MAT 108 TUTORED MATHEMATICS Glendale Community College – Main Campus – COURSE SYLLABUS – Fall 2012 Section 14730 10:00 am -10:50 am. TR in MA-108 Section 14732 12:00 pm -12:50 pm. TR in MA-108 INSTRUCTOR E-MAIL OFFICE HOURS COURSE DESCRIPTION Kevin Fitzgerald PHONE OFFICE 623.845.3942 MA 194 Monday through Friday 10 to 10:50 am. MATH SOLUTION: Monday & Thursday 2:00 to 2:50 pm. Structured tutorial assistance and math study skills to help students achieve success in a mathematics course in which they are concurrently enrolled and attending. Mathematics study skills emphasized. May be repeated for a maximum of 10 credits. Prerequisites: None. Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment and attending in MAT 082, MAT 090, MAT 092, MAT 102, MAT 120, MAT 122, MAT 142, MAT 150, MAT 151, or permission of department chair. Working together with the tutors, your classmates and me, you will develop the skills and the confidence you need to succeed in your current mathematics course and in future mathematics courses. COURSE REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attend class regularly and be on time. More than five (5) unofficial absences will result in you receiving no credit for the course. You will be withdrawn from the course for excessive absences. Absences CANNOT be made up. Come to class prepared. Bring your textbook, class syllabus, class notes, homework notebook, current assignment, calculator (if required) and all tests & quizzes to date with you to each session. Keep up with the homework assigned in your math class. Work as many of the homework problems as you can BEFORE you come to each tutoring session. If you have difficulty completing a specific problem, indicate the page number and the problem number along with a specific reason why you had difficulty so the tutors and I can help you. “I didn’t know where to start ” is not a specific reason!! Complete occasional, brief assignments related to the development of study skills. Be a team player. Be willing to help others and be helped by others. Everyone is here for the same reason. TOGETHER EVERYONE ACCOMPLISHES MORE GRADE Grade Attendance MAT 108 Video Worksheets & other requirements A 2 or less 100 % Completed 4 / 4 Completed B 3 100 % Completed 4 / 4 Completed C 4 100 % Completed D 5 W 6 Weekly Progress Reports Due Dates 100 % Completed by due dates A copy of your concurrent math course syllabus will need to be turned in next class period. Every student must email me by the next class period. WITHDRAWALS It is the responsibility of the student to withdraw from class. However, the instructor retains the right to withdraw a student for violation of school policies outlined in the Glendale Community College Catalog. DISABILITY If you feel that you may have a disability that may have an impact on your class work and for which you may require accommodations, please speak to me after class. ABSENCE POLICY According to the GCC Student Handbook, “Official absences are those which occur when students are involved in an official activity of the college, i.e., field trips, tournaments, athletic events, and present an official absence excuse form. Absences for such events shall not count against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department. Students who must miss a class for an official reason must obtain an official absence verification card from the appropriate dean or associate dean and present it to the appropriate instructor(s) before the absence. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for make-up work. If prior arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized. Other official absences include jury duty and subpoenas. Appropriate documentation will be required. Prior arrangements must be made with each instructor for makeup work. If prior arrangements have been made, the student will not be penalized. In the event of the death of an immediate family member, absences for periods of up to one week will not be counted against the number of absences allowed by an instructor or department. Students should contact instructor(s) as soon as possible to arrange for make-up work. Appropriate documentation will be required (for example, a copy of the obituary or funeral program). In specialized programs that require clinical rotations, this regulation may not apply.” TARDINESS You are expected to be on time to class. Arriving late or leaving class early may result in a tardy. Three (3) tardies count as one (1) absence. IMPORTANT DATES Monday, January 21s1 ...................................................................... No Class - MLK Day Monday, February 18th ........................................................... No Class – President’s Day Friday, March 8th......................... Last Day for Withdrawal without Instructor’s signature Monday-Friday, March 11-15th ................................................... No Class – Spring Break Friday, April 19th..............................................Last Day for Student Initiated Withdrawal Friday, May 3rd ................................................................................. Last Day of Classes PROGRESS REPORT EMAIL The student is required to email his/her instructors of both math classes every two (2) weeks of their progress in the class for a grade of an A or B. I will send an email for you to use as a template. Please inform your math instructors that they will receive these emails throughout the semester. TEST & QUIZ REPORT EMAIL The student is required to correct tests and quizzes to earn a grade of an A. If the instructor uses an online test, the student will be required to ask their instructor for a hard copy of the test. The student must show their math instructor the corrections and send a confirmation email to both math instructors. I will send an email for you to use as a template. Please inform your math instructors that they will receive these emails throughout the semester. SOME FINAL THOUGHTS If you are willing to work with the tutors and me and if you communicate openly with us whenever you are having trouble with the material, you will succeed. Don’t be afraid to ask for help – that’s what we are here for. If you have a disability that may impact your work in this class, please see me as soon as possible so that appropriate accommodations can be arranged. In addition to my office hours, free walk-in tutoring (THE MATH SOLUTION) is available at the Northwest corner of the Math Building. Get to know your classmates. They are a valuable resource. I LOOK FORWARD TO WORKING WITH YOU THIS SEMESTER. Fitzgerald, Kevin SYLLABUS ACKNOWLEDGMENT RECEIPT (Personal contact information you give me on this form is used only for identification if I need to contact you, for example, if you leave personal items in the classroom.) Name: ________________________________________________________________________________ Last First ( Legal ) ___________________________________________ Name you want me to call you, if different from above. Email: ____________________________________________________ Phone(s): (____)______________________________ (_____)_____________________________________ Current address______________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________, Zip _____________________ Spring 2013 Semester/Year MAT 108 Course # _______ Section # I have received a copy of the course syllabus for this class. I have read it and understand the course content, class procedures, semester schedule, and what is expected of me to earn credit with a specific grade in this class. I understand the student responsibilities for college policies set forth by the college handbook and student handbook. I will turn off my cell phone during class. If circumstances are such that I cannot complete the semester, I understand that it is my responsibility to withdraw officially from the course. If I withdraw from my lecture Math class, then I must also withdraw from MAT 108. If I do not withdraw officially, I know that I will receive a course grade and that the instructor is required by law to report when I last attended class. ________________________________________ Student Signature _____________________ Date Use the space below to identify any necessary physical accommodation or special circumstance I should know about.