Failed to provide any clarifications related thereto. (8) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/………. 36.4 Where the Tenderer has already submitted the Tender Document and is a member of a entity which has already submitted the technical bid/ Tender document or vice versa. 36.5 If any member of a Entity is replaced or withdraws, except without prior written permission of LCTSL at any stage. 36.6 If any such information which would have entitled LCTSL to reject or disqualify the Tenderer, becomes known after the bidder has been pre-qualified. LCTSL reserves the right to cancel the pre-qualification of the Tenderer at any later stage, without assigning any reason thereof. 36.7 Where the applicant is a Joint Venture/ Partnership firm or an entity of similar nature, LCTSL may disqualify. The entire entity for any of the reasons set out above, even if it applies in respect of only one member of the Entity. 36.8 Tenderer who canvass or attempt to influence the pre/post-qualification or selection process shall necessarily be disqualified from the process at any stage. 36.9 Any entity which has been barred by Government of India/any State Government or any of its agencies from participating in tendering or otherwise and the bar subsists as on the technical bid submission date, would not be eligible to submit any technical bid document. Any Tenderer who has earlier defaulted in payment to LCTSL or has been associated as director or owner or signatory of such firm/company shall not be eligible to participate in process. A notarized affidavit to this effect shall have to be furnished by all Tenderer irrespective of their legal status. 36.10 Along with technical bids bidders have to mandatorily upload proof documents certificate ARAI approvals, photograph and others as required/mentioned in Pre-Qualification Questionnaire otherwise such bids may be disqualified. 37. Any new tenderer (who has not supplied the Fully Built buses to LCTSL) will be awarded maximum 20% of the tendered quantity subject to the minimum of 05 Nos. per firm depending upon its position in price bid that is L-1 The order for remaining quantity will be placed on the lowest prices of the Tender & will be distributed as per clause 16. 38. Tyres fitted in chassis at the time of supply should not be more than 3 months old. 39. The Tenderer has to provide Guarantee for bus body and other body materials for a period of two years or 3 lac kms whichever is later from the date of commissioning of the bus. 40. Bidder shall furnish the information on past supplies and their satisfactory performance to Govt. Departments/ STU's Attach proof of purchase. SINGNATURE OF TENDERER (WITH STAMP) SIGNATURE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR, LCTSL (WITH STAMP) (9) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/……….. Technical Specification For Midi Fully Built Ordinary CNG Bus a. STRUCTURE : Bus Body structure should be fabricated with GI tubular Pipes. b. Flooring :- Flooring of the bus has to be of minimum 3.15 mm Aluminum Chequered sheet having anti skid design. c. Paint- Only PU PAINT/ METALLIC PAINT shall be used. Colour scheme shall be approved by LCTSL separately. Exterior, Interior colour schemes as required is to be painted and logo/ graphics design will be intimated to the successful Bidder. It will be responsibility of Bidder who shall take instructions from LCTSL for such details. The Bidder shall provide the intimation on the seats for reservation for physically handicapped persons, ladies, senior citizens, other statutory information as per LCTSL requirements and also the bidder has to provide necessary signage as per bus code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) d. Paneling- Interior, Exterior and Roof Paneling : Interior Paneling has to be done by PVC Laminated GI Sheet of 0.6mm thickness conforming to AIS 052 Bus code. In exterior Paneling Skirt paneling is to be done by 2.64mm (12gauge) Aluminum sheet & Stretch Paneling is to be done by 22 gauge GI Sheet. Roof Paneling is to be done by 18 gauge Aluminum sheet. e. Wind Screen glass- As per Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) specification. Wind screen glass should be single pcs. f. Window Glass - As per Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) specification. g. Passenger Seats - The seat sets provided should conform to AIS 023 specification conforming to NDX Type-II, AIS 052 Bus Code. The PVC leather cloth of such passenger seats should be of coffee colour and should be RDSO Grade-I Type, (CG07). The chassis provided/ offered by Tenderers should have minimum wheel base such that 2x1 seating layout for 30 passenger seats can be provided in fabrication of bus body in accordance/ compliance with bus code AIS 052 h. Bumper - As per Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) specification. i. PVC Cable - As per Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) specification. j. Head light, Blinker, Horns, Wiper Motor, Back light, rear view Mirror, wiper, Blade Arms, Flasher, Wiring, Cables, Battery, Indicators etc - As per Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) specification. k. All Dimensions of the Bus have to conform to Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date) (10) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/……… BILL OF QUANTITY OFFICE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR LUCKNOW CITY TRANSPORT SERVICE