Minutes of the Sheltered Panel held on Tuesday, 10th December 2008 at 6 Europa Boulevard Attended Lorraine Allen (LA) Joyce Davies (JD) Barbara Epstein (BE) Peter Epstein (PE) Joanne Goodier (JG) Richard Ivers (RI) M Jerome (MJ) David Kelly (DK) - Chair Lesley Lane (LL) Pat Lloyd WPH Support Officer Curlew Court Sunningdale Sunningdale WPH Supported Hsg Co-ordinator Curlew Court Curlew Court WPH Sheltered Housing Supervisor Wye Close Guest Speaker – Age Concern Apologies Joan Clay Barbara Gann Helen Hicklin Jackie Lanigan Harriet Jarman Blackhorse Close Conway Street Mendell Close WPH Support Officer Fairview Way Minute No. Responsible Panel Member 1.0 5.1 Matters Arising from the last minutes Message in a Bottle DK advised that bottles had been distributed to all the Support Officers. 5.2 Policies and Procedures DK advised that there had been one meeting of the working group to review the procedures within the Support Officer Manual and some amends had been made. A second meeting would take place in the New Year. SHP/Mins/jg Deadline DK also advised that a new procedure relating to booking places on day trips had been put in place as a result of two letters of complaint from tenants. 2.0 2.1 Presentation by Pat Lloyd – Age Concern Pat Lloyd gave an overview of the services provided by Age Concern including: Day Care facilities based at Devonshire House for those suffering with dementia. Day care centres at Bramwell Court, Rock Ferry – transportation and lunch provided. Harvest Court – facilities available to the community. Information and Advice: Monthly surgeries with a solicitor (free half hour consultation) Financial Adviser Hospital issues. Active Ageing: Exercise and activities. Wirral Fair Trade Scheme – list of traders with a quality mark of standards. 2.2 2.3 3.0 3.1 SHP/Mins/jg Information leaflets were circulated to all those present and further copies to be distributed via the Support Officers. The panel found the talk very informative and thanked Pat for coming in to speak to them. Update on Decommissioning of LowRise Schemes DK advised that Nelson House and Whitfield Court were now completely empty and there was a notice of demolition on the schemes. This had been put out to tender and a decision would be taken in the next couple of weeks. The panel asked what the sites would be used for once demolition had taken place. DK advised that various options were being considered but no decision had been made yet. 3.2 Only one tenant remained in Barleyfield, but further viewings of properties had been arranged. Once empty, Barleyfield would be demolished too. 3.3 Although in Phase 2 of the decommissioning process, Hoose Court tenants are also slowly moving to alternative accommodation. 3.4 JG advised that she had hoped that Mr Sullivan, formerly of Whitfield Court, would be able to attend the meeting to talk about his experience of moving to alternative accommodation. Mr Sullivan had expressed an interest in joining the panel. 4.0 4.1 Editorial Panel Representatives BE advised that the “Over the Garden Wall” newsletter had not been distributed at Sunningdale. DK to investigate why and ensure that copies were distributed as soon as possible. 4.2 JG suggested that Mr Sullivan be approached to join the Editorial Panel, once he had attended a full meeting. 4.3 BE suggested that in order to persuade tenants to join, it should be emphasised that transportation to meetings would be arranged where necessary. SHP/Mins/jg DK Immediat ely JG 31.1.08 5.0 5.1 Compilation of Recipe Book BE explained that at the last Editorial Panel meeting, it had been suggested that sheltered tenants might like to take part in compiling a recipe book. 5.2 JG said that funding would need to be secured for printing the books and there would need to be further details agreed such as: number of copies to be printed quality of paper, binding, etc number of pages etc. type of recipes required would they be sold and for how much? PE suggested that a letter should be sent from WPH to local supermarkets to see if they would be willing to sponsor it. He thought they might be interested especially if proceeds went to charity. JG to speak to Supported Housing Manager to discuss possible funding options. JG 5.3 JG suggested that a sub-group be set up to discuss all the issues above. Mrs Jerome and Mrs Davies volunteered to be on the sub-group. 5.4 It was agreed that notices should be put up at schemes and an article put in the Edit Panel next newsletter. 6.0 6.1 SHP/Mins/jg Issues to be discussed with CEO at future meeting After some discussion, it was agreed that the CEO be asked to compile a list of subjects for the panel to choose a subject. JG thought it might be better for the panel to compile the list and ask the CEO to choose, but agreed to speak 31.1.08 6.1.08 with his PA to see what could be done. JG 31.1.08 6.2 Discussion took place about future speakers at next year’s meetings and it was agreed that a liaison person from the Community Police should be invited in and also a representative from the paramedics. JG 31.1.08 7.0 Computers in Sheltered Housing Schemes: Access and Training Following on from the last meeting when it was agreed that a sub-group should be set up to discuss issues of security, access and training, it was felt by the panel that it was not something with which they wished to be involved. Any Other Business DK advised that there were a number of high-backed chairs at Barleyfield that were almost new and all fire-retardant. He suggested that some should be given to Sunningdale as some of the chairs in the lounge there needed to be replaced. BE advised that they could accommodate about 10 chairs. DK 31.1.08 7.1 8.0 8.1 8.2 It was suggested that the organ at Barleyfield may be of use to the Pop-In Club at The Heights in Moreton. Jill Harding was the contact person. 9.0 9.1 Date of Next Meeting Tuesday, 10th March at 2pm at Europa Boulevard. SHP/Mins/jg DK 31.1.08