Sample Press Release for Manufacturers MANUFACTURER LETTERHEAD FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DATE Contact: NAME PHONE MANUFACTURER NAME ENDORSES PERMANENT SALES TAX EXEMPTION FOR MANUFACTURERS CITY, Fla. – Today, name of manufacturer announced their support of the Florida manufacturing industry by endorsing Governor Scott’s proposed tax package, including the permanent elimination of the manufacturing machinery and equipment sales tax during the 2016 Florida Legislative Session. Add quote from manufacturing company owner, president, etc. If you have taken advantage of the temporary sales tax exemption, include data on how much money you saved, new equipment you purchased and how your company grew. Manufacturing is a growing industry and for that pattern to continue, we need to be competitive. The permanent sales tax exemption allows Florida companies to compete with other states and countries. Florida manufacturers simply cannot continue to expand, create more jobs and be seen as a competitive investment, without the permanent sales tax exemption on manufacturing machinery and equipment. Please consider endorsing this exemption and supporting not only the manufacturers in Florida, but your constituents and their families. ### About manufacturer name: Add short paragraph with information on your company, such as the year opened, mission, area served, and link to website.