LIMITED, CHARBAGH BUS STATION, LUCKNOW Website : Bill of Quantity of Tender Ordinary Midi Fully Built Bus with CNG engine: Purchase of Tender Form Dt. ………..2015 to ………….2015 up to 12.00 hrs. Pre-Bid Conference Dt. ……………...2015 up to 15.00 Hrs. Last date for submission of Tender Form is Dt. ………….2015 at 15.00 hrs. Date of opening of Technical bid is Dt. …………...2015 at 16.00 hrs. TECHNICAL BID & FINANCIAL BID FOR S.No. 1 Particulars Approx Qty Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG, should be capable to operate 40 Nos smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature as per Urban Bus Specification-2 and confirming to AIS-052 Bus code. TECHNICAL 12345- 6- 7- 8- Emission Norms : BHARAT Stage IV Length: upto 9.4 Mtr. Emission Norm : BS-III/BS-IV Norms/Latest as applicable Mounting : Column or Floor Optional Braking System : Dual circuit full air brakes, with preferable disc type arrangement for front and drum at rear brakes. Graduated hand controlled, spring actuated parking brakes acting on rear wheels (any bus delivered after 1st April 2015 with mandatorily have disk brake in front) Fully equipped with VTS/ITMS/Camera for recording inside the bus along with digital destination Board on front & rear and inside of the bus as per Specification Urban Bus Specification-2. All Chassis should be with all standard fitment including compulsory items such as Easy Ride Seat, Seven Wheels with Tyre assembly with Spare Wheel carrier, Tool kit comprises of Hydraulic Jack, Wheel Brace, Tommy bar etc. All chassis offered should be such that 30 passenger seats in 2x1 seating layout can be provided in fabrication of bus body on it in conformity with specification as per Bus Code AIS 052 (Revised up to date). SINGNATURE OF TENDERER (WITH STAMP) (11) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……./………. PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNIER FOR FULLY BUILT ORDINARY MIDI BUS ON BS-IV NORMS CHASSIS WITH MINIMUM 5545MM WHEELBASE The Technical-Bid pre-qualifications of Tenderer shall be judged with regard to following points which is mandatory, In case of not meeting these points with supporting document the Tender may be disqualified. 1. The firm should be registered chassis manufacturer. Please furnish certificate of Incorporation/Registration issued by the department of Industries and Commerce/Registrar of companies. 2. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG provided/ offered by Tenderers should have Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG BS-IV Norms; the tenderer should submit base model approval issued by ARAI. 3. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG provided by Tenderer should be fitted with BS-IV emission norms only. ARAI Certification is mandatory and documentary proof is to be submitted compulsorily. 4. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG provided by Tenderer should be fitted with engine having BS IV Norms. 5. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG provided by Tenderer for fully built ordinary buses should be fitted with synchromesh gear Box having BS IV Norms. 6. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG provided by Tenderer for fully built ordinary buses should be fitted with Power Steering only. 7. The tenderer for fully built ordinary buses should provide photographs of passenger chassis without cowl. 8. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG provided by Tenderer for Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG should be fitted tyre AS Per BS-IV Norms. 9. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG model offered in the Tender should have the approval of ARAI, Pune or any approved Government of India Agency The copy of the Test certificate issued by the ARAI should be submitted complete with details of vehicle dimensions, technical specifications of vehicle. (Attachment Of Certificate is Mandatory for Qualification) 10. Bidder should confirm adequate availability of spare parts in India and after sales services for buses offered in bid attach list. 11. 12. At the time of decision of technical bid past performance will be taken into consideration. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG should be as per AIS-052 Bus code (Revised up to date) and the design should be approved by ARAI Pune also the bus body fabricator workshop should be accredited by ARAI Pune. This certificate has to be submitted along with technical bid. The Ordinary Midi Fully Built Buses CNG should have 2x1 seating layout. Having 30 nos. passenger seats. The seat sets provided should conform to AIS 023 specification conforming to NDX Type-II, AIS 052 Bus Code. 13. SINGNATURE OF TENDERER (WITH STAMP) (12) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……./………. ANNEXURE-1A Technical specification of Midi Fully Built Ordinary Buses CNG Description ENGINE Model Type Bore/Stroke-mm No. of Cylinder Displacement Max engine output in HP Max. torque CLUTCH Model Type No. of gears Gear ratio FRONT AXLE REAR AXLE Ratio STEERING Type SUSPENSION Type Shock absorbers BRAKES Service brakes Parking brake Type Engine exhaust brake WHEELS & TYRES Wheels Tyres No. of Wheels with spare ELECTRICAL SYSTEM System Votage Battery FUEL TANK Performance Geared speed in top gear with rear axle Max. climbing capacity Ist gear with standard gear axle Minimum turning circle dia in mm Minimum turning clearance circle in mm. MAJOR DIMENSION (for Chassis in mm) Wheelbase Front overhang Rear overhang Overall length Front track Rear track Min. ground clearance Min turning circle radius. BHARAT Stage IV, Length: upto 9.4 Mtr Note : Tenderer should mention the model of the chassis offered. SINGNATURE OF TENDERER (WITH STAMP) (13) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……/……….. ANNEXURE-1B LIFE GURANTEE/WARRANTY OF THE BUS AGGREGATES ACCEPTED BY VEHICLE MANUFUCTURERS FOR Technical specification of Midi Fully Built Ordinary Buses (BS-IV Norms) of Fully Built Ordinary Buses Sl. Item In kms. