Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A Record of Equality Impact Assessment 1. Department/Service Area The Service Area being assessed is Central Print (Reprographics) which forms part of the Corporate Resources Department. This consists of the Reception/Administration Area, Printing Room and Offices. 2. Equality Areas Assessed Which of the following equality areas are being assessed: race, disability, gender, sexual orientation, religion/faith, age? The equality areas being assessed are:- Race - Disability - Gender - Age Leicestershire County Council does not currently collect information about staff’s sexual orientation or religion/faith. These equality areas therefore have not been assessed as part of the Equality Impact Assessment as no benchmark data exists for comparison of service take up. These areas will however feature in the Action Plan to be assessed in future reviews. 3. Timescale of the assessment a) What is the start date? b) What is the finish date? a) The initial assessment was carried out on the 2nd October 2008, however the process is ongoing. b) As above, we consider the EIA to be a working document, and it will be maintained and reviewed as necessary. This will be 6 monthly as a minimum or when circumstances change within the section. 1 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A 4. Who is involved in the EIA? (There should be a minimum of at least 3 officers) a) Please list name and areas of responsibility b) Are any service users or stake holders/partners involved in the assessment? Please list if possible. a) Officer 1 Central Print Manager Central Print 0116 3056128 Responsible and accountable for acting as a manager for Central Print. Officer 2 Administrative Assistant Central Print 0116 3056127 Responsible for administrative and financial duties within Central Print. Officer 3 Administrative Officer Customer Services Team 0116 3058315 Responsible for administrative and financial duties within Customer Services. b) No stakeholders or partners were consulted as part of this initial assessment; however actions will be put in place to involve Service Users in the next assessment in 6 months. 5. Policy, procedure, service assessed 2 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A a) What is its purpose? a) b) Who is it for? Central Print’s purpose is to provide an efficient and cost effective print service for Leicestershire County Council. b) Central Print acts as an internal print service for staff members of Leicestershire County Council. This includes internal sections, schools, youth services, Clerks to the Governors, Fire Service, ESPO etc. The print service also takes in additional external work if and when possible. 3 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A 6. Data Collection and Consultation a) What data has been collected on different sections of the community, e.g. on ethnic origin, disability, gender, age, faith/religion and/or sexual orientation? a) As most of the work completed by Central Print is commissioned by Leicestershire County Council, the group decided to gather information about Leicestershire as a whole, and also the make up of the County Council. Ethnic Origin Leicestershire Information on the ethnic make up of Leicestershire was taken from the 2001 Census Data, specifically from the LCC Publication “Ethnicity in Leicestershire – Key Results from the 2001 Census” On census day 2001 the Leicestershire Black, and Minority Ethnic population was 7.2% of the total population. The breakdown of ethnicity from the survey is as follows: White - British - 87% White - Irish - 1% White and Black Caribbean - 3% White and Asian - 1% Any other mixed background - 1% Indian - 5% Chinese - 1% Leicestershire County Council The draft Equality and Diversity Strategy (2008 2010) makes clear that our aim is for our workforce to reflect the make-up of the local community. The Workforce Profile of the County Council shows that we currently employ 7,774 staff (not including Schools staff). 7.89% of our workforce is from a Black or Minority Ethnic background. This is slightly above census data collected in 2001. No ethnic origin data has been gathered for Central Print to date. Central Print Manager to put data collection in place by next assessment. 4 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A b) What information is available on the different rates of satisfaction; take up of service, complaints and other relevant performance information in relation to the different groups of people outlined above? c) What consultation has been carried out and, d) Do the results provide data for different sections of the community? Disability 3.78% of our staff (excluding school staff) have declared a disability. 0 staff in Central Print have declared themselves to be disabled. Gender Leicestershire County Council’s workforce profile states that:70.92% of staff are female, 29.08% of staff are male. This is not reflected in Central Print, with 64.28% of staff male and 36.36% female. Age Leicestershire County Council’s workforce profile states that: 4.36% of employees are aged under 24 45 35% are aged between 24 and 44 years 31.07% are aged between 44 and 54 years 19.05% are aged over 55 years of age Again, this trend is not reflected in Central Print. 