Cost-Based Optimization of Service Compositions Abstract: For providers of composite services, preventing cases of SLA violations is crucial. Previous work has established runtime adaptation of compositions as a promising tool to achieve SLA conformance. However, to get a realistic and complete view of the decision process of service providers, the costs of adaptation need to be taken into account. In this paper, we formalize the problem of finding the optimal set of adaptations, which minimizes the total costs arising from SLA violations and the adaptations to prevent them. We present possible ideas to solve this complex optimization problem, and detail an end-to-end system based on our earlier work on the PREvent (prediction and prevention based on event monitoring) framework, which clearly indicates the usefulness of our model. We discuss experimental results that show how the application of our approach leads to reduced costs for the service provider, and explain the circumstances in which different lead to more or less satisfactory results. Architecture: Existing System: Instead, the open and distributed process includes tasks that are performed by services that are not centrally controlled, and hence, can be unpredictable. As a result, service outcomes themselves tend to be uncertain. Generally, the idea of PREVENT is to use event-based monitoring of composition data to generate runtime predictions of SLA violations before they have happened. Based on these predicted violations, adaptation actions are triggered with the goal of preventing the violation. Disadvantages: In our previous work, we have already shown how such adaptations can technically be applied. However, in these previous papers, the question of how the service provider can actually select these actions has not been discussed. Proposed System: The goal of this research is to develop a framework for monitoring such service systems. To establishes its feasibility, and evaluates it with scenarios and comparisons against existing proposals. It monitoring the software systems is closely tied to the monitoring of requirements and how they are realized in software. If observes and analyzes the behaviour of another (target) system, that determining qualities of interest, such as satisfaction of the target system’s requirements. Similarly, techniques to optimize application servers in a way to maximize the provider profit in distributed systems have been proposed. Advantage: Where well-specified business processes with service to perform tasks are advanced changes such as stability, feasibility, predictability. The main advantage that we see in using learning is that it is very easy to incorporate data (composition instance data, such as customer identifiers or ordered products) without the need to explicitly specify aggregation rules describing how this data influence the composition performance. ALGORITHM: IT CAN BE USED TO PROVE PROPERTIES WHEN THE SET OF STATES REACHABLE FROM AN INITIAL STATE IN A SYSTEM MODULE IS FINITE. WE CAN DISTINGUISH TWO LEVELS OF SPECIFICATION: A SYSTEM SPECIFICATION LEVEL, PROVIDED BY THE REWRITE THEORY SPECIFIED BY THAT SYSTEM MODULE WHICH DEFINES THE BEHAVIOR OF THE SYSTEM, AND A PROPERTY SPECIFICATION LEVEL, GIVEN BY SOME PROPERTY (OR PROPERTIES) Φ THAT WE WANT TO STATE AND PROVE ABOUT OUR MODULE. AN INTERACTION PROTOCOL IS DEFINED AS THE “RULES OF ENGAGEMENT” AMONG INTERACTING PARTICIPANTS. THEREFORE, INCLUDE: 1) SPECIFICITY 2) SEMANTIC 3) COMPOSABILITY IN SPECIFICITY REPRESENT INTERACTIONS AMONG SERVICES. THAT IS DOMAIN INDEPENDENT. (E.G. FOR SHIPMENT , MAY BE DOMAIN-DEPENDENT.) IN SEMANTIC CONCERN IS SEMANTIC CONTENT. I.E., THE NATURE OF THE INTERACTIONS. (REQUEST – REPLY MECHANISM). (E.G., DESTINATION, PAYMENT INFO) TO CAPTURE CONTENT. THE MESSAGE ITSELF MAY CAPTURE THE SEMANTICS TO DISTINGUISH ACTIONS, SUCH AS DIRECT, INFORM, CANCEL, AND OTHERS. FINALLY, COMPOSABILITY IS CONCERNED WITH HOW A DESIGNER MIGHT SPECIFY THE PROCESS BY COMBINING PROTOCOLS. MODULES: Customer Details Manufacturer Details Loan Approved Shipping Process Payment Gateway Customer Details: In this module the details about various customers are maintained and each has a unique id. And includes about various Manufacturers are maintained and each has a unique id. The customer selects best Manufacturer and then send quote to that Manufacturer mail account. And send his purchasing order details with some conditions. After that receive amount quote, customer check the conditions and then he take decision. If he satisfies means approach the Manufacturer. Manufacturer Details: As same as, in this module the details about various Manufacturers are maintained and each has a unique id. The Manufacturers receives item id, & consults the policy order and sends the quote to customer, and receives either accept-quote or reject-quote. When Manufacturer satisfies the condition from the customer then only he able to transact the materials to customer with help of shipper. He sends the quotation to customer. After that the customer transacts money to Manufacturer account. Manufacturer checks the account details then he giving order to shipper. Otherwise, he rejected the customer order. Loan Transaction: In this module the authentication of the customer’s to be checked their quotation and items are monitored. Then, loan approver confirms his account and quotation to be authorized/unauthorized. If, the customer to be authorized person the loan to be sanction to that specific customer. When unauthorized customer loan to be rejected. Shipping Process: The shipper who transports the physical items to the customer from Manufacturer within the given date. He receives the details about the product order and customer. Finally he check the account to be credit of not. And they know the conditions and commitments of both customer and Manufacturers. If account to be credit means he gets the orders from Manufacturers and send to that particular customer. Otherwise, reject the order. Payment Gateway: Manufacturers who authorize the customer payments for his purchase order. The customer who pays the money to his account. After payer sends payment information, eventually payer receives receipt. After payer commits to order, payer pays for order. System Specification System Requirements: Hardware Required: System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz Hard Disk : 40 GB Floppy Drive : 1.44 MB Monitor : 15 VGA color Mouse : Logitech. Keyboard : 110 keys enhanced RAM : 256 MB Software Required: O/S : Windows 08. Language : Asp.Net, c#. Data Base : Sql Server 2008.