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Guarantee In months In kms. CNG Warranty In months Engine Oil Filter Air Filter Gear Box Clutch Front Axle Rear Axle Steering Suspension Battery Alternator Self Others ANNEXURE-1C LIST OF COMPULSORY ITEMS ( FOR BS-IV NORMS CHASSIS) of Fully Built Ordinary Buses CNG SN 1 2 3 4 5 6 ITEMS Easy Ride Seat Spare Wheel Career with spare wheel & rim Hydraulic jack 8 ton Wheel Brace Tommy Bar Driver safety belt kit quantity To be supplied with chassis yes yes yes yes yes yes Note: All compulsory items have to be given for Midi Fully Built Ordinary Buses CNG otherwise Tender will not be considered. ANNEXURE-1D List of other items given with Midi Fully Built Ordinary Buses CNG SN ITEMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Wiper motor Kit wiper motor accessories Wheel Choke Assy link rod (wiper motor to wheel box ) Wiper arm Wiper blade CMVR Kit give details of items in the kit with quantity of each items Rear view mirror with bracket Tool Kit give details of items in the kit with quantity of each items Tool Kit give details of items with qty First aid kit Kit for spare bulb Assy bracket top (Driver seat Belt) Noise shield Mirror LH/RH VTS ITMS Camera 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 YES/NO QTY REASON IF NO Item No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 13 to be Provided as per chassis CMVR Rules and as per ARAI regulations (14) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/………. ANNEXURE-3 AFFIDAVIT Before the Authority, 1. I………………………………..aged about……son of………….……………resident of………… hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under. 2. That I have been duly authorized to swear this affidavit on behalf of M/s…………………………………….. 3. That Bidder or any of its Directors have not been:(i) Convicted of a cognizable offence by any Court of law with imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, or (ii) Imposed a penalty of rupees one crore or more for violation of the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act. 1973 (46 of 1973) (since repealed) or the Foreign Exchange Management Act. 1999 (42 of 1999), or (iii) Detained under the National Security Act. 1980 (65 of 1980) or the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. 1985 (61 of 1985), or (iv) Adjudged guilty by the Stock Exchange Board of India or any other Financial Regulatory Boards or Tribunals or Agencies, or (v) Found to be associated in any manner with an organized crime syndicate or its associate or with any Association declared unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. 1967 (37 of 1967) or any other law for the time being in force, or (vi) Found to be connected with activities prejudicial to the National Security. 4. That all the statements made or information supplied in the Bid document are true and correct. 5. I, the Bidder understand and agree that I will not be considered for selection as manufacturer or vendor for supply of New Tyre Sets if any of the above undertakings are found to be false or incorrect. __________________________ Deponent Verification I, the above named_______________________________do hereby verify on oath that the contents of paras 1 to 5 of my above affidavit are true and correct to my personal knowledge. Nothing has been concealed there from and no part of it is false. So help me god. __________________________ Deponent Date………………… To be given on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10.00 duly attested by public notary. SIGNATURE & STAMP OF BIDDER (15) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………./………. ANNEXURE-4 ON STAMP PAPER PROFORMA OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR Rs. Rs. 5,00,000/- (Five lacs Only) TOWARDS EMD Lucknow City Transport Services Limited, Lucknow Tender No.:CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/09./01 Date : .2015 This deed of Guarantee made this day of …………….………………..between a Bank incorporated under Banking Act ............................................... having H.O. at ................ and a Branch office at ........................................................................ (hereinafter called the ''bank”) on the one part and LCTSL having H.O. at Lucknow (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") of the other part. 1. Whereas Managing Director. LCTSL has called for Tender for Purchase of chassis BS-IV Norms fully Built ordinary CNG Bus (herein called the Supplier) to: …………………………………………………………………………………………… (Name of Supplier) (hereinafter called the Supplier). 3. AND WHEREAS the Supplier is bound by the said Tender to submit to the Purchaser a EMD for a total amount of Rs………………………………... …… ……………… ………………… ……………….(Amount in Figures and, words). 4. Now we undersigned (Name of the signatories)____________________ being fully authorized to sign and incur obligations for and on behalf of and in the name of ……………………..