0.00% of employees are aged under 24 14 14.28% are aged between 24 and 44 years 64.28% are aged between 44 and 54 years 21.42% are aged over 55 years of age We do not currently have data to show the range of religions or beliefs held by our staff or their sexual orientation. Unfortunately no data on service users has been gathered in relation to the equality strands. b) No complaints or useable information relating to service take up is available. c) No service user consultation is currently being undertaken. Central Print Manager to put data collection methods in place. d) N/A 5 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A e) What other sources of information have been used to carry out this assessment? For instance: Data from local, regional or national research Equality monitoring data for the 6 equality areas Data on what reasonable adjustments have been made for disabled customers and/or employees Information on how a policy or service for other traditionally excluded groups is currently being delivered e) Data from the following sources have been used to conduct this assessment:- 6 - Draft Equality and Diversity Strategy (2008 -2010) - Ethnicity in Leicestershire – Key Results from the 2001 Census - Leicestershire County Council Workforce Profile - Disability Equality Scheme 2006 – 2009 - Equality Monitoring Information on staff make up Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A 7. Key Findings a) In summary what are the main results of the assessment? b) Which groups or individuals are most affected and? c) How does this affect their access to the service? a) Informal consultation with staff also highlighted issues within the section affecting equality. No ethnic origin data exists on staff in Central Print. This is to be gathered for Central Print enabling us to build a better picture in the make up of staff in relation to the Council, and ultimately Leicestershire as a whole. No data existing for equality areas on customer and service take up. This is needed to highlight any possible inequalities and identify the possible causes. Data on equality strands to be gathered via a customer satisfaction survey. Informal staff consultation revealed that this could be sent as a link on the response e-mail providing the job reference number. Staff feedback/ comments box also to be looked into. No viable complaints or compliments procedure currently in place. Health and Safety in the section, especially for those with disabilities to be reviewed. PEEP’s to be considered if staff consider themselves to be disabled. Access requirements also to be revised. Additional publicity to be undertaken, principally when hard to reach sections/areas have been identified. Publicity on the Intranet/Internet to be completed with relevant information. Consultation suggests the following would be useful: Timescales Pricing Standards Overview of section Services available Personal copying b), c) See Point 8 7 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A 8. Conclusions a) Does the policy, procedure or service have an adverse impact on the groups being assessed? b) If so, which groups? No current conclusions. Additional consultation with service users and staff is needed to arrive at some meaningful conclusions. Actions to be raised for further investigation and consultation. 8 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A 9. Actions a) What actions will be taken to mitigate adverse impact? b) How will these actions result in positive changes in future practices? c) What equality objectives and targets resulting from this assessment will be included in the next service plan? a) Ethnic origin data to be gathered for Central Print Data on equality strands to be gathered via a customer satisfaction survey. No viable complaints or compliments procedure currently in place. Health and Safety in the section, especially for those with disabilities to be reviewed. Additional publicity to be undertaken, principally when hard to reach sections/areas have been identified. Publicity on the Intranet/Internet to be completed with relevant information. Access requirements for the Reception also to be revised. b) These actions will benefit the department by providing essential equality monitoring information that will feed back into new and revised policies. c) All staff within Central Print to receive training on disability awareness and equality. 10. Monitoring a) How will the actions outlined above be monitored? b) Is there a need to introduce equality monitoring systems, if so by when? a) Actions to be revised in 3 months – 3rd January 2009. b) Yes – To be monitored at quarterly reviews with Head of Shared Services. 9 Equality Impact Assessment Review – APPENDIX A 11. Authorisation a) Name and position of officer authorising the EIA (this should be the head of service) Head of Shared Services 12. Contact a) Contact details of officer to discuss EIA with if different from section 11. above Central Print Manager 10