Scheme/Course Title: Film
Topic: Technical Introduction to Film
Subject/Unit: MyMapLeeds
Session No: 1
Duration: 2.5hrs
Filming equipment, Tripods (if available), sound recording equipment (if available).
Video Editing Software
TV/Projector Screen, Computers, Paper/flip chart and pens
3 Staff members (Tutor, Support and Technical)
Students to have an understanding of the process of making film, start to finish.
Student to be able to express their sense of place in relation to Leeds as a city/community/home.
Students to have an enhanced awareness of camera angles and framing.
Students to be able to list the types of Camera Shots in a Film
To create a Film that explores the technical aspects of filmmaking. To discuss and explain importance of
composition within an image/frame.
To gain an enhanced awareness of the roles and equipment required for Filmmaking.
Learning Outcomes:
Prior Knowledge:
Be able to produce a short film exploring “My Leeds”.
Basic understanding of
Be able to write spoken word/script for film.
Film and passionate
Be able to edit a sequence of shoots into a short film.
about learning more.
Recall and understand terminology and technical words used in film.
Gain conference in making and shooting film.
Learner Activities
10 mins
Welcome, aims and outcomes for the day:
Clarify what is expected
for today’s session.
“Film Per Learner”
Introduction to concept of Child Friendly Leeds and how films
will be used.
Child Friendly Leeds
Voice and Influence Leaflet
(on the website)
Tell us your name and what you would like to get out of coming
on this film project?
10 mins
Introduction to filming:
Watch Film examples on MyMapLeeds Review and
Breakdown camera shots into different camera angles.
Camera angle lesson
plan and hand out (on
the website)
Discussion around angles and what does “composition” mean?
Video on composition for
films (1:50 on)
25 mins
Writing Poetry/spoken word:
Read/ listen to poem or spoken word example from the website
Word association activity with:
Community, Home, City, Future, Leeds
White board/ flip chart
Find rhyming words from the list produced by young people.
Expand rhyming words to create poems/ stories.
Finish writing, review and help others.
Story Board Film.
Story boards hand outs
(on the website)
40 mins
Each member of group to perform poem/spoken word shoot
with video and sound equipment.
Think about quality of
sound recording, use
portable recorder as
backup. (Sound is Key)
Filmmaking tips video
Stop motion animation
how to video
40 mins
Allow time for file transfer
to computer network
This might take long if
computers are limited.
Choose which endings/shoots and takes.
Editing how to video
Present films to the group.
Discus and review films.
Online guide to editing
Extension discussions:
Other films, spoken words links.
Differentiated Extension Activities:
Create a making of film or review the project on film. People might finish quicker so they can
start interviewing each other.
Considerations when working with disabled or disadvantaged people:
Wheel chair access to Room, Allow time to move from locations. Mobility issues accessing
computers or using equipment.
Notes to tutors
Learners will feel uncomfortable being in front of cameras
Learners might have problems with writing
Learners will have to hear own voices and watch themselves on film. Talk about own
experiences regarding this.