(Full name of bank) hereby declare that the said bank will guarantee the Purchaser the full amount of Rs.__________________________________________ (Amount if figure& words) 5. After the Supplier has signed the aforementioned Tender with the purchaser, the bank is engaged to pay the purchaser any amount up to and inclusive of the aforementioned full amount upon written order from the purchaser to indemnify the purchaser for any liability or damage resulting from any defects or shortcomings of the Supplier or the debt he may have incurred to any parties involved in the work under the Tender mentioned above, whether these defect or shortcomings or debts are actual or estimated or expected. The bank shall deliver the money require by the purchaser immediately on demand without the necessity of a previous notice or of judicial or administrative procedures and without it being necessary to prove to the Bank the liability or damage resulting from am defects or shortcomings or debts of the Supplier. The Bank shall pay to the Purchaser in LUCKNOW any money so demanded through demand draft payable at LUCKNOW, notwithstanding any dispute/disputes raised by the Supplier in any suit or proceedings pending before any Court, Tribunal or Arbitrator/s relating thereto and the liability under this guarantee shall be absolute and unequivocal. (16) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/………. 6. This guarantee valid for a period of ……………….……… (Duration in calendar months in figures and words) from the date of signing. (The initial period for which this Guarantee will be valid must be for at least six (6) months longer than the anticipated expiry date of Guarantee period as stated in “general terms and conditions“. We undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency without the written consent of the purchaser. 7At any time during the period in which this Guarantee is still valid, if the Purchaser agrees to grant a time extension to the Supplier or if the Supplier fails to complete the works within the time of completion as stated in this Tender, or tails to discharge himself of the liability or damages or debts as stated under Para 5, above, it is understood that the Bank will extend this Guarantee under the same conditions for the required time on demand by the Purchaser and at the cost of the Supplier. 89- 10- The guarantee herein before contained shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the bank are of the Supplier. The neglect or forbearance of the Purchaser in enforcement of payment of any moneys, the payment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of time by the purchaser for the payment hereof shall in no way relieve the bank of their liability under this deed. The Expression “the purchaser”. “The bank” And “The Supplier” hereinbefore used shall include their respective successor and assignees. In witness whereof I/we of the bank have signed and sealed this guarantee on the _________________________ day of ____________ 2015_____ being herewith duly authorized. For and eth behalf of the _____________ Signature of authorized Bank official Name: Designation/Authority No. Stamp/ Seal of the Bank Signed, sealed and delivered For and on behalf of the bank By the above named_____________ In the presence of WITNESS 1. Signature Name Address WITNESS 2. Signature Name Address bank (17) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/……../………… ANNEXURE-5 Tentative Delivery Schedule Approximate 40 Fully Built Ordinary Midi CNG Buses as per Urban Bus Specification-2 and confirming to AIS-052 Bus code (BS IV Norms) S.L. 1 2 Month Jan. 2016 Feb. 2016 Approx. No. of Buses 20 20 Above is a tentative Delivery schedule which may change by 10-15 days as per requirement of LCTSL OFFICE OF MANAGING DIRECTOR LUCKNOW CITY TRANSPORT SERVICE LIMITED, CHARBAGH BUS STATION, LUCKNOW. Website : Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/…….. Tender Documents For Ordinary 40 Nos. Midi Fully Built Buses CNG, should be capable to operate smoothly at around 480 ambient Temperature (with Registration). As per Specification UBS-2 & Confirming to AIS-052 Bus Code Tender No. (Two Bid System) Sale of Tender Form - 21.12.2015 to 11.01.2016 upto 12.00 Hrs. Pre-Bid Conference - 28.12.2015 upto 15.00 Hrs. Last Date of receipt of Tender Form (Technical/Financial) 12.01.2015 upto 15.00 Hrs. Date of opening of Technical Bid 15.01.2016 at 16.00 Hrs. - Tender fee cost Rs.- 50,000/- +VAT ( Non Refundable) FINANCIAL PART (18) Tender No.: CNG Fully Built Midi Bus/2015/………/……….. ANNEXURE-2 PRICE SCHEDULE (BS-IV Norms) of Ordinary Midi Fully Built Bus CNG With registration of the vehicle by RTO Sr. No. DESCRIPTION G Basic price of each Fully Built Ordinary Bus with Chassis FOR Destination LCTSL workshop in Lucknow Excise duty as applicable on A Automobile cess as applicable on B Education cess as applicable on B Addl. Excise duty on Chassis as applicable Total price (A+B+C+D+E) VAT As Applicable H Gross Price A B C D E F Ordinary Midi Fully Built Bus CNG on PASSENGER CHASSIS CNG (BS-IV Norms) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that rates quoted above are lowest and that no other lower rate or discount etc. other than this is quoted to any other STU’s and/or government Depts. /Undertaking. In case of such default the difference shall be recovered from us from the date of Tender (Excluding Statutory Duties). Signature & Seal of Tenderer