Chestnut on the Green – Phase I

Chestnut on the Green – Phase I
Quarterly Board Meeting – 11/08/04
Board Attendees: Kim Blaze, Jon Buralli, Walter Lis, Christine Dahl, Dave
Hyland, James Novak
Homeowners: Joan Dolan, Rick Dahl, Norma Evans, Bob Wasik, Bob Wagner,
Mr. and Mrs. Mladenek
Guest Speaker: Jeff Konopack Homework (Quality College Painters)
Approved 10/11/04 Chestnut on the Green Board Meeting Minutes
Treasurer’s Report
 Reviewed Chestnut on the Green account #50.
Statement of Financial Position November 2004
Checking $3,586.00 Subtotal
Savings $82,857.00 Total Assets
Equity $82,857.00 Total Debt and Equity
Statement of Income and Expense 2004
$67,756 Total Expense
-$12,563 Net Income
Reserve Fund Report 11/6/04
$79,270.94 Total Reserves
Outstanding Deposits 11/5/04
Dues $1,568.00
Dues $1,568.00
 Three homeowners were late with assessments this month. Plan: Dave Hyland
will follow up with these homeowners and continue to provide the names of those
late with monthly assessments at each board meeting. Late fees of $25.00 per
month applied to each homeowner after the 10th of the month. Will send
homeowner to collections if continuously late with assessments.
 A winter parking ban will be effective starting December 1. No parking will be
allowed near fire hydrants. Board members felt this worked well the previous
year. Plan: Kim will post parking ban sign or send letter to alert homeowners.
Enforce parking policy as needed.
Holocek Landscaping/Snow Plowing
 Phase I is satisfied with the services of Holocek and will continue with them in the
future. Board members and homeowners happy with the job done with pond
(cattails and weeds all removed, aerator removed and stored for the season from
both ponds). Agreed ponds were dry this year, affecting the water level. Phase II
is dissatisfied with the services of Holocek. Plan: Will retain Holocek for the
Master Association and Phase I. Will anticipate new plant growth around pond
and make future plans for pond in Spring/Summer as needed.
Gutter Cleaning
 Board members and homeowners in attendance were satisfied with gutter
cleaning services done. The service also removed some of the abandoned bee
and hornets nests. Plan: Gutter cleaning service will return later in the month to
recheck gutters and finish job for winter.
Exterior Painting
 Jeff Konopack, president of Homework (Quality College Painters) was present at
the board meeting and discussed the services his company could provide. Jeff
stated they would do homes one by one, power-washing and cleaning
downspouts and gutters. Further stated they do extensive caulking to prevent
moisture, which prevents paint failure. If they see any rust while painting (such as
on nails, etc) they will sand off rust and apply a rust inhibitor prime. They will also
wash off any mold on trim before applying paint (Mold usually starts in the North
and spreads around the house). Suggested homeowners should do window
cleaning after painting of their home is complete. Best time to do painting is in
June, due to rain and project will take Homework a month. Jeff also stated he
would place his strongest leaders in charge and supervise. Quotes given
 Bob Wasik, painter with Home Depot, said he could get 40-50 painters to paint
our homes and would also like to place a bid on the painting project.
 Discussed rust from railings on Doral model homes. Rick and Christy Dahl
researched and discovered railings were probably only factory primed if at all and
this was causing extensive rusting onto cement porch. Rick and Christy sanded,
primed and painted their exterior railings with rust proof primer and paint and will
see how it holds up through spring. Will have the painter include railings in his
quote or have it done separately in spring for each homeowner. A wire brush
removes rust from cement and rod iron.
Plan: Will acquire final quotes for painting project from Jeff, Bob and others and will
decide who to hire for Spring/Summer 2005. Kim will f/u with Tru-Blue on 3-yr warranty.
Exterior Light Fixtures
 James brought research/pictures to meeting on light fixtures. Exterior light
fixtures discussed with homeowners and board members. Exterior lights are
rusting and water leakage is occurring. There are 4 lights per home and
discussed replacing all four lights in the front of homes. Board members agreed
to pay for all four light fixtures and installation for each homeowner from the
Phase I Account. Jon received a quote from an electrician (Eddie) to put in all 60
lights for $1800. Plan: James will order 4 fixtures from various stores and board
members hold against home to determine best color/design in Dec. meeting.
 Lights at entrance of Chestnut on the Green still not up. Com-ED is aware and
stated will be done in a few weeks Plan: Will follow-up with Com-ED.
Safety/ D&I Electronics
 Discussed Joan and James neighbor and the need for a phone connection to
D&I Electronics and safety issues for neighbors. Discussed issues with D&I
Electronics and the charging of homeowners for services. Should D&I be
charging homeowners for maintenance of system? Board members do not feel
they should be charging for routine maintenance. Dave will obtain a
contract/service agreement from D/I Electronics. Plan: James will let us know if
homeowner is connected to phone/D&I at next Board Meeting. Dave will bring
info on D&I Electronics contract to next meeting.
 Would like to create a business director for Homeowners so we can support each
other. Plan: Board members will work on creating this directory.
Next Board Meeting TBD